Clemson IESEG MBA/MIB, University of Pittsburg Katz MBA/MIB


I am 33 years old from Turkmenistan. I graduated from Hunan University in China with an BBA in 2005. I have 11 years of work experience, including 6 years on managerial positions in local and international companies. My GMAT score is 600 (Q41, V31) and my TOEFL PBT is also 600. I speak 5 different languages: Turkmen, Russian, English, Chinese and Turkish.
Yesterday when doing online research, I came accross Clemson IESEG MBA/MIB and Katz MBA/MIB programs, which attracted me very much. With my age, work experience, and background I think I would benefit more from this kind of programs than from a pure FTMBA for 1 or 2 years. Additionally, I found that Clemson IESEG MBA/MIB only costs around $34000 for 21 months. What do you think about Clemson IESEG MBA/MIB program? What do you think about Katz MBA/MIB program? Do you think I have chances to get some type of scholarship or assistantship from Katz?
My short-term post-MBA goal is either come back to my current company to work for 2-3 years or work in the US or Europe for 2-3 years, and then to launch my own business, most likely in manufacturing industry.

Thanks in advance,

[Edited by shohrat6383 on Aug 14, 2016]


I am 33 years old from Turkmenistan. I graduated from Hunan University in China with an BBA in 2005. I have 11 years of work experience, including 6 years on managerial positions in local and international companies. My GMAT score is 600 (Q41, V31) and my TOEFL PBT is also 600. I speak 5 different languages: Turkmen, Russian, English, Chinese and Turkish.
Yesterday when doing online research, I came accross Clemson IESEG MBA/MIB and Katz MBA/MIB programs, which attracted me very much. With my age, work experience, and background I think I would benefit more from this kind of programs than from a pure FTMBA for 1 or 2 years. Additionally, I found that Clemson IESEG MBA/MIB only costs around $34000 for 21 months. What do you think about Clemson IESEG MBA/MIB program? What do you think about Katz MBA/MIB program? Do you think I have chances to get some type of scholarship or assistantship from Katz?
My short-term post-MBA goal is either come back to my current company to work for 2-3 years or work in the US or Europe for 2-3 years, and then to launch my own business, most likely in manufacturing industry.

Thanks in advance,

I don't know what kind of value these programs would have over just a full-time MBA. That said, the Katz program would probably be better simply because the school has more of a reputation - and better connections with employers, more likely - than either IESEG or Clemson. Those two schools are fine, since they have accreditation, but don't have the alumni footprint or prestige that Katz does.

I don't know what kind of value these programs would have over just a full-time MBA. That said, the Katz program would probably be better simply because the school has more of a reputation - and better connections with employers, more likely - than either IESEG or Clemson. Those two schools are fine, since they have accreditation, but don't have the alumni footprint or prestige that Katz does.

Maury, thanks a lot for your thoughts. May I state my personal viewpoint also?
Katz has higher ranking, but it also has much higher tuition. What if I don't plan to work in US and my future employers do not care too much about school rankings or reputation? At least, most companies in Turkmenistan don't even know about those rankings. Moreover, my long-term goal is launching my own manufacturing business, so the most important thing for me is studying and living in a different (developed) culture and environment and get as much as I can from them. I've also found that IESEG MIB has been ranked 21st in the FT 2015 global ranking. I think spending one year in US and the second in Europe would be a great experience for me.

[Edited by shohrat6383 on Aug 15, 2016]

Maury, thanks a lot for your thoughts. May I state my personal viewpoint also?
Katz has higher ranking, but it also has much higher tuition. What if I don't plan to work in US and my future employers do not care too much about school rankings or reputation? At least, most companies in Turkmenistan don't even know about those rankings. Moreover, my long-term goal is launching my own manufacturing business, so the most important thing for me is studying and living in a different (developed) culture and environment and get as much as I can from them. I've also found that IESEG MIB has been ranked 21st in the FT 2015 global ranking. I think spending one year in US and the second in Europe would be a great experience for me.

I agree with Maury - I'm not sure about the value of combining an MBA / MIB. If it's really true that your future employers do not care about ranking / reputation, and you're concerned with cost but want international experience - an alternative would be to do an AMBA-accredited MBA at a low-cost school like CEU and do an exchange program with a US school.

I agree with Maury - I'm not sure about the value of combining an MBA / MIB. If it's really true that your future employers do not care about ranking / reputation, and you're concerned with cost but want international experience - an alternative would be to do an AMBA-accredited MBA at a low-cost school like CEU and do an exchange program with a US school.
Inactive User


I believe Katz has been historically strong in Manufacturing, so I would suggest Katz. Your recruiter may not care for rankings but I am sure you care for quality education.

But if your priorities/target for MBA have changed. Then we need re-evaluate your options. There are several programs that provide rotation like WHU, Mannehiem (spell check it) in Germany, CEU, ESSEC, etc. Also see Moore International MBA.


I believe Katz has been historically strong in Manufacturing, so I would suggest Katz. Your recruiter may not care for rankings but I am sure you care for quality education.

But if your priorities/target for MBA have changed. Then we need re-evaluate your options. There are several programs that provide rotation like WHU, Mannehiem (spell check it) in Germany, CEU, ESSEC, etc. Also see Moore International MBA.

Hi Ayon,
Long time no see!!!
I haven't changed my priorities for MBA, I was just thinking about some other options, since some of MBA consultants told me that I shouldn't target full-time MBA programs at this age. There were also many other consultants who recommended improving my GMAT to at least 650 if I want to target such schools as McCombs, Rice, Mays, Penn State, Michigan State, Arizona State. I am really having a hard time to decide if I want to retake the test. If I do so, I will definitely miss Round 1 application. I am also not sure if I will be able to improve my Gmat score. One thing that I am sure about is, if I do not hire a private tutor, I won't be able to improve the score. But private tutoring is quite expensive, about $2000-2500 for 10 hours. What do you think about this matter?

Hi Ayon,
Long time no see!!!
I haven't changed my priorities for MBA, I was just thinking about some other options, since some of MBA consultants told me that I shouldn't target full-time MBA programs at this age. There were also many other consultants who recommended improving my GMAT to at least 650 if I want to target such schools as McCombs, Rice, Mays, Penn State, Michigan State, Arizona State. I am really having a hard time to decide if I want to retake the test. If I do so, I will definitely miss Round 1 application. I am also not sure if I will be able to improve my Gmat score. One thing that I am sure about is, if I do not hire a private tutor, I won't be able to improve the score. But private tutoring is quite expensive, about $2000-2500 for 10 hours. What do you think about this matter?
Razors Edg...

Just to put things in perspective: if you did a full-time MBA at one of the schools you mentioned, the ROI would surely be much greater than $2,500 versus if you did a master in management program.

Just to put things in perspective: if you did a full-time MBA at one of the schools you mentioned, the ROI would surely be much greater than $2,500 versus if you did a master in management program.
Inactive User


I personally don't like MBA consultants. How many MBA consultants themselves have MBA from the schools you are targeting? Getting your GMAT score up is some the easiest advice anyone can give, consultants give this advice to Indian students having 720 in GMAT asking them to get it up to 760.

A good consultant with work with your constraints not send you on a merry-go-round to get rid of your constraint.

Anyways, you are 33 and a manger, you can decide what's good for you. Apply when your application is strongest, doesn't matter Round 1, 2 or 3. Again personally, I will not take private tutoring. I will work within the limit of my constraints. (I applied and got accepted in W&M UC Irvine, ESSEC, Copenhagen Business School with 630 GMAT)

So, Think, Talk to schools, and Apply. Else we are just wasting time going round-and-round with GMAT.


I personally don't like MBA consultants. How many MBA consultants themselves have MBA from the schools you are targeting? Getting your GMAT score up is some the easiest advice anyone can give, consultants give this advice to Indian students having 720 in GMAT asking them to get it up to 760.

A good consultant with work with your constraints not send you on a merry-go-round to get rid of your constraint.

Anyways, you are 33 and a manger, you can decide what's good for you. Apply when your application is strongest, doesn't matter Round 1, 2 or 3. Again personally, I will not take private tutoring. I will work within the limit of my constraints. (I applied and got accepted in W&M UC Irvine, ESSEC, Copenhagen Business School with 630 GMAT)

So, Think, Talk to schools, and Apply. Else we are just wasting time going round-and-round with GMAT.

Thanks a lot for your wonderful guidance.

Thanks a lot for your wonderful guidance.

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