Torn Between Ivey and RSM: What Would You Choose?


Hey MBA community,
I’m at a crossroads and could really use your insights. I’ve been accepted to both the Ivey and RSM full-time MBA programs, with a generous scholarship from Ivey covering nearly 50% of tuition. However, I’m struggling to decide which path to take, and here’s why:
Ivey: The top-ranked program in Canada, with a good reputation for its community and learning experience. But I’ve been hearing some concerning things about Canada’s economic situation—rising inflation, limited career growth, and a high cost of living. Add to that the harsh winters, and I’m wondering if Canada is a sustainable option long-term.
RSM: The Netherlands, on the other hand, seems to offer more opportunities within Europe and even places like the UAE. But when it comes to the quality of the program, and career services, RSM doesn’t quite seem to match up. Conversations with current students and alumni haven’t painted the most glowing picture of the learning experience or the bonds between the community—especially compared to Ivey, where alumni rave about the lifelong connections and the value they gained from the program.
Career outcomes seem fairly similar between the two schools, but I’m torn because Ivey stands out in terms of the community and program quality, while RSM has the edge in terms of post-graduation life and broader opportunities in Europe.
As for my career path, it’s still evolving. I’m leaning toward consulting, but I haven’t fully committed to it yet. I recognize that waiting for perfect clarity might mean delaying opportunities, so I’m ready to make a decision and move forward. If I were completely certain about my goals, I’d likely find my way without the need for an expensive MBA. So, while career alignment is important, I’m seeking a broader, more flexible approach that can accommodate different possibilities.
If I do choose consulting, language could be an issue in the Netherlands, whereas that’s not a problem in Canada. But then again, only 10-12% of Ivey grads get into MBB, and RSM’s numbers for MBB are even lower.
Life in the Netherlands could be better—lower crime, more stable incomes, and the weather (while not great) is still miles better than Canada’s winters. But I’ve also heard that career progression in Europe isn’t all that strong either. I've been trying to understand which country offers better opportunities overall.
So, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Is there something I’m missing in this decision-making process? Also, if anyone here has studied at either Ivey or RSM, I’d love to hear your experiences and insights. Your feedback would be incredibly valuable in helping me make this decision!

Hey MBA community,
I’m at a crossroads and could really use your insights. I’ve been accepted to both the Ivey and RSM full-time MBA programs, with a generous scholarship from Ivey covering nearly 50% of tuition. However, I’m struggling to decide which path to take, and here’s why:
Ivey: The top-ranked program in Canada, with a good reputation for its community and learning experience. But I’ve been hearing some concerning things about Canada’s economic situation—rising inflation, limited career growth, and a high cost of living. Add to that the harsh winters, and I’m wondering if Canada is a sustainable option long-term.
RSM: The Netherlands, on the other hand, seems to offer more opportunities within Europe and even places like the UAE. But when it comes to the quality of the program, and career services, RSM doesn’t quite seem to match up. Conversations with current students and alumni haven’t painted the most glowing picture of the learning experience or the bonds between the community—especially compared to Ivey, where alumni rave about the lifelong connections and the value they gained from the program.
Career outcomes seem fairly similar between the two schools, but I’m torn because Ivey stands out in terms of the community and program quality, while RSM has the edge in terms of post-graduation life and broader opportunities in Europe.
As for my career path, it’s still evolving. I’m leaning toward consulting, but I haven’t fully committed to it yet. I recognize that waiting for perfect clarity might mean delaying opportunities, so I’m ready to make a decision and move forward. If I were completely certain about my goals, I’d likely find my way without the need for an expensive MBA. So, while career alignment is important, I’m seeking a broader, more flexible approach that can accommodate different possibilities.
If I do choose consulting, language could be an issue in the Netherlands, whereas that’s not a problem in Canada. But then again, only 10-12% of Ivey grads get into MBB, and RSM’s numbers for MBB are even lower.
Life in the Netherlands could be better—lower crime, more stable incomes, and the weather (while not great) is still miles better than Canada’s winters. But I’ve also heard that career progression in Europe isn’t all that strong either. I've been trying to understand which country offers better opportunities overall.
So, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Is there something I’m missing in this decision-making process? Also, if anyone here has studied at either Ivey or RSM, I’d love to hear your experiences and insights. Your feedback would be incredibly valuable in helping me make this decision!

Based on the information you've shared, here are a few key thoughts to consider as you make this important decision:

1. Career goals: While consulting is a possibility, it seems you're still exploring options. Both programs could potentially support a consulting path, but Ivey may have a slight edge for MBB placement in Canada. That said, RSM's European location could open up more diverse opportunities across industries and countries.

2. Program quality and experience: Ivey appears to have the advantage here, with strong alumni reviews of the community and learning experience. This is an important factor, as the MBA is an intensive experience and the network you build can be extremely valuable long-term.

3. Location and long-term prospects: The Netherlands does seem to offer some quality of life advantages over Canada (milder weather, potentially lower cost of living). However, language could be a barrier for some roles. Canada's economic challenges are worth considering, but keep in mind economic conditions can change over time.

4. Financial considerations: The substantial scholarship from Ivey is significant and shouldn't be overlooked. This could reduce your financial burden and ROI timeline.

5. Global mobility: If you're interested in opportunities beyond just Canada or the Netherlands, RSM's location in Europe might provide easier access to roles across the EU and potentially the Middle East.

Given these factors, here's what I would advise:

1. Dig deeper into specific career outcomes for international students at both schools, especially in fields you're considering beyond consulting. Look at employment reports and reach out to recent alumni.

2. Critically evaluate your comfort level with potentially needing to learn Dutch for some roles if you choose RSM. Are you prepared for that investment?

3. Consider your long-term goals beyond just your first post-MBA job. Which location aligns better with where you want to be in 5-10 years?

4. Don't underestimate the value of program quality and network. Ivey's strong reviews in this area are a significant point in its favor.

5. Evaluate the total cost of attendance (including living expenses) for both options, factoring in Ivey's scholarship. This could impact your decision and future financial flexibility.

Ultimately, both are strong options. If the program experience and network are top priorities, Ivey might be the better choice, especially with the scholarship. If you're prioritizing European career options and quality of life factors, RSM could be the way to go.

I'd encourage you to have frank conversations with the career services teams at both schools about your specific situation and goals. Their insights on realistic outcomes for someone with your background could be invaluable in making this decision.

Based on the information you've shared, here are a few key thoughts to consider as you make this important decision:

1. Career goals: While consulting is a possibility, it seems you're still exploring options. Both programs could potentially support a consulting path, but Ivey may have a slight edge for MBB placement in Canada. That said, RSM's European location could open up more diverse opportunities across industries and countries.

2. Program quality and experience: Ivey appears to have the advantage here, with strong alumni reviews of the community and learning experience. This is an important factor, as the MBA is an intensive experience and the network you build can be extremely valuable long-term.

3. Location and long-term prospects: The Netherlands does seem to offer some quality of life advantages over Canada (milder weather, potentially lower cost of living). However, language could be a barrier for some roles. Canada's economic challenges are worth considering, but keep in mind economic conditions can change over time.

4. Financial considerations: The substantial scholarship from Ivey is significant and shouldn't be overlooked. This could reduce your financial burden and ROI timeline.

5. Global mobility: If you're interested in opportunities beyond just Canada or the Netherlands, RSM's location in Europe might provide easier access to roles across the EU and potentially the Middle East.

Given these factors, here's what I would advise:

1. Dig deeper into specific career outcomes for international students at both schools, especially in fields you're considering beyond consulting. Look at employment reports and reach out to recent alumni.

2. Critically evaluate your comfort level with potentially needing to learn Dutch for some roles if you choose RSM. Are you prepared for that investment?

3. Consider your long-term goals beyond just your first post-MBA job. Which location aligns better with where you want to be in 5-10 years?

4. Don't underestimate the value of program quality and network. Ivey's strong reviews in this area are a significant point in its favor.

5. Evaluate the total cost of attendance (including living expenses) for both options, factoring in Ivey's scholarship. This could impact your decision and future financial flexibility.

Ultimately, both are strong options. If the program experience and network are top priorities, Ivey might be the better choice, especially with the scholarship. If you're prioritizing European career options and quality of life factors, RSM could be the way to go.

I'd encourage you to have frank conversations with the career services teams at both schools about your specific situation and goals. Their insights on realistic outcomes for someone with your background could be invaluable in making this decision.

Hey, to start both are great schools you cannot really go wrong with both. Ivey is a great brand for Canada and the US (potentially). For the middle east or Europe go for RSM. MBA schools really have their targeted countries and alumni network. In the Netherlands, you don't need to know Dutch (a lot of international companies have HQ there :)

Best advice I can give you is to think long term: Where do you see yourself living + working. And potentially have children (if you want some) and more importantly feel happy and safe :)

Good luck!

[Edited by Andy776 on Oct 16, 2024]

Hey, to start both are great schools you cannot really go wrong with both. Ivey is a great brand for Canada and the US (potentially). For the middle east or Europe go for RSM. MBA schools really have their targeted countries and alumni network. In the Netherlands, you don't need to know Dutch (a lot of international companies have HQ there :)

Best advice I can give you is to think long term: Where do you see yourself living + working. And potentially have children (if you want some) and more importantly feel happy and safe :)<br><br>
Good luck!

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