Sustainable Finance MBA


I am looking for advice regarding the best MBA for Sustainable Finance in the UK or Europe. I currently work in the fields of banking advice and ESG and looking for something that will complement that alongside business acumen.

I am also looking for one I can do alongside working - so distance learning ideally.

Thanks in advance.



I am looking for advice regarding the best MBA for Sustainable Finance in the UK or Europe. I currently work in the fields of banking advice and ESG and looking for something that will complement that alongside business acumen.

I am also looking for one I can do alongside working - so distance learning ideally.

Thanks in advance.

Inactive User

As far as I know, there aren't really aren't very many specialized MBA programs in sustainable finance. Closest you'll get in terms of quality schools would be in Canada (Ivey is actually one of the few schools that does offer an MBA in Sustainable Finance..)

But in terms of reputable schools in the UK or Europe - or even distance learning programs - I'm drawing a blank. There are some schools out there that lack accreditation from AMBA, EQUIS, or AACSB, which, even if they may offer a specialized degree in this field, would most likely not add any more value than just taking some free relevant courses on Coursera, etc.

What are your goals with this kind of degree? Your best bet would probably be to do a quality MBA at a school that's strong in finance but which also is a thought leader in the sustainability space. Imperial comes to mind since it hosts the Centre for Climate Finance & Investment.

As far as I know, there aren't really aren't very many specialized MBA programs in sustainable finance. Closest you'll get in terms of quality schools would be in Canada (Ivey is actually one of the few schools that does offer an MBA in Sustainable Finance..)

But in terms of reputable schools in the UK or Europe - or even distance learning programs - I'm drawing a blank. There are some schools out there that lack accreditation from AMBA, EQUIS, or AACSB, which, even if they may offer a specialized degree in this field, would most likely not add any more value than just taking some free relevant courses on Coursera, etc.

What are your goals with this kind of degree? Your best bet would probably be to do a quality MBA at a school that's strong in finance but which also is a thought leader in the sustainability space. Imperial comes to mind since it hosts the Centre for Climate Finance & Investment.

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