MBA: Ashridge vs Strathclyde vs Aston


Hey folks. Was wondering if anyone could give me MBA insight about the three schools: Ashridge, Strathclyde, Aston. Here's my profile: GMAT - 570, Work Experience - 9 years (2 of which are managerial).

Appreciate your replies!

Hey folks. Was wondering if anyone could give me MBA insight about the three schools: Ashridge, Strathclyde, Aston. Here's my profile: GMAT - 570, Work Experience - 9 years (2 of which are managerial).

Appreciate your replies!

Ash and Strath are different from Aston...

Ash minimum GMAT requirement is 550 and average GMAT is 620.Fees could be 29.5k...Bit difficult to enter...

Strath GMAT requirement will be 600...They will count only your managerial exp....

Aston-far behind from both....Affordable fees....No GMAT...


Ash and Strath are different from Aston...

Ash minimum GMAT requirement is 550 and average GMAT is 620.Fees could be 29.5k...Bit difficult to enter...

Strath GMAT requirement will be 600...They will count only your managerial exp....

Aston-far behind from both....Affordable fees....No GMAT...


Thanks Susee. I'm quite keen on Ashridge myself. Their program sounds pretty good, but their full-time MBA program is not ranked in FT. Their eMBA program is though.

I've been reading online that work experience is major consideration for Ashridge. Branding and post-MBA wise, is Ashridge a reputable school within the UK? It is part of the HSMP list.

Thanks Susee. I'm quite keen on Ashridge myself. Their program sounds pretty good, but their full-time MBA program is not ranked in FT. Their eMBA program is though.

I've been reading online that work experience is major consideration for Ashridge. Branding and post-MBA wise, is Ashridge a reputable school within the UK? It is part of the HSMP list.

It looks like Ashridge have small class size, this might be why they are not ranked in the FT, participants seem to be experienced and the school has got good reputation. I live in UK and i thought the HSPM list did not exist anymore and it is now a point system. not sure though....

It looks like Ashridge have small class size, this might be why they are not ranked in the FT, participants seem to be experienced and the school has got good reputation. I live in UK and i thought the HSPM list did not exist anymore and it is now a point system. not sure though....

Any thoughts about London School of Business and Finance? Is this a good school?

Any thoughts about London School of Business and Finance? Is this a good school?

Its a money making institute....Its a waste of time and money.I got a worst feedback about them from my UK friends.

Its a money making institute....Its a waste of time and money.I got a worst feedback about them from my UK friends.

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