Asia MBA for foreigner / expat

Hi everybody!

I'm trying to plan out for my MBA probably next year. I am an American living in Ukraine right now, planning on finishing up a contract next summer (I'm developing curriculum for an English language school.)

Next, my wife and I are looking at going to Asia for the coming years. She has Thai roots and has some potential jobs lined up, possibly in Malaysia or Thailand but most likely Singapore.

While we are there, I am thinking of doing an MBA to get to the next step in my career. I have found some respectable schools in the various countries that offer English language MBAs and I will start inquiring soon but I am really looking for a sense of who these programs are for and if they are good / appropriate for foreigners. It seems like some may be a way for local students to study in and improve their English, which is not what I am looking for.

Are there programs that are more designed for international students looking to integrate / network (as far as this is possible in an English language program?)

For what it's worth, these are the schools I was looking at:

- Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University
- Universiti Malaya - University of Malaya Graduate School of Business (UMGSB)
- Nanyang Technological University (NTU) - Nanyang Business School
- NUS Business School, National University of Singapore
- Singapore Management University (SMU)

Thanks in advance!

Hi everybody!

I'm trying to plan out for my MBA probably next year. I am an American living in Ukraine right now, planning on finishing up a contract next summer (I'm developing curriculum for an English language school.)

Next, my wife and I are looking at going to Asia for the coming years. She has Thai roots and has some potential jobs lined up, possibly in Malaysia or Thailand but most likely Singapore.

While we are there, I am thinking of doing an MBA to get to the next step in my career. I have found some respectable schools in the various countries that offer English language MBAs and I will start inquiring soon but I am really looking for a sense of who these programs are for and if they are good / appropriate for foreigners. It seems like some may be a way for local students to study in and improve their English, which is not what I am looking for.

Are there programs that are more designed for international students looking to integrate / network (as far as this is possible in an English language program?)

For what it's worth, these are the schools I was looking at:

- Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University
- Universiti Malaya - University of Malaya Graduate School of Business (UMGSB)
- Nanyang Technological University (NTU) - Nanyang Business School
- NUS Business School, National University of Singapore
- Singapore Management University (SMU)

Thanks in advance!

I guess this all hinges on what you want your future career to be. The Singapore schools you mention are much better options, and the others serve their domestic market. 

I guess this all hinges on what you want your future career to be. The Singapore schools you mention are much better options, and the others serve their domestic market. 

Although you are right, the domestic programs will undoubtedly attract locals looking to improve their English, these kinds of programs can be great for an outsider in terms of building a network in the country. So if that's your overall goal (to stay / work in Malaysia or Thailand, etc.) then the domestic programs you are looking at could be really good options.

Otherwise, if your goals are less locally focused, a ranked online program could also be an alternative. 

Although you are right, the domestic programs will undoubtedly attract locals looking to improve their English, these kinds of programs can be great for an outsider in terms of building a network in the country. So if that's your overall goal (to stay / work in Malaysia or Thailand, etc.) then the domestic programs you are looking at could be really good options.<br><br>Otherwise, if your goals are less locally focused, a ranked online program could also be an alternative.&nbsp;

Alright, thanks a lot! The main issue is that my long term goals are a bit unclear right now (they depend on a lot of factors and have been impacted by covid). So, I am looking for something to network locally but also need international connections. In any case it's confirmed we will be in Singapore so that at least solidifies where I will be. Right now I'm finalizing my app for Insead and feeling pretty good about it. 1f642

Alright, thanks a lot! The main issue is that my long term goals are a bit unclear right now (they depend on a lot of factors and have been impacted by covid). So, I am looking for something to network locally but also need international connections. In any case it's confirmed we will be in Singapore so that at least solidifies where I will be. Right now I'm finalizing my app for Insead and feeling pretty good about it.&nbsp;:slightly-smiling-face:

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