Strathclyde MBM or Grenoble France MIB


I have offer from Strathclyde Msc business management course and Grenoble France Msc international Business.I'm confused which offer to finalise.I have 1.5 year of software consulting experience in HP (india) and look forwards for an international career.Please guide.

I have offer from Strathclyde Msc business management course and Grenoble France Msc international Business.I'm confused which offer to finalise.I have 1.5 year of software consulting experience in HP (india) and look forwards for an international career.Please guide.

Look at the ft rankings
It also depends on your financial conditions.

Look at the ft rankings
It also depends on your financial conditions.

I have checked the rankings and both are gud Grnoble better ,both cost me almost same.As there r no gud job prospects in UK will it be wise 2 join grenoble?

I have checked the rankings and both are gud Grnoble better ,both cost me almost same.As there r no gud job prospects in UK will it be wise 2 join grenoble?

Assuming that your French is as good as English, then I'd go for Grenoble. If your English is much better than your French, then go to Strathclyde.

Assuming that your French is as good as English, then I'd go for Grenoble. If your English is much better than your French, then go to Strathclyde.

Hi Duncan, I totally new to french and plan to learn now.Its just the PSW which is attracting my attention to france.Both are triple accredited but i feel Strthclyde has an MBA conversion too.Can i apply outside India for jobs considering the fact India and Msc doesnt go tigether,here they only undstnd and MBA.

Hi Duncan, I totally new to french and plan to learn now.Its just the PSW which is attracting my attention to france.Both are triple accredited but i feel Strthclyde has an MBA conversion too.Can i apply outside India for jobs considering the fact India and Msc doesnt go tigether,here they only undstnd and MBA.

Post-study work in France is better than in the UK, but it's a French-speaking country. If you are totally new to French, it would take you one year of full-time language study before or after your MBA to get to the level where you could do an MBA-type job.

MBM is only one letter away from MBA, and it's designed for the Indian customer. I think it meets your needs and reality better, considering your language skills.

Post-study work in France is better than in the UK, but it's a French-speaking country. If you are totally new to French, it would take you one year of full-time language study before or after your MBA to get to the level where you could do an MBA-type job.

MBM is only one letter away from MBA, and it's designed for the Indian customer. I think it meets your needs and reality better, considering your language skills.

Thanx duncan,
I'm pretty focussed and feel i can manage the basics of french and with the duration of the program i may even get time to b fluent.If not the language factor in terms of post study "worth" ,which univ would be better.
Also the 12 month dissertation in grenoble MIB "Is it an advantage or disadvantage" ? as UK its 3 month and 3k+ words in grenoble its 12 months and 35k+ words ?

Thanx duncan,
I'm pretty focussed and feel i can manage the basics of french and with the duration of the program i may even get time to b fluent.If not the language factor in terms of post study "worth" ,which univ would be better.
Also the 12 month dissertation in grenoble MIB "Is it an advantage or disadvantage" ? as UK its 3 month and 3k+ words in grenoble its 12 months and 35k+ words ?

There is no possibility that you can get to a professional level of fluency within the year of GGSB studies. I am quite confident that you will do more than master the basics. I would expect most MIB students to be at A2 level by the end of their programme, and some at B1 ( but no-one can go from the level of beginner to the level of managerial French alongside a year of full-time, demanding study.

The Genoble dissertation is 20K words, not 35K. Student will either start work straight away, and then do the dissertation on some topic related to their internship/work, of if they don't start work straight away they will complete it over the summer. I don't think anyone will want to take a year full-time to perfect it. I don't think many employers will see much value in it but it clearly lays a strong foundation for anyone wanting to take a PhD.

There is no possibility that you can get to a professional level of fluency within the year of GGSB studies. I am quite confident that you will do more than master the basics. I would expect most MIB students to be at A2 level by the end of their programme, and some at B1 ( but no-one can go from the level of beginner to the level of managerial French alongside a year of full-time, demanding study.

The Genoble dissertation is 20K words, not 35K. Student will either start work straight away, and then do the dissertation on some topic related to their internship/work, of if they don't start work straight away they will complete it over the summer. I don't think anyone will want to take a year full-time to perfect it. I don't think many employers will see much value in it but it clearly lays a strong foundation for anyone wanting to take a PhD.

Very True :)
In the second year in Grenoble MIB programme would companies offer job as we wouldnt have an awarded MSc degree yet and would have to wait for it for a year.Is it that the university may help students in getting an internship for the dissertation/project for the second year.
According to your previous comment would it be "practically" tough to crack a good managerial job after MIB with lesser french exposure?
Please guide- upon this i would make my admission decision as i have to make the payment tomorrow for either "Strathclyde MBM- Aston-Msc interntl busns- Grenoble-MIB"


Very True :)
In the second year in Grenoble MIB programme would companies offer job as we wouldnt have an awarded MSc degree yet and would have to wait for it for a year.Is it that the university may help students in getting an internship for the dissertation/project for the second year.
According to your previous comment would it be "practically" tough to crack a good managerial job after MIB with lesser french exposure?
Please guide- upon this i would make my admission decision as i have to make the payment tomorrow for either "Strathclyde MBM- Aston-Msc interntl busns- Grenoble-MIB"


Yes, I would imagine that most student will complete the MSc very quickly, over the summer, before starting work. The 12 month option will be for those who find a job early.

Programmes in international business are, almost always, for people who want to export to or from their home country. I can't see why a French business would hire you.

From what I know about you, Strathclyde sounds like the best option.

Yes, I would imagine that most student will complete the MSc very quickly, over the summer, before starting work. The 12 month option will be for those who find a job early.

Programmes in international business are, almost always, for people who want to export to or from their home country. I can't see why a French business would hire you.

From what I know about you, Strathclyde sounds like the best option.

Would any london Master in managemnt be better in UK considering London being the Business hub than glasgow for employment prospects?

Would any london Master in managemnt be better in UK considering London being the Business hub than glasgow for employment prospects?

Yes. Take a look at the FT's MSc rankings. There are several stronger schools in London with MSc degrees. I would recommend LBS, ESCP, LSE, Cass and Imperial. Oxford, Cambridge, Henley and Cranfield are an hour or less from London.

Yes. Take a look at the FT's MSc rankings. There are several stronger schools in London with MSc degrees. I would recommend LBS, ESCP, LSE, Cass and Imperial. Oxford, Cambridge, Henley and Cranfield are an hour or less from London.

Well, LBS, CASS,Imperial all need a GMAT which i havent yet taken :( OXford and cambridge as well.Henley doesnt offer the pgm.Escp needs a special exam called SAI i have no clue if its possible to do that now from INDIA ?
Will a university of London degree as well hold Higher value .

Well, LBS, CASS,Imperial all need a GMAT which i havent yet taken :( OXford and cambridge as well.Henley doesnt offer the pgm.Escp needs a special exam called SAI i have no clue if its possible to do that now from INDIA ?
Will a university of London degree as well hold Higher value .

That really depends on which school of the University it comes from: LBS and LSE are great but some other schools have weaker MSc programmes with less strong placement.

Henley has a lot of MSc programmes on its Reading campus. The ESCP MEB degree does not use the SAI.

That really depends on which school of the University it comes from: LBS and LSE are great but some other schools have weaker MSc programmes with less strong placement.

Henley has a lot of MSc programmes on its Reading campus. The ESCP MEB degree does not use the SAI.

Hi I think Strathclyde MBM would be a better option as you will always have an option of topping up to MBA in future, which means you dont have to invest again in your studies. Even if you work in India at some stage you would require MBA degree for career progression.
I think this would be the best option for you.

Hi I think Strathclyde MBM would be a better option as you will always have an option of topping up to MBA in future, which means you dont have to invest again in your studies. Even if you work in India at some stage you would require MBA degree for career progression.
I think this would be the best option for you.

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