Hi everyone!
I am wondering if there are still chances to get enrolled in any MBA starting this September 2015. I have looked and you can still send your application to CASS, Imperial and Warwick, but I don´t know which school is better to work in finance (PE or IB).??? or which one has more reputation?
I am almost 31 years old and I don´t want to wait until next year applications because I think I will have less chances because of my age. I have more than 8 years of experience in banking and I had a sad 630 on the GMAT.
I applied to LBS in a rush to meet the deadline and I was rejected.
Another option could be to retake my GMAT and apply to next year MBA with a hope of a scholarship. Even applying to any accelerated MBA in USA such as Kellogg.
I am totally lost. Any piece of advise?
[Edited by Ethann on Jun 30, 2015]