INSEAD Singapore VS Hong Kong UST



good timing for the question...found a link that shows exactly this.

A big firecracker on this whole debate... puts everything to perspective. Now every time I read globetraveler's post, I wonder what he was smoking. Just look at the freaking numbers! I think those who keep claiming HKUST is "way better" than INSEAD, and finance rocks and what not - should take a look at this guys blog - seriously.

does anybody know how HKUST stacks up against INSEAD in placements?


good timing for the question...found a link that shows exactly this.

A big firecracker on this whole debate... puts everything to perspective. Now every time I read globetraveler's post, I wonder what he was smoking. Just look at the freaking numbers! I think those who keep claiming HKUST is "way better" than INSEAD, and finance rocks and what not - should take a look at this guys blog - seriously.

<blockquote>does anybody know how HKUST stacks up against INSEAD in placements?


You may find the discussion at the following link useful about INSEAD and HK UST MBA programme.

Kind regards,


You may find the discussion at the following link useful about INSEAD and HK UST MBA programme.

Kind regards,


good timing for the question...found a link that shows exactly this.

A big firecracker on this whole debate... puts everything to perspective. Now every time I read globetraveler's post, I wonder what he was smoking. Just look at the freaking numbers! I think those who keep claiming HKUST is "way better" than INSEAD, and finance rocks and what not - should take a look at this guys blog - seriously.

does anybody know how HKUST stacks up against INSEAD in placements?

yes decent article, but what does it show? sure Insead's salaries are higher on average, after all people coming in there from US/UK probably make twice as much as Asian students coming to HKUST.

if one is only looking through this one narrow criteria, then why not do the Kellogg/HKUST MBA and make three times as much as Insead grads.

MBA is not all about exiting salaries....

by the way, i also read some of follow up comments to that article, and they mention another criteria which i did not think of, salary % increase from pre to post graduation, that would be a fair criteria to look at.

The same person, thats they key, the same person, after either HKUST or Insead wil get the same job with the same salary in Asia.


good timing for the question...found a link that shows exactly this.

A big firecracker on this whole debate... puts everything to perspective. Now every time I read globetraveler's post, I wonder what he was smoking. Just look at the freaking numbers! I think those who keep claiming HKUST is "way better" than INSEAD, and finance rocks and what not - should take a look at this guys blog - seriously.

<blockquote>does anybody know how HKUST stacks up against INSEAD in placements?

yes decent article, but what does it show? sure Insead's salaries are higher on average, after all people coming in there from US/UK probably make twice as much as Asian students coming to HKUST.

if one is only looking through this one narrow criteria, then why not do the Kellogg/HKUST MBA and make three times as much as Insead grads.

MBA is not all about exiting salaries....

by the way, i also read some of follow up comments to that article, and they mention another criteria which i did not think of, salary % increase from pre to post graduation, that would be a fair criteria to look at.

The same person, thats they key, the same person, after either HKUST or Insead wil get the same job with the same salary in Asia.


>>oh, copernicus, before you shame your school anymore you should really stop posting. You are -- well, I don't know where to start. seemy responses in >>

yes decent article, but what does it show? sure Insead's salaries are higher on average, after all people coming in there from US/UK probably make twice as much as Asian students coming to HKUST.

>>this is about "exit" options, not entry. All my research shows that at top schools you get exit levels regardless of what you came with. my friends with lower salaries before MBA all got same salaries at exit. by your example, if i studied in a unknown place in africa with low entry ssalary and high exit, then that is world class?!! the fact that insead people seem to have nearly 100% more simply implies that companies taking them as paying at that level which HK people dont. And in that report how come Asia salaries are also nearly 100% of HKUST?!

if one is only looking through this one narrow criteria, then why not do the Kellogg/HKUST MBA and make three times
as much as Insead grads.

>>this is the stupid thing I have ever read. Just go through the 2 career report and you will see that Kellogg median salary is LOWER than INSEAD. I just checked are the numbers...median salary for kellogg was about 106,000 but it is 115,000 for INSEAD!! where did you get this "3 times" number from. Do not lie to people to justify your school, you are misleading a lot of us who are trying to research and you are making your school and your class mates look really bad.

MBA is not all about exiting salaries.... '

>>existing salaries are an indication of how the graduates are valued.

by the way, i also read some of follow up comments to that article, and they mention another criteria which i did not think of, salary % increase from pre to post graduation, that would be a fair criteria to look at.

>>doesnt make sense - MBA is about what you get when you leave. so if you want to call HKUST in same league as top US and INSEAD, then the exit options must be same. relative % mean nothing -- if you go by % changes then basically chinese and indian schools will look better than harvard.

this is sooo embarassing...

The same person, thats they key, the same person, after either HKUST or Insead wil get the same job with the same salary in Asia.
>>No. the same person, if he were that good, would go to insead. what you are implying is hkust has worse jobs to be offered because clearly its nearly 1/2 the salary. the problem is because of your over hyping you confused all of come if it was all as great as you siad the salary is 1/2 of insead? thats what i dont understand...why arent the companies paying lot more because you are so good?!

misleading everyone ..that is why i was so vehemant...i did a lot of reading affter my initial research, and it points to different things.

>>oh, copernicus, before you shame your school anymore you should really stop posting. You are -- well, I don't know where to start. seemy responses in >>

yes decent article, but what does it show? sure Insead's salaries are higher on average, after all people coming in there from US/UK probably make twice as much as Asian students coming to HKUST.

>>this is about "exit" options, not entry. All my research shows that at top schools you get exit levels regardless of what you came with. my friends with lower salaries before MBA all got same salaries at exit. by your example, if i studied in a unknown place in africa with low entry ssalary and high exit, then that is world class?!! the fact that insead people seem to have nearly 100% more simply implies that companies taking them as paying at that level which HK people dont. And in that report how come Asia salaries are also nearly 100% of HKUST?!

if one is only looking through this one narrow criteria, then why not do the Kellogg/HKUST MBA and make three times
as much as Insead grads.

>>this is the stupid thing I have ever read. Just go through the 2 career report and you will see that Kellogg median salary is LOWER than INSEAD. I just checked are the numbers...median salary for kellogg was about 106,000 but it is 115,000 for INSEAD!! where did you get this "3 times" number from. Do not lie to people to justify your school, you are misleading a lot of us who are trying to research and you are making your school and your class mates look really bad.

MBA is not all about exiting salaries.... '

>>existing salaries are an indication of how the graduates are valued.

by the way, i also read some of follow up comments to that article, and they mention another criteria which i did not think of, salary % increase from pre to post graduation, that would be a fair criteria to look at.

>>doesnt make sense - MBA is about what you get when you leave. so if you want to call HKUST in same league as top US and INSEAD, then the exit options must be same. relative % mean nothing -- if you go by % changes then basically chinese and indian schools will look better than harvard.

this is sooo embarassing...

The same person, thats they key, the same person, after either HKUST or Insead wil get the same job with the same salary in Asia.
>>No. the same person, if he were that good, would go to insead. what you are implying is hkust has worse jobs to be offered because clearly its nearly 1/2 the salary. the problem is because of your over hyping you confused all of come if it was all as great as you siad the salary is 1/2 of insead? thats what i dont understand...why arent the companies paying lot more because you are so good?!

misleading everyone ..that is why i was so vehemant...i did a lot of reading affter my initial research, and it points to different things.

>>No. the same person, if he were that good, would go to insead.

Actually this is wholly incorrect. a 10 month course vs a 12/16 month course with different types of concentrations and fit?

MBA value is not just about salary. If it was just about salary, then business schools would focus more on pushing people out to high paying industries only.

A more important measure is progress 3-5 years down the line... again, salary may not the key measure. Position in company, number of people managed etc. are just as important measures. However to breakdown the statistics compartively is difficult, because some people in finance or consulting will not manage anyone at all and will be working on products or projects in a niche area, and comparinf comparative positions in companies is a purely subjective measure.

I'm not saying HKUST is better than INSEAD, i'm saying value is based on personal measures. Not Objective measures.

An inherent flaw in MBA's is that they attract the wrong type of people as opposed to what the MBA is supposed to be about (developing leaders). People who apply for MBA's are usually salary motivated, lack any hands on people managing experience (too young) and expect to be paid highly upon graduation with a set of theories and no soft skill development! Ask the average MBA student how they have contributed in developing a colleagues career goals? Most will have had no experience in this area, and then after the MBA they expect to be able to do this!!!

>>No. the same person, if he were that good, would go to insead.

Actually this is wholly incorrect. a 10 month course vs a 12/16 month course with different types of concentrations and fit?

MBA value is not just about salary. If it was just about salary, then business schools would focus more on pushing people out to high paying industries only.

A more important measure is progress 3-5 years down the line... again, salary may not the key measure. Position in company, number of people managed etc. are just as important measures. However to breakdown the statistics compartively is difficult, because some people in finance or consulting will not manage anyone at all and will be working on products or projects in a niche area, and comparinf comparative positions in companies is a purely subjective measure.

I'm not saying HKUST is better than INSEAD, i'm saying value is based on personal measures. Not Objective measures.

An inherent flaw in MBA's is that they attract the wrong type of people as opposed to what the MBA is supposed to be about (developing leaders). People who apply for MBA's are usually salary motivated, lack any hands on people managing experience (too young) and expect to be paid highly upon graduation with a set of theories and no soft skill development! Ask the average MBA student how they have contributed in developing a colleagues career goals? Most will have had no experience in this area, and then after the MBA they expect to be able to do this!!!

yes indeed i need to stop posting here because its a waste of time responding to someone such as yourself...

exiting salaries for Kellogg/HUST EMBA are 315K which is 50k more than Wharton EMBA and 100k more than Insead EMBA.

how do you figure hkust mba salary is 1/2 insead?

the same perso might go to Insead, sure depends on what you are looking for in an MBA.

yes indeed i need to stop posting here because its a waste of time responding to someone such as yourself...

exiting salaries for Kellogg/HUST EMBA are 315K which is 50k more than Wharton EMBA and 100k more than Insead EMBA.

how do you figure hkust mba salary is 1/2 insead?

the same perso might go to Insead, sure depends on what you are looking for in an MBA.


so brilliant. comparing EMBA exit salaries with MBA! any other tricks that you want to use? why are you comparing EMBA executive salaries with regular MBA?

please don't post anymore bcoz that will really help others ;)

yes indeed i need to stop posting here because its a waste of time responding to someone such as yourself...

exiting salaries for Kellogg/HUST EMBA are 315K which is 50k more than Wharton EMBA and 100k more than Insead EMBA.

how do you figure hkust mba salary is 1/2 insead?

the same perso might go to Insead, sure depends on what you are looking for in an MBA.

so brilliant. comparing EMBA exit salaries with MBA! any other tricks that you want to use? why are you comparing EMBA executive salaries with regular MBA?

please don't post anymore bcoz that will really help others ;)

<blockquote>yes indeed i need to stop posting here because its a waste of time responding to someone such as yourself...

exiting salaries for Kellogg/HUST EMBA are 315K which is 50k more than Wharton EMBA and 100k more than Insead EMBA.

how do you figure hkust mba salary is 1/2 insead?

the same perso might go to Insead, sure depends on what you are looking for in an MBA.


so brilliant. comparing EMBA exit salaries with MBA! any other tricks that you want to use? why are you comparing EMBA executive salaries with regular MBA?

please don't post anymore bcoz that will really help others ;)

well it seems your take on MBA is strictly focused on salaries. going that way the best salary/networking combination in Asia is that particular EMBA without any doubt.

i apologize, now i see that when i first mentioned the program i somehow wrote Kellogg/HKUST MBA, it should have been EMBA!

<blockquote>so brilliant. comparing EMBA exit salaries with MBA! any other tricks that you want to use? why are you comparing EMBA executive salaries with regular MBA?

please don't post anymore bcoz that will really help others ;)


well it seems your take on MBA is strictly focused on salaries. going that way the best salary/networking combination in Asia is that particular EMBA without any doubt.

i apologize, now i see that when i first mentioned the program i somehow wrote Kellogg/HKUST MBA, it should have been EMBA!


so brilliant. comparing EMBA exit salaries with MBA! any other tricks that you want to use? why are you comparing EMBA executive salaries with regular MBA?

please don't post anymore bcoz that will really help others ;)

well it seems your take on MBA is strictly focused on salaries. going that way the best salary/networking combination in Asia is that particular EMBA without any doubt.

i apologize, now i see that when i first mentioned the program i somehow wrote Kellogg/HKUST MBA, it should have been EMBA!

ok too much fighting going on. in any case let's not now debate EMBA with MBA -- they're very different. whatever the case, good luck with your MBA and hope you get a job you want. this is my last post too...need to focus on prepration.

<blockquote><blockquote>so brilliant. comparing EMBA exit salaries with MBA! any other tricks that you want to use? why are you comparing EMBA executive salaries with regular MBA?

please don't post anymore bcoz that will really help others ;)


well it seems your take on MBA is strictly focused on salaries. going that way the best salary/networking combination in Asia is that particular EMBA without any doubt.

i apologize, now i see that when i first mentioned the program i somehow wrote Kellogg/HKUST MBA, it should have been EMBA!


ok too much fighting going on. in any case let's not now debate EMBA with MBA -- they're very different. whatever the case, good luck with your MBA and hope you get a job you want. this is my last post too...need to focus on prepration.

agreed 100%, good luck at Insead or any other top school you choose.

agreed 100%, good luck at Insead or any other top school you choose.


agreed 100%, good luck at Insead or any other top school you choose.

Hi copernicus,

I'm starting to research MBA programs and I'm interested in learning about HKUST - specifically, the admissions criteria. I'm having a difficult time finding mean/median GMAT scores.. only what's on the HKUST site (80% range, which is vague at best). Any insight would be greatly apprediated.



agreed 100%, good luck at Insead or any other top school you choose.


Hi copernicus,

I'm starting to research MBA programs and I'm interested in learning about HKUST - specifically, the admissions criteria. I'm having a difficult time finding mean/median GMAT scores.. only what's on the HKUST site (80% range, which is vague at best). Any insight would be greatly apprediated.


agreed 100%, good luck at Insead or any other top school you choose.

Hi copernicus,

I'm starting to research MBA programs and I'm interested in learning about HKUST - specifically, the admissions criteria. I'm having a difficult time finding mean/median GMAT scores.. only what's on the HKUST site (80% range, which is vague at best). Any insight would be greatly apprediated.


Unfortunately I dont know anything about average GMAT scores for incoming class, but in an informatl conversation with admisssions i was told that both quality of applicants and test scores have risen considerably after recent showings in FT and EIU rankings.

Saying that, it is still a lot easier getting into HKUST than into Insead. HKUST still does not get many "blue chip" candidates so if you have solid international work experience your gmat score, if low, would probably be discounted somewhat.

The class size has also increased and I believe that they will split it into two groups.


agreed 100%, good luck at Insead or any other top school you choose.


Hi copernicus,

I'm starting to research MBA programs and I'm interested in learning about HKUST - specifically, the admissions criteria. I'm having a difficult time finding mean/median GMAT scores.. only what's on the HKUST site (80% range, which is vague at best). Any insight would be greatly apprediated.


Unfortunately I dont know anything about average GMAT scores for incoming class, but in an informatl conversation with admisssions i was told that both quality of applicants and test scores have risen considerably after recent showings in FT and EIU rankings.

Saying that, it is still a lot easier getting into HKUST than into Insead. HKUST still does not get many "blue chip" candidates so if you have solid international work experience your gmat score, if low, would probably be discounted somewhat.

The class size has also increased and I believe that they will split it into two groups.


This years intake has students from McKinsey, CapGemini and Nokia.

This years intake has students from McKinsey, CapGemini and Nokia.

sorry there Copernicus but I have to strongly disagree with your statements. you certainly have not had a privilege of meeting the incoming hkust class or you would not be saying what you had done so.

i can assure you that this class has more than few blue chips as you had called them, furthermore i am certain that at least half of this class could have gone to Insead if they choose to. this is in no way me demeaning Insead, as its a great school!! but please realize that hkust is improving greatly every year and its a great alternative for someone looking to pursue an mba in asia.

sorry there Copernicus but I have to strongly disagree with your statements. you certainly have not had a privilege of meeting the incoming hkust class or you would not be saying what you had done so.

i can assure you that this class has more than few blue chips as you had called them, furthermore i am certain that at least half of this class could have gone to Insead if they choose to. this is in no way me demeaning Insead, as its a great school!! but please realize that hkust is improving greatly every year and its a great alternative for someone looking to pursue an mba in asia.


sorry there Copernicus but I have to strongly disagree with your statements. you certainly have not had a privilege of meeting the incoming hkust class or you would not be saying what you had done so.

i can assure you that this class has more than few blue chips as you had called them, furthermore i am certain that at least half of this class could have gone to Insead if they choose to. this is in no way me demeaning Insead, as its a great school!! but please realize that hkust is improving greatly every year and its a great alternative for someone looking to pursue an mba in asia.

so I just saw the new Economist ranking for 2008, and HKUST is now ahead of Insead, any comments?

<blockquote>sorry there Copernicus but I have to strongly disagree with your statements. you certainly have not had a privilege of meeting the incoming hkust class or you would not be saying what you had done so.

i can assure you that this class has more than few blue chips as you had called them, furthermore i am certain that at least half of this class could have gone to Insead if they choose to. this is in no way me demeaning Insead, as its a great school!! but please realize that hkust is improving greatly every year and its a great alternative for someone looking to pursue an mba in asia.


so I just saw the new Economist ranking for 2008, and HKUST is now ahead of Insead, any comments?


sorry there Copernicus but I have to strongly disagree with your statements. you certainly have not had a privilege of meeting the incoming hkust class or you would not be saying what you had done so.

i can assure you that this class has more than few blue chips as you had called them, furthermore i am certain that at least half of this class could have gone to Insead if they choose to. this is in no way me demeaning Insead, as its a great school!! but please realize that hkust is improving greatly every year and its a great alternative for someone looking to pursue an mba in asia.

so I just saw the new Economist ranking for 2008, and HKUST is now ahead of Insead, any comments?

its been a while since someone posted here.
someone should call Economist's CEO, Insead Alumni, to ask whats going on :-)

<blockquote><blockquote>sorry there Copernicus but I have to strongly disagree with your statements. you certainly have not had a privilege of meeting the incoming hkust class or you would not be saying what you had done so.

i can assure you that this class has more than few blue chips as you had called them, furthermore i am certain that at least half of this class could have gone to Insead if they choose to. this is in no way me demeaning Insead, as its a great school!! but please realize that hkust is improving greatly every year and its a great alternative for someone looking to pursue an mba in asia.


so I just saw the new Economist ranking for 2008, and HKUST is now ahead of Insead, any comments?


its been a while since someone posted here.
someone should call Economist's CEO, Insead Alumni, to ask whats going on :-)

Inactive User



so I just saw the new Economist ranking for 2008, and HKUST is now ahead of Insead, any comments?

does this surprise me, YES! but, rankings are relative.
I dont believe there are many people out there who would pass on Insead and go to HKUST.

I am actually applying to both with HKUST being my back up school. Clearly if you are considering doing MBA in Asia you should take into account the location. Is it Singapore or Hong Kong where you want to be post graduation? In my case its Singapore so Insead is the clear choice, if it was HK than perhaps HKUST would get a higher rating, but even then Insead would still be my preferred choice.


so I just saw the new Economist ranking for 2008, and HKUST is now ahead of Insead, any comments?


does this surprise me, YES! but, rankings are relative.
I dont believe there are many people out there who would pass on Insead and go to HKUST.

I am actually applying to both with HKUST being my back up school. Clearly if you are considering doing MBA in Asia you should take into account the location. Is it Singapore or Hong Kong where you want to be post graduation? In my case its Singapore so Insead is the clear choice, if it was HK than perhaps HKUST would get a higher rating, but even then Insead would still be my preferred choice.

Inactive User

Just out of personal interest, what is it about Singapore you prefer? From what friends in Singapore tell me, it sounds incredibly sanitised and conservative. So going on what they say, and my own experience of Hong Kong, I'd choose HK any day.

But maybe I'm wrong....

Just out of personal interest, what is it about Singapore you prefer? From what friends in Singapore tell me, it sounds incredibly sanitised and conservative. So going on what they say, and my own experience of Hong Kong, I'd choose HK any day.

But maybe I'm wrong....

Just out of personal interest, what is it about Singapore you prefer? From what friends in Singapore tell me, it sounds incredibly sanitised and conservative. So going on what they say, and my own experience of Hong Kong, I'd choose HK any day.

But maybe I'm wrong....

i dont like HK's focus on China... saying that, for someone speaking Mandarin HK is the place to be without any doubt.
This would be the case where one might prefer HKUST and its network over Insead-Singapore.

<blockquote>Just out of personal interest, what is it about Singapore you prefer? From what friends in Singapore tell me, it sounds incredibly sanitised and conservative. So going on what they say, and my own experience of Hong Kong, I'd choose HK any day.

But maybe I'm wrong....</blockquote>

i dont like HK's focus on China... saying that, for someone speaking Mandarin HK is the place to be without any doubt.
This would be the case where one might prefer HKUST and its network over Insead-Singapore.


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