MBA degree in Australia OR New Zealand

I would like to study in an international environment where English is the spoken language and where it's not too hard to get a visa. Which is better for these purposes, Australia or New Zealand?

I would like to study in an international environment where English is the spoken language and where it's not too hard to get a visa. Which is better for these purposes, Australia or New Zealand?

Depends on a lot of factors.

Are you talking about student visas? If so, I'm guessing they'll both have relatively straightforward visa procedures.

If you're talking about using the MBA to transition to one of these countries, that's a different story. You'll want to look at each in terms of whether you think it's possible to find work in your chosen field.

Australia is a far bigger place and has a bigger economy. However, post-MBA visas can't be had unless you've studied there for I think it's 16 months. That rules out 1-year MBAs. In New Zealand, you can typically secure a one-year work visa after the completion of an MBA.

The other part is what schools you're looking at. Australia has more schools that are globally well known, like AGSM and Melbourne Business School. New Zealand has few schools but some solid accredited schools like Otago and the University of Auckland.

Depends on a lot of factors.

Are you talking about student visas? If so, I'm guessing they'll both have relatively straightforward visa procedures.

If you're talking about using the MBA to transition to one of these countries, that's a different story. You'll want to look at each in terms of whether you think it's possible to find work in your chosen field.

Australia is a far bigger place and has a bigger economy. However, post-MBA visas can't be had unless you've studied there for I think it's 16 months. That rules out 1-year MBAs. In New Zealand, you can typically secure a one-year work visa after the completion of an MBA.

The other part is what schools you're looking at. Australia has more schools that are globally well known, like AGSM and Melbourne Business School. New Zealand has few schools but some solid accredited schools like Otago and the University of Auckland.

I am talking about transitioning to one of these countries after my MBA. My chosen field is hospitality. Which is better?

I am talking about transitioning to one of these countries after my MBA. My chosen field is hospitality. Which is better?

Which has the more profitable hospitality industry?

Which has the more profitable hospitality industry?

I am also thinking about an MBA in Australia or New Zealand. I am thinking of applying to Melbourne Business School, Otago, MGSM, and University of Auckland.

But I have some questions:

- which is better Australia or New Zealand (for jobs in the country and cost of living.)
- should I pursue MBA or Master in Management?
- which country is more open to foreigners? I am Turkish by origin.

I am also thinking about an MBA in Australia or New Zealand. I am thinking of applying to Melbourne Business School, Otago, MGSM, and University of Auckland.

But I have some questions:

- which is better Australia or New Zealand (for jobs in the country and cost of living.)
- should I pursue MBA or Master in Management?
- which country is more open to foreigners? I am Turkish by origin.

Between Australia and New Zealand, there are a lot of factors. What kind of work would you be doing? The industries vary between the countries. Of course, New Zealand is a lot smaller than Australia, so the range of options may be more limited. Cost of living-wise, the big cities in Australia might be a bit more expensive than those in New Zealand, but do some research here.

In terms of MBA vs. MiM: this almost completely depends on who you are as a candidate. If you are an experienced professional (4+ years of work experience), look more closely at MBAs. If not, or if you are looking for an ultra-specialized career, look into other master's programs.

From my experience, both countries are fairly welcoming.

Between Australia and New Zealand, there are a lot of factors. What kind of work would you be doing? The industries vary between the countries. Of course, New Zealand is a lot smaller than Australia, so the range of options may be more limited. Cost of living-wise, the big cities in Australia might be a bit more expensive than those in New Zealand, but do some research here.

In terms of MBA vs. MiM: this almost completely depends on who you are as a candidate. If you are an experienced professional (4+ years of work experience), look more closely at MBAs. If not, or if you are looking for an ultra-specialized career, look into other master's programs.

From my experience, both countries are fairly welcoming.

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