Top MBA Programs for a 620 GMAT Score

Did you score a 620 on the GMAT? Is 620 considered a good GMAT score? The short answer is that it depends. It's true that GMAT scores are a good measure of MBA cohort quality. And since an MBA is as much about learning from one’s peers as it is about learning from the professors, students place much emphasis on GMAT scores.

So do schools. GMAT scores contribute to a perception of how “elite” a school is, and they also affect positions in key rankings, which influence prospective students’ school choice. 

In terms of a 620 GMAT score, this would put a test-taker in the 63rd percentile, meaning that they’ve done better than many others. 

A GMAT score (of 620 or higher / lower) is not the be all and end all. Admissions committees take a holistic view of a candidacy, including work experience and leadership potential. There are many top business schools that do not require sky high GMAT scores, and may be happy with a 620 GMAT score. Many are accredited by the top awarding bodies and ranked by prestigious publications. 

Fortunately, many business schools publish the average GMAT score of their MBA students. This means that if you do have a GMAT score of 620, you can find MBA programs where this is similar to the average.

Should you retake the GMAT if you scored 620? It depends on which schools you are targeting, and whether you think you could score better the next time. 

These are the 10 best MBA programs for candidates with a 620 GMAT score (or thereabouts).

Athens, Georgia 14 Followers 27 Discussions

The Terry College of Business, at the University of Georgia in the US, is a good bet for those with a GMAT score of around 620. That’s because the middle range (80 percent) of the MBA cohort is between 620 and 710. The average score is 655, but the school accepts those with far lower scores. The school is ranked by The Economist, so it’s one of the top 100 MBA providers worldwide. 

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Tampa, Florida 11 Followers 13 Discussions
South Florida USF

The University of South Florida is an outlier in the business school world. It is accredited by AACSB and is ranked as among America’s best MBAs by US News. Yet the average GMAT is around 570, far below what you’d expect for an accredited and top ranked business school. That means those with a 620 GMAT score would be among the most desirable applicants. 

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 32 Followers 55 Discussions
Pittsburgh - Katz

Another top US institution that does not demand sky high GMAT scores is the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh. The average GMAT score is around 610, putting it well within range of those who score about 620. The school offers both a two-year and a one-year MBA, which keeps the opportunity cost of not working low.

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Bedford, United Kingdom 44 Followers 413 Discussions

Triple-accredited Cranfield University School of Management is one of the UK’s best business schools, ranked by both The Economist and the FT. What’s more, the average GMAT score is lower than you would expect: 640. The range is wider, however: 600-710. While a 620 GMAT score is near the bottom of the range, it’s still competitive. Cranfield boasts a strong alumni network of more than 28,000 members in over 130 countries worldwide. 

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St. Gallen, Switzerland 44 Followers 142 Discussions
St. Gallen

The average GMAT at the University of St Gallen in the German speaking region of Switzerland is 634, far below peer schools on a similar par. St Gallen is renowned for research prowess and its graduates do particularly well in the financial sector. The average salary overall is about $110,000. 

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Sydney, Australia 39 Followers 91 Discussions

The minimum GMAT score required by AGSM at UNSW Business School in Australia is just 550 – so, a candidate with a GMAT score of 620 can certainly apply. But the school was the first in Australia to be accredited by AACSB and is also ranked by the FT, so the teaching quality is high. Sydney is the financial capital of Australia and the gateway to the world’s fastest-growing economic region, Southeast Asia.

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Edinburgh, United Kingdom 35 Followers 268 Discussions
Edinburgh UEBS

The minimum GMAT score required for admission to University of Edinburgh Business School is just 600, putting it well within range of applicants who scored around 620. The business school is ranked by the FT and especially highly for career progression. Edinburgh has a growing tech hub and has long been one for commerce more generally.  

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Rotterdam, Netherlands 82 Followers 225 Discussions
RSM Rotterdam

The average GMAT score at the Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherlands is above 620, but the average score of 633 is low when you consider how good the MBA program is. RSM has “triple crown” accreditation from EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA and is ranked by the Financial Times. 

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Berlin, Germany 159 Followers 175 Discussions
ESMT Berlin

The ESMT MBA has a relatively low GMAT score that does not befit the quality of the business school: 640. The range is as low as 550 and as high as 710. ESMT was established by global corporations including Bosch and Siemens, so the curriculum is relevant to industry needs. Graduate prospects are rosy, especially in Berlin, a fast-growing hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. 

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Lisbon, Portugal 12 Followers 32 Discussions

The Lisbon MBA has in recent years developed a strong reputation, having been ranked number one for international experience by the FT in 2019. The average GMAT score there is 645. Students split their time between Católica-Lisbon and Nova SBE in Europe, at the MIT Sloan in the US, and also do an internship or practical project in Asia. 

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