GMAT 600 + 5 years IT exp

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Care to expand on this, ramdi?

Care to expand on this, ramdi?

Hi Ramdi,

To begin with, I do not find your comments rude.I have posted my queries so that I get a better picture of several factors which go into the making of a successful profile and any feedback is more than acceptable.
I understand that my GMAT score is on the lower side and I agree that I should retake it. However, I am running short of time and I am very keen to apply for the fall of 2009.

Can you please evaluate my chances of making to few business schools in Canada like Rotman,Sauder & McGill ?
Is my score and work exp worth taking an attempt at these schools ? Based on my work experience and score, can you please suggest me few business schools in Canada, Australia and New Zealand ? Any feedback/comment is welcome and there is absolutely nothing to feel bad about the same. Please let me know if you require some more information about my profile.

Sorry dear,
Looking at your profile (Indian, IT, Male), you fall in one of the most competitive pool of applicants for any decent to excellent B-school in the world. Add 20-40 to the average GMAT score for any school since you fall in the above category (since Indians bring on board very high GMAT scores).... And looking at your GMAT score, I would advise you to go for it again and try to reach 700 at least. Any thing less than that and your chances to get into any good school are no better than McCain winning the next US election....:-)
Admissions this year will be even more competitive due to bad economy.
Sorry if you find my feedback a bit rude but that's very close to the fact. Just my two cents!

Hi Ramdi,

To begin with, I do not find your comments rude.I have posted my queries so that I get a better picture of several factors which go into the making of a successful profile and any feedback is more than acceptable.
I understand that my GMAT score is on the lower side and I agree that I should retake it. However, I am running short of time and I am very keen to apply for the fall of 2009.

Can you please evaluate my chances of making to few business schools in Canada like Rotman,Sauder & McGill ?
Is my score and work exp worth taking an attempt at these schools ? Based on my work experience and score, can you please suggest me few business schools in Canada, Australia and New Zealand ? Any feedback/comment is welcome and there is absolutely nothing to feel bad about the same. Please let me know if you require some more information about my profile.

<blockquote>Sorry dear,
Looking at your profile (Indian, IT, Male), you fall in one of the most competitive pool of applicants for any decent to excellent B-school in the world. Add 20-40 to the average GMAT score for any school since you fall in the above category (since Indians bring on board very high GMAT scores).... And looking at your GMAT score, I would advise you to go for it again and try to reach 700 at least. Any thing less than that and your chances to get into any good school are no better than McCain winning the next US election....:-)
Admissions this year will be even more competitive due to bad economy.
Sorry if you find my feedback a bit rude but that's very close to the fact. Just my two cents!


...."Well, females always have much better probability in any B-school, given other factors are comparable to a male candidate with similar background :-)"

I tend to agree with ramdi - it seems there is now a tendency to accept more woman to MBA programs(in the stats at least) - see the article i have posted here:

but i don't know if this trend is a worldwide trend..... anyways, woman are still a minority in b schools(what ever the reason may be)


...."Well, females always have much better probability in any B-school, given other factors are comparable to a male candidate with similar background :-)"

I tend to agree with ramdi - it seems there is now a tendency to accept more woman to MBA programs(in the stats at least) - see the article i have posted here:

but i don't know if this trend is a worldwide trend..... anyways, woman are still a minority in b schools(what ever the reason may be)



Hi Abhinav,
I would like to summarize MY OPINION on your questions -
(1) There is no escape for you from re-taking GMAT for any even half-decent university.
(2) Forget NZ for MBA.
(3) Australia is too small a market and job-hunt will be tough (even in good days). You would probably have to go back to India afterwards.
(4) Canada is again not lucrative enough... I would dare say that any top 20 college in USA would be better than top 3 in Canada....
(5) Outside USA, Singapore could be a better alternative for you (than Canada) when you compare education, job and cost together.... But with your score, you are on borderline...
(6) Work for 2 more years and try IIM executive MBA... Best in your position.


Hi Ramdi,

To begin with, I do not find your comments rude.I have posted my queries so that I get a better picture of several factors which go into the making of a successful profile and any feedback is more than acceptable.
I understand that my GMAT score is on the lower side and I agree that I should retake it. However, I am running short of time and I am very keen to apply for the fall of 2009.

Can you please evaluate my chances of making to few business schools in Canada like Rotman,Sauder & McGill ?
Is my score and work exp worth taking an attempt at these schools ? Based on my work experience and score, can you please suggest me few business schools in Canada, Australia and New Zealand ? Any feedback/comment is welcome and there is absolutely nothing to feel bad about the same. Please let me know if you require some more information about my profile.

Sorry dear,
Looking at your profile (Indian, IT, Male), you fall in one of the most competitive pool of applicants for any decent to excellent B-school in the world. Add 20-40 to the average GMAT score for any school since you fall in the above category (since Indians bring on board very high GMAT scores).... And looking at your GMAT score, I would advise you to go for it again and try to reach 700 at least. Any thing less than that and your chances to get into any good school are no better than McCain winning the next US election....:-)
Admissions this year will be even more competitive due to bad economy.
Sorry if you find my feedback a bit rude but that's very close to the fact. Just my two cents!

Hi Abhinav,
I would like to summarize MY OPINION on your questions -
(1) There is no escape for you from re-taking GMAT for any even half-decent university.
(2) Forget NZ for MBA.
(3) Australia is too small a market and job-hunt will be tough (even in good days). You would probably have to go back to India afterwards.
(4) Canada is again not lucrative enough... I would dare say that any top 20 college in USA would be better than top 3 in Canada....
(5) Outside USA, Singapore could be a better alternative for you (than Canada) when you compare education, job and cost together.... But with your score, you are on borderline...
(6) Work for 2 more years and try IIM executive MBA... Best in your position.


Hi Ramdi,

To begin with, I do not find your comments rude.I have posted my queries so that I get a better picture of several factors which go into the making of a successful profile and any feedback is more than acceptable.
I understand that my GMAT score is on the lower side and I agree that I should retake it. However, I am running short of time and I am very keen to apply for the fall of 2009.

Can you please evaluate my chances of making to few business schools in Canada like Rotman,Sauder & McGill ?
Is my score and work exp worth taking an attempt at these schools ? Based on my work experience and score, can you please suggest me few business schools in Canada, Australia and New Zealand ? Any feedback/comment is welcome and there is absolutely nothing to feel bad about the same. Please let me know if you require some more information about my profile.

<blockquote>Sorry dear,
Looking at your profile (Indian, IT, Male), you fall in one of the most competitive pool of applicants for any decent to excellent B-school in the world. Add 20-40 to the average GMAT score for any school since you fall in the above category (since Indians bring on board very high GMAT scores).... And looking at your GMAT score, I would advise you to go for it again and try to reach 700 at least. Any thing less than that and your chances to get into any good school are no better than McCain winning the next US election....:-)
Admissions this year will be even more competitive due to bad economy.
Sorry if you find my feedback a bit rude but that's very close to the fact. Just my two cents!


Hi Abhinav,
It seems that you are pretty much disappointed with ur Gmat score,neverthless there is a good opportunity for you to pursue your MBA if you follow the points mentioned :
1) Considering your experience in IT I agree that there will be more competition,however there should be some qualities that differentiates you from others in the crowd. Project the points which makes the college feel you are really required for them.
2) Be clear in your career goals and decide the colleges, dont just blindly go by rankings that never helps.
3) After you filter your colleges, be in touch with the admissions department and attend the MBA fairs whenver possible.
4) Finally look for colleges that gives you best ROI , finally after the MBA we should be capable of paying back what we have invested in less time and do not worry of final salary.
5) Last but not least, go for UK schools, most of them provide 12 month MBA and I feel for us UK will be best place considering the skill set we have thorugh which we can survive even our post MBA employment got delayed and proximity to India.

Hi Abhinav,
It seems that you are pretty much disappointed with ur Gmat score,neverthless there is a good opportunity for you to pursue your MBA if you follow the points mentioned :
1) Considering your experience in IT I agree that there will be more competition,however there should be some qualities that differentiates you from others in the crowd. Project the points which makes the college feel you are really required for them.
2) Be clear in your career goals and decide the colleges, dont just blindly go by rankings that never helps.
3) After you filter your colleges, be in touch with the admissions department and attend the MBA fairs whenver possible.
4) Finally look for colleges that gives you best ROI , finally after the MBA we should be capable of paying back what we have invested in less time and do not worry of final salary.
5) Last but not least, go for UK schools, most of them provide 12 month MBA and I feel for us UK will be best place considering the skill set we have thorugh which we can survive even our post MBA employment got delayed and proximity to India.

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