Thanks a lot for the response, Duncan!
I have been reading your posts every now-and-then. Would really appreciate it, if you could help me in clarifying my further doubts with respect to the following
(considering I land up in Strathclyde or UEBS):
- ROI (considering the fact that I might not be granted the scholarships because I am actually late with the applications and scholarships are generally distributed on the first come first serve basis). Is it safe, to go for a school with higher fee structure, considering you might have to take the loan to support your studies.
Ofcourse, I will be in debt post my MBA and would certainly need an ample amount of time to repay it. So, how safe as an investment, is it?
-Alumni network: That's obvious, alumni network plays an eminent role when it comes to garbing up the jobs. So, how niche is it for both, Strathclyde or UEBS ?
-Post employment probability: Contrasting both the schools, which one holds a higher probability of grabbing a niche job within U.K. ?
-Starting salary: What are the differences in the starting salaries of the students from both the schools post MBA.
-GMAT criteria: Does GMAT actually defines or categories a School? I mean the colleges accepting GMAT are in a way better than the ones that does not?
I did my homework and found that certainly Strat has got a good alumni network but UEBS wins the trophy when it comes to higher salary structure/better roles.
Duncan, could you please give your insights on all the above catalouged points?
Thanks a lot in advance!