Selection of Colleges


Following the inputs in this several forum i have started my MBA school search and planning to apply before R2 deadlines
My particulars are:
Work exp:8.5: 6 years in india and 2 years in USA
Current Role:Team Leader
GRE score:308 which transforms to GMAT :560
Career goals :Business development Manager /Product Manger with Concentration in Data analytics.
Work Experience :started as embedded software developer in Caterpillar ,promoted Systems Engineer and currently working as team leader (from 2016).
I have short listed these below colleges considering my low score this is my second attempt and have no plans of retaking it again.

if i filter the colleges just based on average GMAT score i am not eligible for most of the colleges in FT global ranking but i had recently taken my interview for the SMU COX Business school which has average GMAT 660 but seems that i have a high chance of admit there.
So i am confused how to use the GMAT score as a filter.
I have considered the below colleges.
1.Boston Questrom
2.UIUC Gies college of Business
3.Univ of pittsburgh
4.SMU Cox.
5.William and Mary Mason school of Business
6.Rice university
7.University of Utah

Could some one provide me feed back whether these are right schools for my Goals.How much will my work experience amount to -if adds bit more weight for my profile -can i go ahead in searching for colleges with average GMAT score of 660 or will that be way out of reach.?
Are there are any mid tier colleges with good Strategy and Business analytics concentration.
Thanks for your time reading this post.

Following the inputs in this several forum i have started my MBA school search and planning to apply before R2 deadlines
My particulars are:
Work exp:8.5: 6 years in india and 2 years in USA
Current Role:Team Leader
GRE score:308 which transforms to GMAT :560
Career goals :Business development Manager /Product Manger with Concentration in Data analytics.
Work Experience :started as embedded software developer in Caterpillar ,promoted Systems Engineer and currently working as team leader (from 2016).
I have short listed these below colleges considering my low score this is my second attempt and have no plans of retaking it again.

if i filter the colleges just based on average GMAT score i am not eligible for most of the colleges in FT global ranking but i had recently taken my interview for the SMU COX Business school which has average GMAT 660 but seems that i have a high chance of admit there.
So i am confused how to use the GMAT score as a filter.
I have considered the below colleges.
1.Boston Questrom
2.UIUC Gies college of Business
3.Univ of pittsburgh
4.SMU Cox.
5.William and Mary Mason school of Business
6.Rice university
7.University of Utah

Could some one provide me feed back whether these are right schools for my Goals.How much will my work experience amount to -if adds bit more weight for my profile -can i go ahead in searching for colleges with average GMAT score of 660 or will that be way out of reach.?
Are there are any mid tier colleges with good Strategy and Business analytics concentration.
Thanks for your time reading this post.
Inactive User

Any reason why you didn't take the GMAT? I'd say right now that most of the schools on your list are reaches for you.

Any reason why you didn't take the GMAT? I'd say right now that most of the schools on your list are reaches for you.

Thanks for you reply.i had taken GMAT in 2012 got 550 thought GRE was easier in math section and i can do better looks nothing much differed as per the ets conversion tool it places me at 560. One more extended question is notre dame mendoza and UNC kenan flagler would be considered dream for me ?

Thanks for you reply.i had taken GMAT in 2012 got 550 thought GRE was easier in math section and i can do better looks nothing much differed as per the ets conversion tool it places me at 560. One more extended question is notre dame mendoza and UNC kenan flagler would be considered dream for me ?
Inactive User

I am a William & Mary - Mason MBA Class of 2015 grad. with confidence I can say that your career goals will not bear fruit after your MBA from W&M.

Getting admit into a B school is a completely different from find a job after MBA.

For getting admit into B school. At present US schools has seen a 10% decline in international student's application, with the overall decline in # of students applying. Understand the variables at play at a B schools admission. Not many domestic applicants are exactly lining up with $$$ in their pockets for these "mid tiers" B schools right? B schools need to pay salary and increase ranking. Enter the international students from India / China / MEA.

Now your prospective recruiter at the end of this MBA journey has nothing to do with it. He/She will see, ok Kumar has 8 years of engineering / team lead work ex but 0 analytics work ex. So what role should I offer Kumar? Analyst at $55,000 or Senior Manager at $90,000? Moreover in MBA you won't learn "real" analytics. At max what? SQL, Tableau and R?
Look at the job market, they want people with experience in AWS, S3, Hadoop, Kafka, Splunk, ELK, Python, Jupyter to name a few. The basics of analytics taught at MBA won't land you anywhere significant on the basis of functional expertise gained.

My friend of undergrad in India went to SMU with 710 GMAT and scholarship. Ended up with a Sr. Analyst job at NYC with $80,000 to start with.

Notre Dame, UNC KF you are dreaming.
1.Boston Questrom Admission - unlikely, Career outcome - Good
2.UIUC Gies college of Business Admission - unlikely, Career outcome - good
3.Univ of pittsburgh Admission - likely, Career - ok
4.SMU Cox. Admission - likely (since you said it, unlikely otherwise), Career - ok
5.William and Mary Mason school of Business - Admission - I can get you an interview if you want that. Career - Ha ha ha ha
6.Rice university - Admission - unlikely, career - ok
7.University of Utah

I hope you understand that H1B situation well.
P.S - Me, my wife, my sister all had US education and have now moved to Canada on PR.
I regret going to W&M and not to Schulich in Canada / SP Jain in India.

I am a William & Mary - Mason MBA Class of 2015 grad. with confidence I can say that your career goals will not bear fruit after your MBA from W&M.

Getting admit into a B school is a completely different from find a job after MBA.

For getting admit into B school. At present US schools has seen a 10% decline in international student's application, with the overall decline in # of students applying. Understand the variables at play at a B schools admission. Not many domestic applicants are exactly lining up with $$$ in their pockets for these "mid tiers" B schools right? B schools need to pay salary and increase ranking. Enter the international students from India / China / MEA.

Now your prospective recruiter at the end of this MBA journey has nothing to do with it. He/She will see, ok Kumar has 8 years of engineering / team lead work ex but 0 analytics work ex. So what role should I offer Kumar? Analyst at $55,000 or Senior Manager at $90,000? Moreover in MBA you won't learn "real" analytics. At max what? SQL, Tableau and R?
Look at the job market, they want people with experience in AWS, S3, Hadoop, Kafka, Splunk, ELK, Python, Jupyter to name a few. The basics of analytics taught at MBA won't land you anywhere significant on the basis of functional expertise gained.

My friend of undergrad in India went to SMU with 710 GMAT and scholarship. Ended up with a Sr. Analyst job at NYC with $80,000 to start with.

Notre Dame, UNC KF you are dreaming.
1.Boston Questrom Admission - unlikely, Career outcome - Good
2.UIUC Gies college of Business Admission - unlikely, Career outcome - good
3.Univ of pittsburgh Admission - likely, Career - ok
4.SMU Cox. Admission - likely (since you said it, unlikely otherwise), Career - ok
5.William and Mary Mason school of Business - Admission - I can get you an interview if you want that. Career - Ha ha ha ha
6.Rice university - Admission - unlikely, career - ok
7.University of Utah

I hope you understand that H1B situation well.
P.S - Me, my wife, my sister all had US education and have now moved to Canada on PR.
I regret going to W&M and not to Schulich in Canada / SP Jain in India.

Ayon thanks for your time and candid reply.i have my spouse ,who is studying in univ of Illinois Chicago.i am worried I might even be rejected in the intent of immigration before i could start my MBA journey (crossing my fingers).
Now I am hoping i will get an admit to SMU since my interviewer feed back was "exceptionally good".i want to go to Illinois gies but worried they might exactly reject for intent to immigrate.
Going by my LinkedIn search i didnt find many alumni working in business analytics from SMU (the number was 31 people) where as boston questrom and univ of utah had lot many and they all were similar IT background and have ended up in analytics role.As per your feedback the best 3 in.increasing order is (any comments on univ of utah?)
1.Boston questrom

Thanks again for your valuable feedback!!!!

Ayon thanks for your time and candid reply.i have my spouse ,who is studying in univ of Illinois Chicago.i am worried I might even be rejected in the intent of immigration before i could start my MBA journey (crossing my fingers).
Now I am hoping i will get an admit to SMU since my interviewer feed back was "exceptionally good".i want to go to Illinois gies but worried they might exactly reject for intent to immigrate.
Going by my LinkedIn search i didnt find many alumni working in business analytics from SMU (the number was 31 people) where as boston questrom and univ of utah had lot many and they all were similar IT background and have ended up in analytics role.As per your feedback the best 3 in.increasing order is (any comments on univ of utah?)
1.Boston questrom

Thanks again for your valuable feedback!!!!
Inactive User

From your list. yes, that's the order. BU is in Boston. which fills in the needs of 70-120k salary range. MIT/H/Tuck grads usually get 120+ in Boston area.
UIUC most of them end up in Chicago. If your wife is in UIUC, then UIUC should be your #1. Unless you go for BU's dual degree MBA/MS program (STEM approved)

From your list. yes, that's the order. BU is in Boston. which fills in the needs of 70-120k salary range. MIT/H/Tuck grads usually get 120+ in Boston area.
UIUC most of them end up in Chicago. If your wife is in UIUC, then UIUC should be your #1. Unless you go for BU's dual degree MBA/MS program (STEM approved)

Thanks a lot.will follow this and apply since R2 deadlines are nearing.
Might be out of this forums context(if applying to the same location as my wife's location in usa will it result in an visa reject -intent to immigrate? ) If you have any idea about it.Thanks again i have some clarity to move forward.

Thanks a lot.will follow this and apply since R2 deadlines are nearing.
Might be out of this forums context(if applying to the same location as my wife's location in usa will it result in an visa reject -intent to immigrate? ) If you have any idea about it.Thanks again i have some clarity to move forward.
Inactive User

They won't reject your Student visa, being in the same university as your wife is logical. (Me and My wife went to W&M). Doing the opposite is not. They need your money anyways, they won't reject your F1 application. They'll take the student fees an when you apply for H1B at the end of it all, they'll reject it then ;)

They won't reject your Student visa, being in the same university as your wife is logical. (Me and My wife went to W&M). Doing the opposite is not. They need your money anyways, they won't reject your F1 application. They'll take the student fees an when you apply for H1B at the end of it all, they'll reject it then ;)

Thanks for your reply@Ayon

Thanks for your reply@Ayon

I got an admit from SMU cox for full time one year MBA program with 15k$ scholarship(grateful for that).if i should apply for a two year MBA program i might not get any scholarship.Will 1 year be enough to get a specialization degree in business analytics along with strategy or two year should be the most apt since i dont have any work experience in data analytics most of my experience in embedded programming?

I got an admit from SMU cox for full time one year MBA program with 15k$ scholarship(grateful for that).if i should apply for a two year MBA program i might not get any scholarship.Will 1 year be enough to get a specialization degree in business analytics along with strategy or two year should be the most apt since i dont have any work experience in data analytics most of my experience in embedded programming?

Yes, you can do a Business Analytics concentration as part of the one-year program. You'd be missing out on the summer internship, where you'd be able to get real work experience.

Yes, you can do a Business Analytics concentration as part of the one-year program. You'd be missing out on the summer internship, where you'd be able to get real work experience.

Thanks laurie. i am planning to forgo the scholarship and take up the two year program.if i dont get any better opportunity such as boston questrom.

Thanks laurie. i am planning to forgo the scholarship and take up the two year program.if i dont get any better opportunity such as boston questrom.

Good luck! An internship would probably help with career development and networking. Unless you already have a clear idea about what you want to do after graduation and industry contacts, an internship is usually a good idea.

Good luck! An internship would probably help with career development and networking. Unless you already have a clear idea about what you want to do after graduation and industry contacts, an internship is usually a good idea.

i have got an admit to MBA+MSDi program of Boston University with 10k scholarship per year.
Still waiting on Univ of Rochester too.Both are STEM program.Any inputs between Simon rochester and Questrom school of business?

i have got an admit to MBA+MSDi program of Boston University with 10k scholarship per year.
Still waiting on Univ of Rochester too.Both are STEM program.Any inputs between Simon rochester and Questrom school of business?
Inactive User

Boston!! Both the university and the city are great. Networking and recruitment opportunities, stuff to do in summer, places to visit on North Eastern line/ i95, International airport.Public transport - T system etc.
My company used to recruit from BU - I think they still go for presentation though MIT is the usual go to school for us.

Unless you want to make 2-3 years of your life miserable in Rochester. The city not the university. I moved to Toronto which is across lake Ontario from Rochester. Love the city not a big fan of the weather. My colleague did the MBA+MSDI in BU. He loved the program and the city.

Boston!! Both the university and the city are great. Networking and recruitment opportunities, stuff to do in summer, places to visit on North Eastern line/ i95, International airport.Public transport - T system etc.
My company used to recruit from BU - I think they still go for presentation though MIT is the usual go to school for us.

Unless you want to make 2-3 years of your life miserable in Rochester. The city not the university. I moved to Toronto which is across lake Ontario from Rochester. Love the city not a big fan of the weather. My colleague did the MBA+MSDI in BU. He loved the program and the city.

Thanks Ayon for your feedback again

Thanks Ayon for your feedback again
Razors Edg...

But beyond the city and student life, you should also look at academic performance and post-MBA career possibilities. BU is generally considered the better school, but for certain career fields (such as finance), Rochester would arguably be better.

But beyond the city and student life, you should also look at academic performance and post-MBA career possibilities. BU is generally considered the better school, but for certain career fields (such as finance), Rochester would arguably be better.

Thanks for your feedback i am looking at
product manager roles in manufacturing/automotive sector .Finance isnt my major focus area. startegy and product management area.
I have got admitted to SMU COX and BU . waiting to hear back from simon Rochester.(hoping for an admit) I have chosen all STEM MBA as of now. Cost wise smu cox is cheaper as it is 1 year and BU is quiet costly for me and simon fees is right in between

Thanks for your feedback i am looking at
product manager roles in manufacturing/automotive sector .Finance isnt my major focus area. startegy and product management area.
I have got admitted to SMU COX and BU . waiting to hear back from simon Rochester.(hoping for an admit) I have chosen all STEM MBA as of now. Cost wise smu cox is cheaper as it is 1 year and BU is quiet costly for me and simon fees is right in between

Look at the schools' career reports and see which places into manufacturing / automotive / manufacturing. This isn't a typical career field for MBAs but I'd assume that Cox, with its profile and location, might actually be a good choice.

Look at the schools' career reports and see which places into manufacturing / automotive / manufacturing. This isn't a typical career field for MBAs but I'd assume that Cox, with its profile and location, might actually be a good choice.

Thanks maury for your feedback

Thanks maury for your feedback

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