West coast programmes?


Greetings. I wonder if anybody can help me form a list of top few MBA programmes in the Western states of the USA. I think mainly of California, Oregon, Arizona and Wahsington. Thanks a bunch! Milly

Greetings. I wonder if anybody can help me form a list of top few MBA programmes in the Western states of the USA. I think mainly of California, Oregon, Arizona and Wahsington. Thanks a bunch! Milly

Hi Milly...I think in California, we're probably talking about some of the UC (University of California) schools, Pepperdine, Stanford. But not sure everyone would agree. :-)

Hi Milly...I think in California, we're probably talking about some of the UC (University of California) schools, Pepperdine, Stanford. But not sure everyone would agree. :-)

oh, and santa clara too. I could i forget?!

oh, and santa clara too. I could i forget?!

Thanks! Any ideas about Oregon, Washington, or Arizona? Would be thankful for your opinions.

Thanks! Any ideas about Oregon, Washington, or Arizona? Would be thankful for your opinions.

hi milly. let's not forget about U. of Washington in Seattle, which is a top MBA program. Arizona and Arizona State are also supposed to have solid business programs. Not sure at all about Oregon.

about California, i would pretty much agree with the above listing, but i would also add the marshall school at USC, and perhaps specifiy that UCLA and UC Berkeley both have world class programs.

hi milly. let's not forget about U. of Washington in Seattle, which is a top MBA program. Arizona and Arizona State are also supposed to have solid business programs. Not sure at all about Oregon.

about California, i would pretty much agree with the above listing, but i would also add the marshall school at USC, and perhaps specifiy that UCLA and UC Berkeley both have world class programs.

list is good so far, but i see univesrity of california in irvine is also a high ranked school for somethings. anybody know where the best sunshine is ? :)

list is good so far, but i see univesrity of california in irvine is also a high ranked school for somethings. anybody know where the best sunshine is ? :)

anybody know where the best sunshine is ? :)

University of San Diego and UCLA would be good for that ;-)

<blockquote>anybody know where the best sunshine is ? :)</blockquote>

University of San Diego and UCLA would be good for that ;-)

As I just posted in another thread, UCLA Anderson has a very good reputation. The Economist even ranks it among the top 20 MBA programs worldwide (see http://mba.eiu.com/index.asp?layout=2002rankings&rank_category_id=20000002)

As I just posted in another thread, UCLA Anderson has a very good reputation. The Economist even ranks it among the top 20 MBA programs worldwide (see http://mba.eiu.com/index.asp?layout=2002rankings&rank_category_id=20000002)

UCLA should be the best bet...

UCLA should be the best bet...

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