Top 10 MBAs for Global Mobility

Many MBA graduates are landing a job in a new country as global mobility rebounds from the shock of the Covid pandemic. Students are using business school as a springboard to diverse international locations and to work for multinational companies with operations across multiple continents.

Business schools have large alumni around the world, a valuable network for those embarking on a global career path or working for a multinational company.

Some schools operate several campuses across multiple continents, with MBA students rotating between these international locations to expand their global networks and gain international perspectives, in multicultural classes comprised of dozens of different nationalities. Most schools will also offer other global study trips and exchange programs with dozens of other academic institutions, on top of internships with multinational companies and even language classes on top of regular tuition fees.

Others operate in global financial and business hubs themselves, and have close connections to multinational companies operating in their home cities, links that help MBA graduates secure jobs there.

Rotterdam, Netherlands 82 Followers 225 Discussions
RSM Rotterdam

RSM scored first placing in the international mobility rank, as part of the FT’s broader MBA ranking, in 2022. RSM’s full-time MBA classroom is 99 percent international, and many students value that the Netherlands hosts multinational companies, such as Unilever and Philips.

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St. Gallen, Switzerland 44 Followers 142 Discussions
St. Gallen

The school in Switzerland scores highly for global career mobility. Partly because it offers a wide range of exchange opportunities at more than 160 business schools worldwide, offering a way for students to immerse themselves in different business environments and cultures.

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Berlin, Germany 159 Followers 175 Discussions
ESMT Berlin

ESMT Berlin’s MBA has significant international and intercultural components, emphasizing global strategic management. ESMT also collaborates with international business schools to bring its students global learning and career opportunities.

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Mannheim, Germany 81 Followers 221 Discussions

Mannheim in Germany aims to prepare students for international management. During the degree, students can take courses at renowned partner institutions aboard, compete a global internship, and learn a new language.

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Nice, France 30 Followers 152 Discussions

Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, EDHEC scores highly for the international mobility of its MBA alumni. The school stands out for the diversity of its participants (99 percent are of international origin) and their focus on pursuing an international career or working in a multicultural environment.

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Lausanne, Switzerland 46 Followers 156 Discussions

IMDin Switzerland has enduring strength in the international mobility of its alumni, having come top in this category in the FT’s global MBA ranking based on mobility before their MBA, and on graduation three years after, for a few years running.

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Jouy-en-Josas, France 101 Followers 388 Discussions
HEC Paris

HEC offers students the opportunity to acquire core knowledge and skills in an international context. International mobility is a strong trend in post-MBA career outcomes, with 66 percent of the class securing employment outside of their home countries within three months of graduation.

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Hong Kong, Hong Kong (PRC) 31 Followers 162 Discussions
HKUST - Hong Kong Campus

HKUST is based in Hong Kong, considered a gateway to the fast-growing economies of Asia, as well as being a global financial center in its own right. The HKUST MBA program has over 5,000 alumni around the world, a valuable network for those embarking on a global career path or working for a multinational company.

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Fontainebleau, France 74 Followers 309 Discussions
INSEAD - Europe Campus

With campuses in France, Singapore, Abu Dhabi – and a base in San Francisco to boot – INSEAD offers a truly global MBA experience, with students – who come from more than 80 different nationalities themselves – rotating between the three main campuses. It’s 63,000-strong alumni group works across 177 countries, too. 

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Paris cedex 11, France 10 Followers 83 Discussions
ESCP - Paris

ESCP has campuses across Europe — in France, the UK, Germany, Spain, Poland and Italy. It’s MBA students will live and study in two of these locations, in a multicultural class comprised of 35 different nationalities. The program itself was designed in order to provide professionals with a deeper understanding of global business.

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