UCLA vs Ross



I am French and was admitted to both Michigan and UCLA. I am now hesitated between the two schools. I am leaning towards UCLA since I want to work in the high-tech sector after graduation and, after 3 years of experience in Taiwan, I hope to work with Asia (I speak Chinese fluently). On the top of that, life in LA looks more exciting than the one in Ann Arbor.

Still, in the rankings, Michigan is ranked very high and UCLA is rather on the downside.

I know that many say rankings are biaised and should not be taken for granted but I would like to ask you guys about your opinion and/or experience.

Thanks in advance.


I am French and was admitted to both Michigan and UCLA. I am now hesitated between the two schools. I am leaning towards UCLA since I want to work in the high-tech sector after graduation and, after 3 years of experience in Taiwan, I hope to work with Asia (I speak Chinese fluently). On the top of that, life in LA looks more exciting than the one in Ann Arbor.

Still, in the rankings, Michigan is ranked very high and UCLA is rather on the downside.

I know that many say rankings are biaised and should not be taken for granted but I would like to ask you guys about your opinion and/or experience.

Thanks in advance.

Go to Michigan.

Go to Michigan.

I think that rankings are obviously not everything. UCLA also has a good reputation. I would choose a school in a city which has an industry that supports your sector, which seems more like UCLA. I've received this advice from a lot of people who say that the surrounding network is just as important as the actual coursework. But, you mentioned Asia. Are you planning on moving there after graduation, or staying in the States and working with the Asian market?

I think that rankings are obviously not everything. UCLA also has a good reputation. I would choose a school in a city which has an industry that supports your sector, which seems more like UCLA. I've received this advice from a lot of people who say that the surrounding network is just as important as the actual coursework. But, you mentioned Asia. Are you planning on moving there after graduation, or staying in the States and working with the Asian market?

Go to UCLA, is a better school. You need to factor international brand recognition.

Go to UCLA, is a better school. You need to factor international brand recognition.

Go to UCLA, is a better school. You need to factor international brand recognition.

They are peer schools buddy. I would go to UCLA if:

1. you plan to be in SoCal
2. Media / Entertainment
3. Asia

Otherwise, Michigan is typically considered the stronger all around program.

<blockquote>Go to UCLA, is a better school. You need to factor international brand recognition.</blockquote>

They are peer schools buddy. I would go to UCLA if:

1. you plan to be in SoCal
2. Media / Entertainment
3. Asia

Otherwise, Michigan is typically considered the stronger all around program.

Looks like UCLA - it's got the Asian angle and the high-tech sector going for it, both of which you're looking for. Good luck!

Looks like UCLA - it's got the Asian angle and the high-tech sector going for it, both of which you're looking for. Good luck!

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