Hult International Business School

Hi Bal1der,

Even I am admitted to HULT's London Program 10.

Had you been to their Dubai program where in they test the leadership qualities etc etc.... how was it and what more you have done R&D on it?

If you dont mind can I have your personal id as well?

Hi Bal1der,

Even I am admitted to HULT's London Program 10.

Had you been to their Dubai program where in they test the leadership qualities etc etc.... how was it and what more you have done R&D on it?

If you dont mind can I have your personal id as well?

Well, if that's so, I would love to see a detailed breakdown of recruitment by company and role for Hult. Why do they lump it together and not give specific recruitment details on the website?

After speaking to them, do you think they have anything to hide about their recruitment? If not, they really should post up a detailed recruitment breakdown.

Do you know exactly how many people were recruiting by McKinsey/BCG/Bain? And into which roles?

I'm surprised that the foreign consulting offices would recruit from Hult and not schools like INSEAD and LBS. Last I heard, INSEAD has a very high number of people who go into top consulting firms - is that true for Hult too?

Well, if that's so, I would love to see a detailed breakdown of recruitment by company and role for Hult. Why do they lump it together and not give specific recruitment details on the website?

After speaking to them, do you think they have anything to hide about their recruitment? If not, they really should post up a detailed recruitment breakdown.

Do you know exactly how many people were recruiting by McKinsey/BCG/Bain? And into which roles?

I'm surprised that the foreign consulting offices would recruit from Hult and not schools like INSEAD and LBS. Last I heard, INSEAD has a very high number of people who go into top consulting firms - is that true for Hult too?

Hi Fishball,

Please have a look at the following links

this links shows the break up of the jobs secured by students and at what time.

This link shows the list of the recruiters.

Now is this data not trustful?

Hi Fishball,

Please have a look at the following links

this links shows the break up of the jobs secured by students and at what time.

This link shows the list of the recruiters.

Now is this data not trustful?

Hi sagarsabnis

Truth be told, those links aren't too helpful - they're not as detailed as what I've been looking for.

For example, LBS breaks down exactly to how many students were hired by McKinsey in 2009 (21 students) and the % of career changers. Hult's website just lumps them all and gives a general overview.

By the way, I've been looking at people in PE/VC/MC/IB, and I'm hard pressed to find anybody in the better organizations that graduated from Hult. So if you could point me to anybody at a top firm who is a Hult alum, I would appreciate it.

Hi sagarsabnis

Truth be told, those links aren't too helpful - they're not as detailed as what I've been looking for.

For example, LBS breaks down exactly to how many students were hired by McKinsey in 2009 (21 students) and the % of career changers. Hult's website just lumps them all and gives a general overview.

By the way, I've been looking at people in PE/VC/MC/IB, and I'm hard pressed to find anybody in the better organizations that graduated from Hult. So if you could point me to anybody at a top firm who is a Hult alum, I would appreciate it.

Hi guys, I'm from Asia and a confirmed student of HULT BOSTON campus this summer. I'd like to share my opinion about your discussion.

Why you guys focused on compare HULT with Insead or London Business School? They are absolutely not in the same level in terms of 1) brand reputation 2) PRE-MBA background of students 3) POST-MBA starting salary 4) proportion of students entering IB or Consulting firms such as Goldman Sachs/Morgan stanley/Mckinsey/Bain. I think it's common sense.

To be frank, I do not think HULT can catch up either INSEAD or LBS in the next ten years. In fact, HULT is making great efforts to learn from Insead and LBS,. For example, in 2008 many students complained career service is not good enough, so HULT decisively fired the whole career service team and invite assistant director of Insead CS team to become HULT CS director (empower she to hire new staff and devise new CS strategy).

However, should all HULT students be shame about HULT and themselves? Absolutely not!!! On the contrary, we should be very proud of HULT for its stupendous achievement since 2003.

As we know, HULT is just a very small Boston located school belongs to a firm (the oldest management consulting firm Arthur D. Little) from 1964 to 2003, enroll less than 40 full time students per year, never show up in any international recognized ranking...

However, since Arthur D. Little sold the school to EF (the world?s largest private education company) and renamed HULT (the name of EF big boss is Bertil HULT), everything have been changed drastic and completely!

In my opinion, the biggest changes for HULT since the turnpoint of 2003 are the following four aspects:

1. Recruit truly world class faculty (you can check via ).
BTW, most HULT professors have very solid experience of corporation management or entrepreneurship, some of them are not Phd so maybe not good at doing research but they are currently or have been long served as senior VPs in companies, their very rich experience in real business combined with HULT?s action-learning curriculum that emphasises practical skills, definitely help students learn more efficiently and effectively thus standout immediately after graduation.

2. Showcase in globally respected MBA ranking, which is unimaginable before 2003.

Newest Financial times global full time ranking: 94th in January 2010
BTW: 5th for International mobility rank, 22th for career progress rank, 37th for value for money rank

Newest Economist global full time ranking: 44th in October 2009
BTW: 6th for increase in salary, 9th for students diversity, 9th for internationalism of alumni, 11th for education experience, 15th for Jobs found through the career service

3. Become a truly global business school by
1) establish dedicated campus in five cities and keep the same standard of learning experience everywhere. Every students can choose to study in a home campus of BOSTON/San Francisco/London/Dubai for the first nine months and spend the last three months in other campus(up to two) including Shanghai.
2) Focused on enroll students from all over the world and made the proportion of Non-US students around 90%. This definitely makes the students background very diversified and globalized. Combined with its unique campus rotation program in last 3 months, HULT definitely standout in such a globalized environment.

4. Promote the brand image and increase the brand influence all-round.

On one hand, before 2003, the school only provides full time MBA education in Boston with around 40 students per year. However, my full time MBA peers of August 2010 entrance will be 220 in Boston campus, 120 in San Francisco campus, 120 in London campus, 60 in Dubai campus. That means HULT?s full time enrollment increase from 50/Y in 2003 to 500/Y in 2010!!! Moreover, HULT already provides part-time MBA, EMBA and EDP program in Dubai campus; undergraduate degree and four kinds of master degree program in London campus?

On the other hand, HULT try to using its sincerity, scholarship, and unique ?Executive Track Program? to attract ?star? students. HULT hold a special event twice a year in one HULT campus(2009 in London, 2010 in Dubai), HULT pays for the flight and accommodation of all the participator confirmed students, besides some networking activities, the participator students will join a very intensive assessment center be evaluated their leadership skill potential. One thirds of the participator will be rewarded finally join the ?Executive Track Program?, which means they can not only have some extra leadership training class through their MBA program but also be allocated a mentor(a very senior accomplished business professional) to give him useful advice about polishing leadership skills and career plan, as well as networking resources. From my ETP communication experience, I firmly believe at least around 50 people, or one tenth of HULT full-time students body, are strong enough(Both GMAT and working experience) to join TOP 15 Global MBA.

Last but not the least, HULT has been more active in attending or even arranging some business case competition, guest lecture, seminar, info session, etc. You can check via:

In conclusion, HULT made tremendous progress only after 2003, especially when it finish its global layout in late 2009. Nobody can deny its amazing improvement speed.
Now the whole program system (including undergraduate, part-time and full-time MBA, other master degree, EMBA, EDP ) and five campus have been fully developed, with EF?s consistent investment and fast growing power of worldwide alumni, HULT definitely has a very bright future.

I don?t wanna to predict when HULT can be compared with Insead or LBS, that?s still too long a way to go, maybe ten years later we can start to discuss this issue. But I do believe HULT is currently a better choice compared with MBA program neither tradition top 30 in North American nor top 20 in Europe, and still moving forward its ranking step by step. With the quick rising influence of HULT worldwide, of course there will be more graduate land a job in IB/MC/PE/VC, in case you'd like to define the main criteria of a top MBA program are how many POST-MBA students entering those firms.

PS: HULT isn't suitable for everybody. Because it's a rigorous one-year program, you need to have strong experience(average of full time HULT MBA is 7 years). GMAT isn't very important but you need at least 680+ if you want to join the ETP program or get very attractive scholarship. And I personally won't recommand HULT if you want totally switch industry POST-MBA because one year is a little bit too intensive for study only(HULT needs around 60 credits in one year) and not enough time for seeking related internship. BTW, money isn't a problem for you, not only it's can provide scholarship up to half tuition but also a no-cosign loan up to half tuition too.

Hi guys, I'm from Asia and a confirmed student of HULT BOSTON campus this summer. I'd like to share my opinion about your discussion.

Why you guys focused on compare HULT with Insead or London Business School? They are absolutely not in the same level in terms of 1) brand reputation 2) PRE-MBA background of students 3) POST-MBA starting salary 4) proportion of students entering IB or Consulting firms such as Goldman Sachs/Morgan stanley/Mckinsey/Bain. I think it's common sense.

To be frank, I do not think HULT can catch up either INSEAD or LBS in the next ten years. In fact, HULT is making great efforts to learn from Insead and LBS,. For example, in 2008 many students complained career service is not good enough, so HULT decisively fired the whole career service team and invite assistant director of Insead CS team to become HULT CS director (empower she to hire new staff and devise new CS strategy).

However, should all HULT students be shame about HULT and themselves? Absolutely not!!! On the contrary, we should be very proud of HULT for its stupendous achievement since 2003.

As we know, HULT is just a very small Boston located school belongs to a firm (the oldest management consulting firm Arthur D. Little) from 1964 to 2003, enroll less than 40 full time students per year, never show up in any international recognized ranking...

However, since Arthur D. Little sold the school to EF (the world?s largest private education company) and renamed HULT (the name of EF big boss is Bertil HULT), everything have been changed drastic and completely!

In my opinion, the biggest changes for HULT since the turnpoint of 2003 are the following four aspects:

1. Recruit truly world class faculty (you can check via ).
BTW, most HULT professors have very solid experience of corporation management or entrepreneurship, some of them are not Phd so maybe not good at doing research but they are currently or have been long served as senior VPs in companies, their very rich experience in real business combined with HULT?s action-learning curriculum that emphasises practical skills, definitely help students learn more efficiently and effectively thus standout immediately after graduation.

2. Showcase in globally respected MBA ranking, which is unimaginable before 2003.

Newest Financial times global full time ranking: 94th in January 2010
BTW: 5th for International mobility rank, 22th for career progress rank, 37th for value for money rank

Newest Economist global full time ranking: 44th in October 2009
BTW: 6th for increase in salary, 9th for students diversity, 9th for internationalism of alumni, 11th for education experience, 15th for Jobs found through the career service

3. Become a truly global business school by
1) establish dedicated campus in five cities and keep the same standard of learning experience everywhere. Every students can choose to study in a home campus of BOSTON/San Francisco/London/Dubai for the first nine months and spend the last three months in other campus(up to two) including Shanghai.
2) Focused on enroll students from all over the world and made the proportion of Non-US students around 90%. This definitely makes the students background very diversified and globalized. Combined with its unique campus rotation program in last 3 months, HULT definitely standout in such a globalized environment.

4. Promote the brand image and increase the brand influence all-round.

On one hand, before 2003, the school only provides full time MBA education in Boston with around 40 students per year. However, my full time MBA peers of August 2010 entrance will be 220 in Boston campus, 120 in San Francisco campus, 120 in London campus, 60 in Dubai campus. That means HULT?s full time enrollment increase from 50/Y in 2003 to 500/Y in 2010!!! Moreover, HULT already provides part-time MBA, EMBA and EDP program in Dubai campus; undergraduate degree and four kinds of master degree program in London campus?

On the other hand, HULT try to using its sincerity, scholarship, and unique ?Executive Track Program? to attract ?star? students. HULT hold a special event twice a year in one HULT campus(2009 in London, 2010 in Dubai), HULT pays for the flight and accommodation of all the participator confirmed students, besides some networking activities, the participator students will join a very intensive assessment center be evaluated their leadership skill potential. One thirds of the participator will be rewarded finally join the ?Executive Track Program?, which means they can not only have some extra leadership training class through their MBA program but also be allocated a mentor(a very senior accomplished business professional) to give him useful advice about polishing leadership skills and career plan, as well as networking resources. From my ETP communication experience, I firmly believe at least around 50 people, or one tenth of HULT full-time students body, are strong enough(Both GMAT and working experience) to join TOP 15 Global MBA.

Last but not the least, HULT has been more active in attending or even arranging some business case competition, guest lecture, seminar, info session, etc. You can check via:

In conclusion, HULT made tremendous progress only after 2003, especially when it finish its global layout in late 2009. Nobody can deny its amazing improvement speed.
Now the whole program system (including undergraduate, part-time and full-time MBA, other master degree, EMBA, EDP ) and five campus have been fully developed, with EF?s consistent investment and fast growing power of worldwide alumni, HULT definitely has a very bright future.

I don?t wanna to predict when HULT can be compared with Insead or LBS, that?s still too long a way to go, maybe ten years later we can start to discuss this issue. But I do believe HULT is currently a better choice compared with MBA program neither tradition top 30 in North American nor top 20 in Europe, and still moving forward its ranking step by step. With the quick rising influence of HULT worldwide, of course there will be more graduate land a job in IB/MC/PE/VC, in case you'd like to define the main criteria of a top MBA program are how many POST-MBA students entering those firms.

PS: HULT isn't suitable for everybody. Because it's a rigorous one-year program, you need to have strong experience(average of full time HULT MBA is 7 years). GMAT isn't very important but you need at least 680+ if you want to join the ETP program or get very attractive scholarship. And I personally won't recommand HULT if you want totally switch industry POST-MBA because one year is a little bit too intensive for study only(HULT needs around 60 credits in one year) and not enough time for seeking related internship. BTW, money isn't a problem for you, not only it's can provide scholarship up to half tuition but also a no-cosign loan up to half tuition too.

A decent post. But I was just wondering whether Hult would ever give a detailed breakdown of their placements :)

But thanks for sharing, really appreciate it.

A decent post. But I was just wondering whether Hult would ever give a detailed breakdown of their placements :)

But thanks for sharing, really appreciate it.

A decent post. But I was just wondering whether Hult would ever give a detailed breakdown of their placements :)

But thanks for sharing, really appreciate it.

I'm even not a HULT student now, so no contact with HULT's Career Service team, I can't figure out the breakdown of placements, but I also wanna to share my opinions:

1. from this past recruiter list, seems like POST-MBA career of HULT students are as good as even Harvard/Standford/Wharton, but please remember, the essence of any job placement report is only advertisement. So what's a good advertisement? I'm a Sales Manager in the past 3 years, from my own experience, I would say a good advertisement should be 1)tell the truth, never tell any lie 2)use tactics to focus on your strengths and play down your weakness So I don't think HULT will break down its placement report as detailed as Insead/LBS, why?? I personally think that their past recruiter list is just a combination of all good companies once recruited HULT students since 2003, for example, maybe only 1 guy enter into McKinsey since 2003, HULT will surely put McKinsey into recruiter list onlie... Can we say that HULT is a liar?? OF COURSE NOT!!
If I'm the director of HULT career service team, I would do the same thing:) However, I would make the placement report a little bit more detail. I would add the "trend" to it. So people can know HULT POST-MBA CAREER prospect is improving year by year, people would have more confidence in HULT!! Sometimes your position isn't the most important thing, but your direction and speed, just my opinion...

As I mentioned in the above post, HULT isn't suitable for everybody. Take my self for example, I have no interest in IB/Consulting, I will follow my current semiconductor industry POST MY MBA, I need a world-class business education to complement my undergraduate EE education, I need to spend the first 9 month in BOSTON so I can even tap into some recources of Harvard/MIT and spend the last 3 month in San Francisco so I can be more convienient to land a job in semiconductor companies from Califonia, Arizona, Texas. I got a attactive scholarship from HULT. I don't want to spend 2 years for MBA. Don't you think HULT is the best choice for me and similar people?
Again, if you had no previous experience in IB/Consulting, and wanna to land such a job POST-MBA, I suggest you take more consideration for your decision. Besides, everything is possible POST-HULT! I'm only familiar with CHINA, the truth here is your POST-MBA Job prospect become more and more depend on your PRE-MBA job! Maybe someone can tell me the truth in U.S or Europe now, thanks!

<blockquote>A decent post. But I was just wondering whether Hult would ever give a detailed breakdown of their placements :)

But thanks for sharing, really appreciate it.</blockquote>

I'm even not a HULT student now, so no contact with HULT's Career Service team, I can't figure out the breakdown of placements, but I also wanna to share my opinions:

1. from this past recruiter list, seems like POST-MBA career of HULT students are as good as even Harvard/Standford/Wharton, but please remember, the essence of any job placement report is only advertisement. So what's a good advertisement? I'm a Sales Manager in the past 3 years, from my own experience, I would say a good advertisement should be 1)tell the truth, never tell any lie 2)use tactics to focus on your strengths and play down your weakness So I don't think HULT will break down its placement report as detailed as Insead/LBS, why?? I personally think that their past recruiter list is just a combination of all good companies once recruited HULT students since 2003, for example, maybe only 1 guy enter into McKinsey since 2003, HULT will surely put McKinsey into recruiter list onlie... Can we say that HULT is a liar?? OF COURSE NOT!!
If I'm the director of HULT career service team, I would do the same thing:) However, I would make the placement report a little bit more detail. I would add the "trend" to it. So people can know HULT POST-MBA CAREER prospect is improving year by year, people would have more confidence in HULT!! Sometimes your position isn't the most important thing, but your direction and speed, just my opinion...

As I mentioned in the above post, HULT isn't suitable for everybody. Take my self for example, I have no interest in IB/Consulting, I will follow my current semiconductor industry POST MY MBA, I need a world-class business education to complement my undergraduate EE education, I need to spend the first 9 month in BOSTON so I can even tap into some recources of Harvard/MIT and spend the last 3 month in San Francisco so I can be more convienient to land a job in semiconductor companies from Califonia, Arizona, Texas. I got a attactive scholarship from HULT. I don't want to spend 2 years for MBA. Don't you think HULT is the best choice for me and similar people?
Again, if you had no previous experience in IB/Consulting, and wanna to land such a job POST-MBA, I suggest you take more consideration for your decision. Besides, everything is possible POST-HULT! I'm only familiar with CHINA, the truth here is your POST-MBA Job prospect become more and more depend on your PRE-MBA job! Maybe someone can tell me the truth in U.S or Europe now, thanks!

I'm even not a HULT student now, so no contact with HULT's Career Service team, I can't figure out the breakdown of placements, but I also wanna to share my opinions:

1. from this past recruiter list, seems like POST-MBA career of HULT students are as good as even Harvard/Standford/Wharton, but please remember, the essence of any job placement report is only advertisement. So what's a good advertisement? I'm a Sales Manager in the past 3 years, from my own experience, I would say a good advertisement should be 1)tell the truth, never tell any lie 2)use tactics to focus on your strengths and play down your weakness So I don't think HULT will break down its placement report as detailed as Insead/LBS, why?? I personally think that their past recruiter list is just a combination of all good companies once recruited HULT students since 2003, for example, maybe only 1 guy enter into McKinsey since 2003, HULT will surely put McKinsey into recruiter list onlie... Can we say that HULT is a liar?? OF COURSE NOT!!
If I'm the director of HULT career service team, I would do the same thing:) However, I would make the placement report a little bit more detail. I would add the "trend" to it. So people can know HULT POST-MBA CAREER prospect is improving year by year, people would have more confidence in HULT!! Sometimes your position isn't the most important thing, but your direction and speed, just my opinion...

The question is, if other schools are willing to publish detailed placement reports, Why doesn't Hult do the same?

What are they hiding?

It's not a matter of advertising, or lying. It's a question of transparency - to an MBA graduate, getting a decent job after graduation is important. Hult should be transparent in who hired, how many were hired, etc. The basic placement questions. Is it ethical to intentionally mislead people by not being transparent? I certainly wouldn't be happy attending a school with that ethos.

Why does the President of Hult's Consulting Club claim that then Hult is a CORE recruiting school for top firms like Mckinsey/BCG etc? Was he lying?

I'm even not a HULT student now, so no contact with HULT's Career Service team, I can't figure out the breakdown of placements, but I also wanna to share my opinions:

1. from this past recruiter list, seems like POST-MBA career of HULT students are as good as even Harvard/Standford/Wharton, but please remember, the essence of any job placement report is only advertisement. So what's a good advertisement? I'm a Sales Manager in the past 3 years, from my own experience, I would say a good advertisement should be 1)tell the truth, never tell any lie 2)use tactics to focus on your strengths and play down your weakness So I don't think HULT will break down its placement report as detailed as Insead/LBS, why?? I personally think that their past recruiter list is just a combination of all good companies once recruited HULT students since 2003, for example, maybe only 1 guy enter into McKinsey since 2003, HULT will surely put McKinsey into recruiter list onlie... Can we say that HULT is a liar?? OF COURSE NOT!!
If I'm the director of HULT career service team, I would do the same thing:) However, I would make the placement report a little bit more detail. I would add the "trend" to it. So people can know HULT POST-MBA CAREER prospect is improving year by year, people would have more confidence in HULT!! Sometimes your position isn't the most important thing, but your direction and speed, just my opinion...

The question is, if other schools are willing to publish detailed placement reports, Why doesn't Hult do the same?

What are they hiding?

It's not a matter of advertising, or lying. It's a question of transparency - to an MBA graduate, getting a decent job after graduation is important. Hult should be transparent in who hired, how many were hired, etc. The basic placement questions. Is it ethical to intentionally mislead people by not being transparent? I certainly wouldn't be happy attending a school with that ethos.

Why does the President of Hult's Consulting Club claim that then Hult is a CORE recruiting school for top firms like Mckinsey/BCG etc? Was he lying?


Please read my above post, I have pasted it below for your reading. MC is not the core career that Hult students are interested in. The primary focus of the students, school, careers is international business.

Let me first start off my advising you that no Career Services DEPT of any school will serve you a job on a plate. If you are not qualified coming in, you will be far pressed to secure a good job. You mention in your post, "to an MBA graduate, getting a decent job after graduation is important." If you are not confident that you can get a "decent" job prior to coming into B-school, you are probably not MC caliber.

At Hult, we have a niche we fill within our club internationally in terms of the consulting industry.

Again, if you read previous posts you will see that the MCs do not recruit on-Hult campus. This would be an ineffective use of time; rather members are invited to private industry events. Hult IBS is not a MC breeding ground like HBS or INSEAD.

Why career services does not post exact figures? Why don't you drop an email into the school and ask? In fact, on a majority, most graduate programs DO NOT adhere to this practice.

If you think going to any MBA program guarantees you a position within the consulting industry, you are well mistaken. Based on your comments and interpretation and critical reasoning of this post - you have a very steep learning curve.

My contact information is posted. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you are truly considering putting an application into Hult and I will give you the contact information for this year's Tier 1 MC hires thus far.

As mentioned prior, most students pursue positions in the international business field. Management Consulting is an area that Hult Students fill internationally.

This year, students from the consulting club were recruited from: BCG, McKinsey, Bain and Monitor.

The majority of the US based positions in MC are filled by HBS - if you dream of becoming "McKinsey guy" you have better odds there.

Hult and HBS have completely different models and programs. Both offering uniquely different experiences that are not comparable.

Please read my above post, I have pasted it below for your reading. MC is not the core career that Hult students are interested in. The primary focus of the students, school, careers is international business.

Let me first start off my advising you that no Career Services DEPT of any school will serve you a job on a plate. If you are not qualified coming in, you will be far pressed to secure a good job. You mention in your post, "to an MBA graduate, getting a decent job after graduation is important." If you are not confident that you can get a "decent" job prior to coming into B-school, you are probably not MC caliber.

At Hult, we have a niche we fill within our club internationally in terms of the consulting industry.

Again, if you read previous posts you will see that the MCs do not recruit on-Hult campus. This would be an ineffective use of time; rather members are invited to private industry events. Hult IBS is not a MC breeding ground like HBS or INSEAD.

Why career services does not post exact figures? Why don't you drop an email into the school and ask? In fact, on a majority, most graduate programs DO NOT adhere to this practice.

If you think going to any MBA program guarantees you a position within the consulting industry, you are well mistaken. Based on your comments and interpretation and critical reasoning of this post - you have a very steep learning curve.

My contact information is posted. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you are truly considering putting an application into Hult and I will give you the contact information for this year's Tier 1 MC hires thus far.

As mentioned prior, most students pursue positions in the international business field. Management Consulting is an area that Hult Students fill internationally.

This year, students from the consulting club were recruited from: BCG, McKinsey, Bain and Monitor.

The majority of the US based positions in MC are filled by HBS - if you dream of becoming "McKinsey guy" you have better odds there.

Hult and HBS have completely different models and programs. Both offering uniquely different experiences that are not comparable.

WoW Andy. Bang On !!!

WoW Andy. Bang On !!!

Why career services does not post exact figures? Why don't you drop an email into the school and ask? In fact, on a majority, most graduate programs DO NOT adhere to this practice.

Well, let's substitute management consulting with investment banking, or private equity, or venture capital...

Anyway, you've mentioned that most students going to Hult have a focus on International Business, so I'll take your word for it.

You're quite wrong about schools not posting detailed placement records though. Just a small sample of the schools that I browsed.

MIT Sloan

Chicago Booth



Nobody mentioned that the MBA program "guarantees" a position in consulting. I never did say that, it seems that you might have misinterpreted what I've said. Perhaps, it's your critical reasoning that is flawed.

I'm a little more familiar with the Career Offices of an MBA program than you give me credit for. It's pretty common knowledge that you've got to do a decent bit of leg work if you want certain jobs, high demand jobs.

But certain schools tend to have better placement in certain roles and industries - maybe the students are better qualified, smarter, etc - I won't speculate, and for that reason, if you want to enter those said roles/industries, you might be better off going to those schools.


For the record, the only reason I asked about management consulting was because in the earlier posts, Ahmad Ashkar, Hult student and acting President of the consulting club posted

"Bain and BCG are spin-offs of Arthur D. Little; we are the former Arthur D. Little School of Management, so I am sure one could deduct that we are as you say, "a core" school. "

In response to my statement

"I'm curious because I don't see Hult as a core school for McKinsey recruitment nor do McKinsey recruit on campus apparently."

So, that's why I asked you about management consulting.


I think all in all, if Hult is the best school you can get in, and you really want to do "international business development", then you should definitely go there. Unfortunately for me, since I've such a steep learning curve, I don't think I'll be able to attend Hult, this year, or next year, or even the year after...

Good luck then, I hope you enjoy your time at Hult and achieve whatever your post-MBA dreams might be, which would be going to semiconductors.

I guess you'll find out whether

"But I do believe HULT is currently a better choice compared with MBA program neither tradition top 30 in North American nor top 20 in Europe, and still moving forward its ranking step by step. "


Why career services does not post exact figures? Why don't you drop an email into the school and ask? In fact, on a majority, most graduate programs DO NOT adhere to this practice.


Well, let's substitute management consulting with investment banking, or private equity, or venture capital...

Anyway, you've mentioned that most students going to Hult have a focus on International Business, so I'll take your word for it.

You're quite wrong about schools not posting detailed placement records though. Just a small sample of the schools that I browsed.

MIT Sloan

Chicago Booth



Nobody mentioned that the MBA program "guarantees" a position in consulting. I never did say that, it seems that you might have misinterpreted what I've said. Perhaps, it's your critical reasoning that is flawed.

I'm a little more familiar with the Career Offices of an MBA program than you give me credit for. It's pretty common knowledge that you've got to do a decent bit of leg work if you want certain jobs, high demand jobs.

But certain schools tend to have better placement in certain roles and industries - maybe the students are better qualified, smarter, etc - I won't speculate, and for that reason, if you want to enter those said roles/industries, you might be better off going to those schools.


For the record, the only reason I asked about management consulting was because in the earlier posts, Ahmad Ashkar, Hult student and acting President of the consulting club posted

"Bain and BCG are spin-offs of Arthur D. Little; we are the former Arthur D. Little School of Management, so I am sure one could deduct that we are as you say, "a core" school. "

In response to my statement

"I'm curious because I don't see Hult as a core school for McKinsey recruitment nor do McKinsey recruit on campus apparently."

So, that's why I asked you about management consulting.


I think all in all, if Hult is the best school you can get in, and you really want to do "international business development", then you should definitely go there. Unfortunately for me, since I've such a steep learning curve, I don't think I'll be able to attend Hult, this year, or next year, or even the year after...

Good luck then, I hope you enjoy your time at Hult and achieve whatever your post-MBA dreams might be, which would be going to semiconductors.

I guess you'll find out whether

"But I do believe HULT is currently a better choice compared with MBA program neither tradition top 30 in North American nor top 20 in Europe, and still moving forward its ranking step by step. "


Hi Fishball,

Maybe you are a little bit biased, let me give my reasons.

I have stated very clear in my two post above, the core issue of my explanation is that 1)at this stage or maybe in the next five years, HULT isn?t suitable for every MBA seeker but just some few 2) Hult currently is only a better choice compared with MBA programs neither tradition top 30 in North American nor tradition top 20 in Europe.

if you have check the mentioned , I?d like to ask whether have you noticed the sentence of *Selected list of employers since 2001? in the lower left quarter , do you think is there someone naïve enough to think that the recruiter list is just only in last year?? Everybody has his own career plan, so he absolutely will ask the admission officer for detailed information of his ideal companies or industries. If the answer is negative or still vague, I think the applicant will surely make his own judgment for whether or not continue his application. For example, in my application case, I showed my doubt about the placement and she immediately sent more detailed version to me. Just so simple, is it your mentioned ethics or even lie??

Take a look at some other top programs in newest 2010 U.S NEWS FULL TIME MBA program ranking, let?s focused on the similar level school instead of Magic 7. At first It?s you who complain that one shouldn?t compare HULT with INSEAD/LBS, why you be so self-contradictory to compare the career service with your sanctity??? It?s make no sense and completely unfair!!

After compared HULT?s ( , ) with the following school, what?s your true feeling? Everybody is a liar or unethical???

Washington University in St. Louis (Olin) Full time MBA 2010 US news RANKING 19th
Ohio State University (Fisher) Full time MBA 2010 US news RANKING 21th
Georgia Tech Full time MBA 2010 US NEWS RANKING 26th
University of Wisconsin?Madison Full time MBA 2010 US NEWS RANING 27th
University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) Full time MBA 2010 US NEWS RANKING 31th
Boston University Full time MAB 2010 US NEWS RANKING 31th
Texas A&M Full time MBA 2010 US NEWS RANKING 33th
Boston College Full time MBA 2010 US NEWS RANKING 39th

And you mentioned that HULT are doing unethical things just because they are not transparent as your list LBS/MIT/CHICAGO/Wharton/Columbia, so you must have great interests in ethics issue, right? So let?s talk about ethics. Tell me what?s your motivation about going to Bain or other MC/IB/VC/PE which you are very proud of? The highest probability is that you just wanna to make more money in Bain, very simple, right? Are you heading to Bain to payback to the country or promote ethics in the society?? I knew one Chinese Guy abandon Wharton and choose Yale, just cause Yale is more prestigious for NGO career development, that kind of man is more suitable to talk about ethics! If you are working for a NGO instead of Bain POST-MBA, I think maybe you are more qualified to talk about ethics, right?

Moreover ,I have already mentioned HULT is too young for the accumulalted reputation of INSEAD/LBS/MIT/CHICAGO, for the highest salary recruiters especially MC/IB/PE/VC, they still need time to accept a new brand, however, with HULT?s very high improvement speed, it?s just a matter of time and won't be very long!

My understanding of AASHKAR mentioned that HULT is core school of some consulting firms: Because of HULT?s BOSTON location and its former nature of ?Arthur D. Little school?(BCG comes from ADL, Bain comes from BCG), HULT consulting club members have more communication, networking or even interview chance compared with the same level school. Even though most of HULT students are not intend to enter into MC/IB, still HULT has alumni working in McKinsey/Bain/Deloitte consulting/Accenture/Glodman/Morgan Stanley, etc. If you wanna to know the details, drop a email to HULT career service or even HR in your Bain.

I major in EE for undergraduate and works in semiconductor industry, I have no clear idea about strategic thinking compared to you guys working in Bain as a consultant, however, I?d like to share about my opinion about what's a good strategy!
Again, HULT is a young school, if he wants to catch up INSEAD/LBS/MIT/CHICAGO/COLUMBIA etc, he shouldn?t only fully copy what?s the top 10 are doing now, or even shouldn?t follow the old rules of MBA market, if HULT try to identify its career service success with how many students land a job in MC/IB/VC/PE, it?s commit suicide! Especially in HULT?s current young stage and the worldwide financial crisis!
Instead, HULT should break the too old rules of judge a school by how many of its students entering into MC/IB/VC/PE but follow a new role, that?s means to enter into a more attractive and practical niche market! After success in the niche market for some times, maybe 5 to 10 years, HULT can decide whether or not to renew its position and strategy, to pay more attention to the so called ?up-scale? red sea(MC/IB/VC/PE), as the brand reputation of HULT will already almost fully established then.

So the question is where is HULT?s blue sea niche?? My opinion is the following combination:
1) international students who are interested in receiving a high quality MBA education in U.S(HULT?s Boston or San Francisco campus) or emerging market(HULT?s Dubai or Shanghai campus), who like to totally immersed on a very diversified environment to understand the true meaning of globalization
2) who already has a successful career path, want to stay in the current or related industry for POST-MBA, general speaking, not MC/IB/VC/PE. The opportunity cost for two years full time study is too high for them, so them prefer one year program
3) who has solid work experience(average of HULT is 7 years) compared with the average working experience of 3 to 4 years of other top U.S MBA program. For common 30 years old HULTer, they are a little bit old both for other top school and MC/IB/VC/PE.
4) whose GMAT is not very high (Three reason: 1. busy working 2. leaving school too long 3.don?t care so spend little time in preparing GMAT) but don?t care about scholarship
5) whose GMAT is 690 to 740 but do care about attractive scholarship/loan and value for money, sometimes they even can?t afford the normal cost of other TOP U.S program. HULT can provide scholarship(up to half of tuition) and no-cosign loan(up to half of tuition), so for some candidate they only have to pay for the living cost. But for the total cost of other top programs, most of them no less than 170000 US dollars. Not everybody can pay for that money or easier for such high scholarship/loan especially in economy crisis and average dim career placement!

I think that most of HULT students meet most of the above criteria, so if HULT can help its niche students to achieve their goals, don?t you think HULT is a very good choice for students and contribute to MBA education meanwhile? One can define HULT is a bad school only as HULT can?t help its students to realize their career plan, but for the majority of HULT students, they are even not interested in land a job in MC/IB/VC/PE, so how can there be many HULT students start their first POST-MBA job in McKinsey/BCG/Goldman/Blackrock etc? There are many other great companies in the world, such as GE/Johnson&Johnson/IBM/P&G/Oracle/HSBC/Big Four, HULT alumni are already very active in these companies. My opinion is that as long as HULT efficiently and effectively helped its students to achieve its POST-MBA career, HULT deserve respect rather than despise, right?

You mentioned that if HULT is the best choice that I can get in ?
I?d like to say that depends on your define of ?best?, I got GMAT 700, 5 years working experience in a U.S semiconductor distributor, three years as a sales manager. I have great confidence that I can get other offers at least from some tradition top 30 U.S MBA programs, in fact I never applied other U.S school. One of my peers (a Chinese girls), she even got offer from Yale in 2008 but abandon it due to her family issue at that time. And I also knew at least another Chinese guy abandon Boston College?s offer and choose HULT. So don?t have bias or even look down upon HULT students only because of you are hired by Bain, OK? Truly smart people won?t choose a MBA program only by its ranking but of course take into consideration of many complex issue.

Anyway, I don't wanna to offense you, just wanna explain the truth more clearly because maybe you are too familiar with top 10 program but less knowledge about the other choice.

Hi Fishball,

Maybe you are a little bit biased, let me give my reasons.

I have stated very clear in my two post above, the core issue of my explanation is that 1)at this stage or maybe in the next five years, HULT isn?t suitable for every MBA seeker but just some few 2) Hult currently is only a better choice compared with MBA programs neither tradition top 30 in North American nor tradition top 20 in Europe.

if you have check the mentioned , I?d like to ask whether have you noticed the sentence of *Selected list of employers since 2001? in the lower left quarter , do you think is there someone naïve enough to think that the recruiter list is just only in last year?? Everybody has his own career plan, so he absolutely will ask the admission officer for detailed information of his ideal companies or industries. If the answer is negative or still vague, I think the applicant will surely make his own judgment for whether or not continue his application. For example, in my application case, I showed my doubt about the placement and she immediately sent more detailed version to me. Just so simple, is it your mentioned ethics or even lie??

Take a look at some other top programs in newest 2010 U.S NEWS FULL TIME MBA program ranking, let?s focused on the similar level school instead of Magic 7. At first It?s you who complain that one shouldn?t compare HULT with INSEAD/LBS, why you be so self-contradictory to compare the career service with your sanctity??? It?s make no sense and completely unfair!!

After compared HULT?s ( , ) with the following school, what?s your true feeling? Everybody is a liar or unethical???

Washington University in St. Louis (Olin) Full time MBA 2010 US news RANKING 19th
Ohio State University (Fisher) Full time MBA 2010 US news RANKING 21th
Georgia Tech Full time MBA 2010 US NEWS RANKING 26th
University of Wisconsin?Madison Full time MBA 2010 US NEWS RANING 27th
University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) Full time MBA 2010 US NEWS RANKING 31th
Boston University Full time MAB 2010 US NEWS RANKING 31th
Texas A&M Full time MBA 2010 US NEWS RANKING 33th
Boston College Full time MBA 2010 US NEWS RANKING 39th

And you mentioned that HULT are doing unethical things just because they are not transparent as your list LBS/MIT/CHICAGO/Wharton/Columbia, so you must have great interests in ethics issue, right? So let?s talk about ethics. Tell me what?s your motivation about going to Bain or other MC/IB/VC/PE which you are very proud of? The highest probability is that you just wanna to make more money in Bain, very simple, right? Are you heading to Bain to payback to the country or promote ethics in the society?? I knew one Chinese Guy abandon Wharton and choose Yale, just cause Yale is more prestigious for NGO career development, that kind of man is more suitable to talk about ethics! If you are working for a NGO instead of Bain POST-MBA, I think maybe you are more qualified to talk about ethics, right?

Moreover ,I have already mentioned HULT is too young for the accumulalted reputation of INSEAD/LBS/MIT/CHICAGO, for the highest salary recruiters especially MC/IB/PE/VC, they still need time to accept a new brand, however, with HULT?s very high improvement speed, it?s just a matter of time and won't be very long!

My understanding of AASHKAR mentioned that HULT is core school of some consulting firms: Because of HULT?s BOSTON location and its former nature of ?Arthur D. Little school?(BCG comes from ADL, Bain comes from BCG), HULT consulting club members have more communication, networking or even interview chance compared with the same level school. Even though most of HULT students are not intend to enter into MC/IB, still HULT has alumni working in McKinsey/Bain/Deloitte consulting/Accenture/Glodman/Morgan Stanley, etc. If you wanna to know the details, drop a email to HULT career service or even HR in your Bain.

I major in EE for undergraduate and works in semiconductor industry, I have no clear idea about strategic thinking compared to you guys working in Bain as a consultant, however, I?d like to share about my opinion about what's a good strategy!
Again, HULT is a young school, if he wants to catch up INSEAD/LBS/MIT/CHICAGO/COLUMBIA etc, he shouldn?t only fully copy what?s the top 10 are doing now, or even shouldn?t follow the old rules of MBA market, if HULT try to identify its career service success with how many students land a job in MC/IB/VC/PE, it?s commit suicide! Especially in HULT?s current young stage and the worldwide financial crisis!
Instead, HULT should break the too old rules of judge a school by how many of its students entering into MC/IB/VC/PE but follow a new role, that?s means to enter into a more attractive and practical niche market! After success in the niche market for some times, maybe 5 to 10 years, HULT can decide whether or not to renew its position and strategy, to pay more attention to the so called ?up-scale? red sea(MC/IB/VC/PE), as the brand reputation of HULT will already almost fully established then.

So the question is where is HULT?s blue sea niche?? My opinion is the following combination:
1) international students who are interested in receiving a high quality MBA education in U.S(HULT?s Boston or San Francisco campus) or emerging market(HULT?s Dubai or Shanghai campus), who like to totally immersed on a very diversified environment to understand the true meaning of globalization
2) who already has a successful career path, want to stay in the current or related industry for POST-MBA, general speaking, not MC/IB/VC/PE. The opportunity cost for two years full time study is too high for them, so them prefer one year program
3) who has solid work experience(average of HULT is 7 years) compared with the average working experience of 3 to 4 years of other top U.S MBA program. For common 30 years old HULTer, they are a little bit old both for other top school and MC/IB/VC/PE.
4) whose GMAT is not very high (Three reason: 1. busy working 2. leaving school too long 3.don?t care so spend little time in preparing GMAT) but don?t care about scholarship
5) whose GMAT is 690 to 740 but do care about attractive scholarship/loan and value for money, sometimes they even can?t afford the normal cost of other TOP U.S program. HULT can provide scholarship(up to half of tuition) and no-cosign loan(up to half of tuition), so for some candidate they only have to pay for the living cost. But for the total cost of other top programs, most of them no less than 170000 US dollars. Not everybody can pay for that money or easier for such high scholarship/loan especially in economy crisis and average dim career placement!

I think that most of HULT students meet most of the above criteria, so if HULT can help its niche students to achieve their goals, don?t you think HULT is a very good choice for students and contribute to MBA education meanwhile? One can define HULT is a bad school only as HULT can?t help its students to realize their career plan, but for the majority of HULT students, they are even not interested in land a job in MC/IB/VC/PE, so how can there be many HULT students start their first POST-MBA job in McKinsey/BCG/Goldman/Blackrock etc? There are many other great companies in the world, such as GE/Johnson&Johnson/IBM/P&G/Oracle/HSBC/Big Four, HULT alumni are already very active in these companies. My opinion is that as long as HULT efficiently and effectively helped its students to achieve its POST-MBA career, HULT deserve respect rather than despise, right?

You mentioned that if HULT is the best choice that I can get in ?
I?d like to say that depends on your define of ?best?, I got GMAT 700, 5 years working experience in a U.S semiconductor distributor, three years as a sales manager. I have great confidence that I can get other offers at least from some tradition top 30 U.S MBA programs, in fact I never applied other U.S school. One of my peers (a Chinese girls), she even got offer from Yale in 2008 but abandon it due to her family issue at that time. And I also knew at least another Chinese guy abandon Boston College?s offer and choose HULT. So don?t have bias or even look down upon HULT students only because of you are hired by Bain, OK? Truly smart people won?t choose a MBA program only by its ranking but of course take into consideration of many complex issue.

Anyway, I don't wanna to offense you, just wanna explain the truth more clearly because maybe you are too familiar with top 10 program but less knowledge about the other choice.

Andy, I actually wrote an email to address what you've wrote - unfortunately, it didn't get posted and it's now lost. And I don't have the time to go through the whole thing again :(

In a nutshell

1. Don't assume what my motivations are. ;)
2. I'm reading you and I agree on the following points

i. Hult is not a good school for people that want to change careers into MC/IB/PE/VC/HF. It's not comparable to the traditional top 30 schools.

ii. At the moment, Hult isn't the best school, but who knows over time what will happen. It may possibly improve it's position.

iii. Students that would get the most out of Hult would be those that older, want to stay in their current industry (therefore a 1 year program) and would be overly concerned about the cost of things.

I think it can be summarized up to those points. :)

If we both do agree on those points, then it's all good!

Andy, I actually wrote an email to address what you've wrote - unfortunately, it didn't get posted and it's now lost. And I don't have the time to go through the whole thing again :(

In a nutshell

1. Don't assume what my motivations are. ;)
2. I'm reading you and I agree on the following points

i. Hult is not a good school for people that want to change careers into MC/IB/PE/VC/HF. It's not comparable to the traditional top 30 schools.

ii. At the moment, Hult isn't the best school, but who knows over time what will happen. It may possibly improve it's position.

iii. Students that would get the most out of Hult would be those that older, want to stay in their current industry (therefore a 1 year program) and would be overly concerned about the cost of things.

I think it can be summarized up to those points. :)

If we both do agree on those points, then it's all good!


Hi Fishball, if everybody have no prejudice about something unfamiliar and focus on to clarify the truth, I think it's very useful for people come to this forum. So I should state that welcome everybody's opinion, challenge, dispute or whatever. Because truth can only be more clear after rational argument.

As we mentioned before, HULT made amazing improvement only after 2003, especially when its worldwide five campus, undergraduate/master/MBA/EMBA training system have been fully established in Late 2009, HULT definitely is too young to be recognized or even known well by some people and some recruiters. However, if someone dig more deep into HULT, maybe his perspective will be totally changed.

Let's return to your conclusion, though I don't agree with them, but I do appreciate your sharing:)

You mentioned"HULT is not a good school for people that want to change careers into MC/IB/PE/VC/HF."
I agree. Especially 1)for people have no related experience or really huge passion in these industries. 2)Current so high employment rate 3) HULT's current young stage

You mentioned "HULT is not comparable to the traditional top 30 schools."
I disagree. Firstly, it's depend on the definition of comparable. Secondly, if we assume that "not comparable equals to fall short of in almost every aspects", then my opinion is HULT is now, and in the next five years,

1)isn't comparable to TOP 15 MBA program in North American and TOP 5 MBA program in Europe.
2)for TOP16-TOP30 in North American and TOP6-TOP15 in Europe, choose whether HULT or these school have its own respective pros and cons. Choose which school should depend on the candidate's own detailed situation. However, genarally speaking, the overall benefit of choose these schools will overweight a little bit more than the option of HULT.
3)for TOP31-TOP50 in North American and TOP16-TOP30 in Europe, choose whether HULT or these school have its own respective pros and cons. Choose which school should depend on the candidate's own detailed situation. However, genarally speaking, the overall benefit of choose HULT will overweight a little bit more than the option of these schools.
4)For other choice compared to option of HULT, I would say HULT is a no brainer better choice.

You mentioned"At the moment, Hult isn't the best school, but who knows over time what will happen. It may possibly improve it's position"
I disagree. You used the word of "may possibly" and "who knows over time what will happen" sounds like very logical at the first glimpse, but I would say this is a more gerenal or even superficial conclusion, it's can be applicable to to every situation. For example, you can even use these words to evaluate the notion of "Harvard Business Scholl MBA will fall behind Boston College in the next 5 years" or "U.C Davis MBA will surpass U.C Berkerley in the next 5 years". So in my opinion, we can reach a more detailed evalution or prediction at this case. Because HULT's improvement speed already made its rising trend very clear, depends on its current position and comparative speed, we can roughly calculate its approximate rank in the next 5 to 10 years. However, I surely won't push people to accept my judgments, even I firmly believe my great confidence is based on enough information. Everbody can has his own opinion.

You mentioned"Students that would get the most out of Hult would be those that older, want to stay in their current industry (therefore a 1 year program) and would be overly concerned about the cost of things."
I partly agree. Firstly, your used words of current industry should be changed into current or related industry, or similar fuction in different industry. Secondly, I should say it's just my opinion, because I'm just a confirmed students, I think current students such as the president of HULT consulting club is most qualified to share their opinion. PS: I should state my opinion that even most of the alumni are not very qualified to evaluate because HULT changed/improved too quickly, too many things happened even one year after Alumni's graduation, not to mention some alumni graduated three or five years ago or even before 2003.

Moreover, I should add up that when people compared HULT with other TOP school in terms of POST-MBA salary, employment rate, etc. Never forget that around 90% of HULT students are not from the United States, but the figure is around 30% to 40% for other top programs...

Anyway, really appreciate your sharing, we are together to help anybody who is interested in HULT to make his right decision(no matter apply or not at the end).

Hi Fishball, if everybody have no prejudice about something unfamiliar and focus on to clarify the truth, I think it's very useful for people come to this forum. So I should state that welcome everybody's opinion, challenge, dispute or whatever. Because truth can only be more clear after rational argument.

As we mentioned before, HULT made amazing improvement only after 2003, especially when its worldwide five campus, undergraduate/master/MBA/EMBA training system have been fully established in Late 2009, HULT definitely is too young to be recognized or even known well by some people and some recruiters. However, if someone dig more deep into HULT, maybe his perspective will be totally changed.

Let's return to your conclusion, though I don't agree with them, but I do appreciate your sharing:)

You mentioned"HULT is not a good school for people that want to change careers into MC/IB/PE/VC/HF."
I agree. Especially 1)for people have no related experience or really huge passion in these industries. 2)Current so high employment rate 3) HULT's current young stage

You mentioned "HULT is not comparable to the traditional top 30 schools."
I disagree. Firstly, it's depend on the definition of comparable. Secondly, if we assume that "not comparable equals to fall short of in almost every aspects", then my opinion is HULT is now, and in the next five years,

1)isn't comparable to TOP 15 MBA program in North American and TOP 5 MBA program in Europe.
2)for TOP16-TOP30 in North American and TOP6-TOP15 in Europe, choose whether HULT or these school have its own respective pros and cons. Choose which school should depend on the candidate's own detailed situation. However, genarally speaking, the overall benefit of choose these schools will overweight a little bit more than the option of HULT.
3)for TOP31-TOP50 in North American and TOP16-TOP30 in Europe, choose whether HULT or these school have its own respective pros and cons. Choose which school should depend on the candidate's own detailed situation. However, genarally speaking, the overall benefit of choose HULT will overweight a little bit more than the option of these schools.
4)For other choice compared to option of HULT, I would say HULT is a no brainer better choice.

You mentioned"At the moment, Hult isn't the best school, but who knows over time what will happen. It may possibly improve it's position"
I disagree. You used the word of "may possibly" and "who knows over time what will happen" sounds like very logical at the first glimpse, but I would say this is a more gerenal or even superficial conclusion, it's can be applicable to to every situation. For example, you can even use these words to evaluate the notion of "Harvard Business Scholl MBA will fall behind Boston College in the next 5 years" or "U.C Davis MBA will surpass U.C Berkerley in the next 5 years". So in my opinion, we can reach a more detailed evalution or prediction at this case. Because HULT's improvement speed already made its rising trend very clear, depends on its current position and comparative speed, we can roughly calculate its approximate rank in the next 5 to 10 years. However, I surely won't push people to accept my judgments, even I firmly believe my great confidence is based on enough information. Everbody can has his own opinion.

You mentioned"Students that would get the most out of Hult would be those that older, want to stay in their current industry (therefore a 1 year program) and would be overly concerned about the cost of things."
I partly agree. Firstly, your used words of current industry should be changed into current or related industry, or similar fuction in different industry. Secondly, I should say it's just my opinion, because I'm just a confirmed students, I think current students such as the president of HULT consulting club is most qualified to share their opinion. PS: I should state my opinion that even most of the alumni are not very qualified to evaluate because HULT changed/improved too quickly, too many things happened even one year after Alumni's graduation, not to mention some alumni graduated three or five years ago or even before 2003.

Moreover, I should add up that when people compared HULT with other TOP school in terms of POST-MBA salary, employment rate, etc. Never forget that around 90% of HULT students are not from the United States, but the figure is around 30% to 40% for other top programs...

Anyway, really appreciate your sharing, we are together to help anybody who is interested in HULT to make his right decision(no matter apply or not at the end).

Hi Andy

That was a quick response as expected.

So in my opinion, we can reach a more detailed evalution or prediction at this case. Because HULT's improvement speed already made its rising trend very clear, depends on its current position and comparative speed, we can roughly calculate its approximate rank in the next 5 to 10 years. However, I surely won't push people to accept my judgments, even I firmly believe my great confidence is based on enough information. Everbody can has his own opinion.

And what do you think Hult's approximate rank will be in the next 5 to 10 years? Who will go down in the rankings to make space for Hult? To be honest, even schools like Yale SOM took ages to move up in ranking - I'm not belittling Hult, but what I'm saying that it will take a lot of time, maybe even 15 to 20 years before, any material and significant ranking progress is made (breaking into the top 20 us/world).

Remember, Hult may have momentum now, but may not have momentum 5 years from now - leaving it stagnant at where it is.

Secondly, I should say it's just my opinion, because I'm just a confirmed students, I think current students such as the president of HULT consulting club is most qualified to share their opinion.

Given that President of the Hult Consulting Club was not very clear, and borderline misleading - I don't think he's that qualified. To be honest, I think despite your fervant believe in Hult, your approach were very much better than other Hult cheerleaders that I've met (although, you write a lot! :) )


Now that, the Hult discussions is done with. I'm particularly curious to why despite having a Chinese name, you're not headed for a Chinese school - knowing that China will continue to be the growth engine for this generation.

Hi Andy

That was a quick response as expected.

<blockquote>So in my opinion, we can reach a more detailed evalution or prediction at this case. Because HULT's improvement speed already made its rising trend very clear, depends on its current position and comparative speed, we can roughly calculate its approximate rank in the next 5 to 10 years. However, I surely won't push people to accept my judgments, even I firmly believe my great confidence is based on enough information. Everbody can has his own opinion.

And what do you think Hult's approximate rank will be in the next 5 to 10 years? Who will go down in the rankings to make space for Hult? To be honest, even schools like Yale SOM took ages to move up in ranking - I'm not belittling Hult, but what I'm saying that it will take a lot of time, maybe even 15 to 20 years before, any material and significant ranking progress is made (breaking into the top 20 us/world).

Remember, Hult may have momentum now, but may not have momentum 5 years from now - leaving it stagnant at where it is.

Secondly, I should say it's just my opinion, because I'm just a confirmed students, I think current students such as the president of HULT consulting club is most qualified to share their opinion.

Given that President of the Hult Consulting Club was not very clear, and borderline misleading - I don't think he's that qualified. To be honest, I think despite your fervant believe in Hult, your approach were very much better than other Hult cheerleaders that I've met (although, you write a lot! :) )


Now that, the Hult discussions is done with. I'm particularly curious to why despite having a Chinese name, you're not headed for a Chinese school - knowing that China will continue to be the growth engine for this generation.

Lets put this issue to bed:

2010 Financial Times Global MBA Rankings for International Business

Hult IBS is ranked ahead of IMD, Manchester Business School, University of Southern California: Marshall and London Business School

Top schools by subject
Published: January 25 2010 00:01 | Last updated: January 25 2010 00:01
Top schools by subject

Top for international business
1 Thunderbird School of Global Management
2 University of South Carolina: Moore
3 Georgetown University: McDonough
4 Insead
5 George Washington University
6 Hult International Business School
8 Manchester Business School
9 University of Southern California: Marshall
10 London Business School

Lets put this issue to bed:

2010 Financial Times Global MBA Rankings for International Business

Hult IBS is ranked ahead of IMD, Manchester Business School, University of Southern California: Marshall and London Business School

Top schools by subject
Published: January 25 2010 00:01 | Last updated: January 25 2010 00:01
Top schools by subject

Top for international business
1 Thunderbird School of Global Management
2 University of South Carolina: Moore
3 Georgetown University: McDonough
4 Insead
5 George Washington University
6 Hult International Business School
8 Manchester Business School
9 University of Southern California: Marshall
10 London Business School


Lets put this issue to bed:

2010 Financial Times Global MBA Rankings for International Business

Hult IBS is ranked ahead of IMD, Manchester Business School, University of Southern California: Marshall and London Business School


Just curious, if the rankings are that good... then how many people turned down LBS for Hult? I for one wouldn't do that. I like how you come into the conversation and choose a ranking that would suit your cause the best.

Why don't we look at the Global MBA rankings? Where the actual MBAs are ranked?

Oh look, LBS is #1, and... Hult is #94...

Don't be such a rankings whore, nobody was talking about rankings in that manner. And even your future student agrees that Hult at the moment isn't comparable to the top 15 USA and top 5 (rest of the world).

<blockquote>Lets put this issue to bed:

2010 Financial Times Global MBA Rankings for International Business

Hult IBS is ranked ahead of IMD, Manchester Business School, University of Southern California: Marshall and London Business School


Just curious, if the rankings are that good... then how many people turned down LBS for Hult? I for one wouldn't do that. I like how you come into the conversation and choose a ranking that would suit your cause the best.

Why don't we look at the Global MBA rankings? Where the actual MBAs are ranked?

Oh look, LBS is #1, and... Hult is #94...

Don't be such a rankings whore, nobody was talking about rankings in that manner. And even your future student agrees that Hult at the moment isn't comparable to the top 15 USA and top 5 (rest of the world).

fishball, et all,

One thing that has not been brought up in this conversation so far is one of the main reasons I chose to enroll in Hult.

In the last few years I have taken about 7 figures off of "traders" who, unable or unaware of their ability to open their eyes and synthesize strategies based on their own observations, merely followed the herd whose "analysis" consists of reading magazines.

The last way I wanted to spend my MBA classroom experience was in a room full of "yes men" who paid admissions consultants or had perfected the art of self-promotion to talk themselves past the most selective adcoms.

I wanted to go to school with people of substance, of opinion, of conviction, who had goals and ideas, and who were looking to pursue concrete goals instead of a patch to cover their own feelings of inadequacy and hopefully scratch out a few extra bucks.

Fishball, your attitude is beginning to remind me of the old drunk trying to weasel a way into not leaving the bar. What are YOUR goals? Are you even a prospective MBA student? These folks have taken time from extremely busy schedules to address your concerns.

From the standpoint of someone who intends to start a company that could eventually grow into a world leader, people who get self-justification from joining some firm that everyone knows about or going to the most famous school do not inspire much respect. They are trying to latch on to others' successes rather than creating their own. Why would I want a network of people like that?

Do you want to be a consultant? Find a business, identify a problem, devise a solution, and sell it to them. Do you think the average business owner is going to care about you because you work for a firm that made all their money before you joined it?

fishball, et all,

One thing that has not been brought up in this conversation so far is one of the main reasons I chose to enroll in Hult.

In the last few years I have taken about 7 figures off of "traders" who, unable or unaware of their ability to open their eyes and synthesize strategies based on their own observations, merely followed the herd whose "analysis" consists of reading magazines.

The last way I wanted to spend my MBA classroom experience was in a room full of "yes men" who paid admissions consultants or had perfected the art of self-promotion to talk themselves past the most selective adcoms.

I wanted to go to school with people of substance, of opinion, of conviction, who had goals and ideas, and who were looking to pursue concrete goals instead of a patch to cover their own feelings of inadequacy and hopefully scratch out a few extra bucks.

Fishball, your attitude is beginning to remind me of the old drunk trying to weasel a way into not leaving the bar. What are YOUR goals? Are you even a prospective MBA student? These folks have taken time from extremely busy schedules to address your concerns.

From the standpoint of someone who intends to start a company that could eventually grow into a world leader, people who get self-justification from joining some firm that everyone knows about or going to the most famous school do not inspire much respect. They are trying to latch on to others' successes rather than creating their own. Why would I want a network of people like that?

Do you want to be a consultant? Find a business, identify a problem, devise a solution, and sell it to them. Do you think the average business owner is going to care about you because you work for a firm that made all their money before you joined it?

fishball, et all,

One thing that has not been brought up in this conversation so far is one of the main reasons I chose to enroll in Hult.

In the last few years I have taken about 7 figures off of "traders" who, unable or unaware of their ability to open their eyes and synthesize strategies based on their own observations, merely followed the herd whose "analysis" consists of reading magazines.

The last way I wanted to spend my MBA classroom experience was in a room full of "yes men" who paid admissions consultants or had perfected the art of self-promotion to talk themselves past the most selective adcoms.

I wanted to go to school with people of substance, of opinion, of conviction, who had goals and ideas, and who were looking to pursue concrete goals instead of a patch to cover their own feelings of inadequacy and hopefully scratch out a few extra bucks.

Dear Wilcoxson

There are two parts to your post and I will keep them separated and address them accordingly. If you choose to believe that Hult is filled with people with independent thought, of people who are living on the edge - of men and women of conviction. If Hult is the only school that has people with concrete goals, then so be it.

You may have taken 7-figures off "traders" who are unable come up with a decent strategy - in that way you're a success. That's fine. In fact, I'll congratulate you on your success. I'm pretty sure you've got the credentials and ability to attend the best school with the best of the best - and after your careful analysis of the situation, you've realized that Hult is leaps and bounds ahead of all other business schools. Again, that's really ok - congratulations on your decision to attend Hult.

Fishball, your attitude is beginning to remind me of the old drunk trying to weasel a way into not leaving the bar. What are YOUR goals? Are you even a prospective MBA student? These folks have taken time from extremely busy schedules to address your concerns.

From the standpoint of someone who intends to start a company that could eventually grow into a world leader, people who get self-justification from joining some firm that everyone knows about or going to the most famous school do not inspire much respect. They are trying to latch on to others' successes rather than creating their own. Why would I want a network of people like that?

Do you want to be a consultant? Find a business, identify a problem, devise a solution, and sell it to them. Do you think the average business owner is going to care about you because you work for a firm that made all their money before you joined it?

Dear Wilcoxson

I would suggest that you use less offensive analogies. You my friend, are like the bystander standing behind the ropes, shouting out obsceneties to a person who you don't know because you feel you've been wronged.

I'm just curious though, how you know that "these folks have taken time from an extremely busy schedule" but I haven't? Regardless, my goals are world domination, alternatively I'm planning on getting involved with the flesh trade - I'm pretty sure I can make more than 7 figures, besides, I'll still be taking it off "traders"... even those like yourself.

I hope you actually are able to establish something that grows into a world leader, but I don't have much faith in that. But nevertheless, all the best with your future endeavours - thanks for pointing out that people only go to certain schools and firms because they're "branded", I guess I was wrong in thinking that it could be the quality of education, the job opportunities, the network, and any other factors. Guess it just boils down to that all those people are just shallow and going there for the brand...

<blockquote>fishball, et all,

One thing that has not been brought up in this conversation so far is one of the main reasons I chose to enroll in Hult.

In the last few years I have taken about 7 figures off of "traders" who, unable or unaware of their ability to open their eyes and synthesize strategies based on their own observations, merely followed the herd whose "analysis" consists of reading magazines.

The last way I wanted to spend my MBA classroom experience was in a room full of "yes men" who paid admissions consultants or had perfected the art of self-promotion to talk themselves past the most selective adcoms.

I wanted to go to school with people of substance, of opinion, of conviction, who had goals and ideas, and who were looking to pursue concrete goals instead of a patch to cover their own feelings of inadequacy and hopefully scratch out a few extra bucks.

Dear Wilcoxson

There are two parts to your post and I will keep them separated and address them accordingly. If you choose to believe that Hult is filled with people with independent thought, of people who are living on the edge - of men and women of conviction. If Hult is the only school that has people with concrete goals, then so be it.

You may have taken 7-figures off "traders" who are unable come up with a decent strategy - in that way you're a success. That's fine. In fact, I'll congratulate you on your success. I'm pretty sure you've got the credentials and ability to attend the best school with the best of the best - and after your careful analysis of the situation, you've realized that Hult is leaps and bounds ahead of all other business schools. Again, that's really ok - congratulations on your decision to attend Hult.

Fishball, your attitude is beginning to remind me of the old drunk trying to weasel a way into not leaving the bar. What are YOUR goals? Are you even a prospective MBA student? These folks have taken time from extremely busy schedules to address your concerns.

From the standpoint of someone who intends to start a company that could eventually grow into a world leader, people who get self-justification from joining some firm that everyone knows about or going to the most famous school do not inspire much respect. They are trying to latch on to others' successes rather than creating their own. Why would I want a network of people like that?

Do you want to be a consultant? Find a business, identify a problem, devise a solution, and sell it to them. Do you think the average business owner is going to care about you because you work for a firm that made all their money before you joined it?</blockquote>

Dear Wilcoxson

I would suggest that you use less offensive analogies. You my friend, are like the bystander standing behind the ropes, shouting out obsceneties to a person who you don't know because you feel you've been wronged.

I'm just curious though, how you know that "these folks have taken time from an extremely busy schedule" but I haven't? Regardless, my goals are world domination, alternatively I'm planning on getting involved with the flesh trade - I'm pretty sure I can make more than 7 figures, besides, I'll still be taking it off "traders"... even those like yourself.

I hope you actually are able to establish something that grows into a world leader, but I don't have much faith in that. But nevertheless, all the best with your future endeavours - thanks for pointing out that people only go to certain schools and firms because they're "branded", I guess I was wrong in thinking that it could be the quality of education, the job opportunities, the network, and any other factors. Guess it just boils down to that all those people are just shallow and going there for the brand...

Hi, thanks for your reply! As you intuited, I'm actually pretty comfortable putting my credentials up against those of most folks. Despite, in my mind, screwing up the math, I scored a 770 on the GMAT after studying for 2 weeks. I excelled at a top American university, and I have supported myself through various ventures since beginning my IT consultancy as a 13-year-old in 1993. In addition to the narcissistic thrill of showing off on the internet, I think people should know that HULT is certainly a viable destination for talent suitable for the best schools in the world.

In my search for an appropriate MBA program I have met some amazing students with nearly jaw-dropping abilities and backgrounds from schools you see in the newspaper. In addition I have met many as I described earlier: no clear goals, no internship set up before mid April, riding the coattails of their school, etc. In addition, there is always the Harvard mentality of "everything I need to know occurred to me already." I see that I overstated these observations with the "room FULL of..." comment, and I appreciate your bringing this to my attention.

As our school is not the best known, I see how you might take my decision as the result of what I "choose" to believe. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, the highly-ranked, flashy school that I was originally most excited to attend, the one that fit my lifestyle the best, where lifelong loyalties existed, with an astronomical endowment (the really shrewd researcher will be able to guess which one from this description), proved to be quite a poor fit as I met more students and professors.

Is HULT the only school with a body of highly motivated students? I doubt it. But I didn't find a better fit over significant, albeit not exhaustive, research. If I could narrow my decision down to a few factors, they would be what I believe to be unsurpassed international exposure, losing a paycheck for only 1 year, and the aforementioned students motivated to build the brand rather than cash in on it.

Anyone who belongs at a top business school (hell, even yourself, I bet) can see the logical leaps of your overstatement of my case, so I will spare the list the nuts and bolts of this analysis. I don't really get your analogy as I am neither a bystander nor do I see the obscenity comparison.

If you are in fact a prospective MBA student, and you would care to share an honest bit about your real goals (perhaps you even have a real name i.e. Ahmad, Andy, or Josh) I would be more than happy to share anything relevant to your situation from my research. All good vibes from this end. Regarding your curiosity as to how I know more about people I know than those I don't, it's because I know them.

Perhaps you would care to help me understand the nuances of the difference between perceived job opportunities/the network vs. the brand? To my thinking, you make your own opportunities, and your network consists of everyone you happen across/make a point to meet, regardless of their school.

Hi, thanks for your reply! As you intuited, I'm actually pretty comfortable putting my credentials up against those of most folks. Despite, in my mind, screwing up the math, I scored a 770 on the GMAT after studying for 2 weeks. I excelled at a top American university, and I have supported myself through various ventures since beginning my IT consultancy as a 13-year-old in 1993. In addition to the narcissistic thrill of showing off on the internet, I think people should know that HULT is certainly a viable destination for talent suitable for the best schools in the world.

In my search for an appropriate MBA program I have met some amazing students with nearly jaw-dropping abilities and backgrounds from schools you see in the newspaper. In addition I have met many as I described earlier: no clear goals, no internship set up before mid April, riding the coattails of their school, etc. In addition, there is always the Harvard mentality of "everything I need to know occurred to me already." I see that I overstated these observations with the "room FULL of..." comment, and I appreciate your bringing this to my attention.

As our school is not the best known, I see how you might take my decision as the result of what I "choose" to believe. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, the highly-ranked, flashy school that I was originally most excited to attend, the one that fit my lifestyle the best, where lifelong loyalties existed, with an astronomical endowment (the really shrewd researcher will be able to guess which one from this description), proved to be quite a poor fit as I met more students and professors.

Is HULT the only school with a body of highly motivated students? I doubt it. But I didn't find a better fit over significant, albeit not exhaustive, research. If I could narrow my decision down to a few factors, they would be what I believe to be unsurpassed international exposure, losing a paycheck for only 1 year, and the aforementioned students motivated to build the brand rather than cash in on it.

Anyone who belongs at a top business school (hell, even yourself, I bet) can see the logical leaps of your overstatement of my case, so I will spare the list the nuts and bolts of this analysis. I don't really get your analogy as I am neither a bystander nor do I see the obscenity comparison.

If you are in fact a prospective MBA student, and you would care to share an honest bit about your real goals (perhaps you even have a real name i.e. Ahmad, Andy, or Josh) I would be more than happy to share anything relevant to your situation from my research. All good vibes from this end. Regarding your curiosity as to how I know more about people I know than those I don't, it's because I know them.

Perhaps you would care to help me understand the nuances of the difference between perceived job opportunities/the network vs. the brand? To my thinking, you make your own opportunities, and your network consists of everyone you happen across/make a point to meet, regardless of their school.

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