Hult London: Good for Marketing?


in above posts i hav given a brief about my pros and cons and in this post indepth

I read it. At the end of the day I know Hult doesn't have as much prestige as other institutions, but sometimes I wonder if that's because they are relatively new.

If an employer asks me why I didn't go to a more respected place like LBS, for instance, well...because, frankly, I could not afford it. Which is not a bad reason, in my opinion, and it's always good to be honest.


in above posts i hav given a brief about my pros and cons and in this post indepth </blockquote>

I read it. At the end of the day I know Hult doesn't have as much prestige as other institutions, but sometimes I wonder if that's because they are relatively new.

If an employer asks me why I didn't go to a more respected place like LBS, for instance, well...because, frankly, I could not afford it. Which is not a bad reason, in my opinion, and it's always good to be honest.

Hi, I dont think doing MBA from an American B-School in London will be a good option if you are looking for some good opportunities after your studies, I would suggest Imperial or CASS would be a better option, as the MBA cohort will be better in these B-School due to their stringent selection process and their fee structure.

Hi, I dont think doing MBA from an American B-School in London will be a good option if you are looking for some good opportunities after your studies, I would suggest Imperial or CASS would be a better option, as the MBA cohort will be better in these B-School due to their stringent selection process and their fee structure.

Hi, I dont think doing MBA from an American B-School in London will be a good option if you are looking for some good opportunities after your studies, I would suggest Imperial or CASS would be a better option, as the MBA cohort will be better in these B-School due to their stringent selection process and their fee structure.

Yes you are right, I know. As I stated on my previous posts the financial aspect is a huge deal for me, as I do not have any sponsor on this endeavour. But I am trying for Imperial, fingers crossed.

<blockquote>Hi, I dont think doing MBA from an American B-School in London will be a good option if you are looking for some good opportunities after your studies, I would suggest Imperial or CASS would be a better option, as the MBA cohort will be better in these B-School due to their stringent selection process and their fee structure.

Yes you are right, I know. As I stated on my previous posts the financial aspect is a huge deal for me, as I do not have any sponsor on this endeavour. But I am trying for Imperial, fingers crossed.
Masood Sah...

HULT is not new.. read more

and its also ranked No.60 Ft ranking :-)
Harvard Professors
TOP Career Expertise
options to study in different campuses globally
its a global business school
Good PR
AMBA Business school
right in London

and most importantly just 15K£ for you.. Wow if i tell this to my Hult friends, they might suicide :-)

HULT is not new.. read more

and its also ranked No.60 Ft ranking :-)
Harvard Professors
TOP Career Expertise
options to study in different campuses globally
its a global business school
Good PR
AMBA Business school
right in London

and most importantly just 15K£ for you.. Wow if i tell this to my Hult friends, they might suicide :-)
Masood Sah...

i actually fell for 15k deal.. :)

i actually fell for 15k deal.. :)

i actually fell for 15k deal.. :)

Yes but could this be a desperate move on their part? Could it be because their London campus is not nearly as full as it should be?

<blockquote>i actually fell for 15k deal.. :)</blockquote>

Yes but could this be a desperate move on their part? Could it be because their London campus is not nearly as full as it should be?

i actually fell for 15k deal.. :)

32000 USD is over 20K GBP and not 15K.

<blockquote>i actually fell for 15k deal.. :)</blockquote>

32000 USD is over 20K GBP and not 15K.
Masood Sah...

Brand Hult for 30k-40K No Deal!
Brand Hult for 15K! Yes Deal!

ROI for 15k less stress than ROI for 30k above

but like my early posts CASS, Imperial Top Schools, no comparison with HULT

Brand Hult for 30k-40K No Deal!
Brand Hult for 15K! Yes Deal!

ROI for 15k less stress than ROI for 30k above

but like my early posts CASS, Imperial Top Schools, no comparison with HULT

Masood Sah...

i thought of doing the calculation , but thought rock had got it right..

i thought of doing the calculation , but thought rock had got it right..


i thought of doing the calculation , but thought kingpin had got it right..

I think I have a good shot at Imperial. But, without the 10.000GBP scholarship that they offer there is no way I can do it, 36.000GBP is a lot of money when converted to Brazilian Real.

R$1 = 3,10GBP. Yikes.

<blockquote>i thought of doing the calculation , but thought kingpin had got it right..


I think I have a good shot at Imperial. But, without the 10.000GBP scholarship that they offer there is no way I can do it, 36.000GBP is a lot of money when converted to Brazilian Real.

R$1 = 3,10GBP. Yikes.

Its a good ROI for rest of your life.

Its a good ROI for rest of your life.
Masood Sah...

Imperial @ 36-10 =26K
A Must Goooooooooooooooooooo!

All the Best Rocking Rio

Imperial @ 36-10 =26K
A Must Goooooooooooooooooooo!

All the Best Rocking Rio

Okay guys but! What if I do not get the scholarship and cant join Imperial? Should I go for Hult anyway? I'm already 32 years old, I do not want to wait another year for this!

Like I said I can try for an MBA in the US at the start of 2013 but I will not be able to get a proper job there, I'm afraid.

Okay guys but! What if I do not get the scholarship and cant join Imperial? Should I go for Hult anyway? I'm already 32 years old, I do not want to wait another year for this!

Like I said I can try for an MBA in the US at the start of 2013 but I will not be able to get a proper job there, I'm afraid.

I would still suggest Imperial even at 36K provided you can manage.

I would still suggest Imperial even at 36K provided you can manage.

I would still suggest Imperial even at 36K provided you can manage.

I can't. It's an insane amount of money.

<blockquote>I would still suggest Imperial even at 36K provided you can manage. </blockquote>

I can't. It's an insane amount of money.


If it's insane why do people pay it?

Seriously, do not narrow your choices to just two schools which are incomparable. Why not do your MBA in Brazil or Portugal?

If it's insane why do people pay it?

Seriously, do not narrow your choices to just two schools which are incomparable. Why not do your MBA in Brazil or Portugal?

If it's insane why do people pay it?

Seriously, do not narrow your choices to just two schools which are incomparable. Why not do your MBA in Brazil or Portugal?

I meant it's insane for me and my family.

I wanted an international MBA experience Duncan. I think it could be something invaluable to me, not only for the program itself but also for the whole personal experience of staying abroad for a year.

I didn't really consider Portugal because first I know the economy is bad right now (I believe worse than in the UK) and because it might not be as impressive as doing one in the UK, regardless of how high or low in the ranks the program is.

<blockquote>If it's insane why do people pay it?

Seriously, do not narrow your choices to just two schools which are incomparable. Why not do your MBA in Brazil or Portugal? </blockquote>

I meant it's insane for me and my family.

I wanted an international MBA experience Duncan. I think it could be something invaluable to me, not only for the program itself but also for the whole personal experience of staying abroad for a year.

I didn't really consider Portugal because first I know the economy is bad right now (I believe worse than in the UK) and because it might not be as impressive as doing one in the UK, regardless of how high or low in the ranks the program is.

You get out what you put in. A selective, and costly school will tend to have better outcomes than a less selective, cheaper school. Actually, an MBA with low tuition can be very expensive when you add to that the wage premium lost through an inferior MBA.

I suspect that you might need to slow down and think carefully about your goals and paths to your goals. Even the idea of an MBA "in marketing" suggests to me that you have not researched the options too widely.

Is the MIT programme in Lisbon, the FGV or the FIA really inferior to the worst British MBA? I don't think so.

Focus on your goals. Identify the best programme to support them (why, for example, is it not an MSc in advanced marketing?) and take your time. Do not be rushed by a fake discount (offered to many students).

You get out what you put in. A selective, and costly school will tend to have better outcomes than a less selective, cheaper school. Actually, an MBA with low tuition can be very expensive when you add to that the wage premium lost through an inferior MBA.

I suspect that you might need to slow down and think carefully about your goals and paths to your goals. Even the idea of an MBA "in marketing" suggests to me that you have not researched the options too widely.

Is the MIT programme in Lisbon, the FGV or the FIA really inferior to the worst British MBA? I don't think so.

Focus on your goals. Identify the best programme to support them (why, for example, is it not an MSc in advanced marketing?) and take your time. Do not be rushed by a fake discount (offered to many students).

You get out what you put in. A selective, and costly school will tend to have better outcomes than a less selective, cheaper school. Actually, an MBA with low tuition can be very expensive when you add to that the wage premium lost through an inferior MBA.

I suspect that you might need to slow down and think carefully about your goals and paths to your goals. Even the idea of an MBA "in marketing" suggests to me that you have not researched the options too widely.

Is the MIT programme in Lisbon, the FGV or the FIA really inferior to the worst British MBA? I don't think so.

Focus on your goals. Identify the best programme to support them (why, for example, is it not an MSc in advanced marketing?) and take your time. Do not be rushed by a fake discount (offered to many students).

FGV is not even listed on the Financial Times ranking at the moment. Not only that but what they offer is an Executive MBA, which is not as in deep as a Full time MBA. Coppead is the only one listed and it's actually higher in the ranking than Hult but they require you to remain an entire working day taking classes, which is something most Brazilian companies do not tolerate, even if it is for the greater good of their employee. People here tend to say that Coppead is for rich kids only.

The financial aspect is a huge deal to me. Yes, Imperial College is a better option but it costs more, even with a scholarship. What if I absolutely cannot afford a 50.000 dollar program? Is it better to stay here and not do it at all then? And, outside of the British market, I'm not sure most companies can tell the difference between Imperial and Hult in terms of quality unless I'm being interviewed by someone who actually went to one of them.

I'm also considering the overall experience of doing an MBA abroad. If I do it in Portugal or Brazil I will not have an international experience because there will only be Brazilian and Portuguese students. In terms of forming a global networking of people and understanding how other markets work, I think an MBA on countries like the US or the UK is invaluable.

I'm also considering the future. Hult is improving in the global ranks. Maybe 5 years from now it will be more prestigious. Might not ever get to the level of an IE or LBS but might be in the Top 20, who knows?.

And the fact that I'm choosing an "Marketing MBA", as you said, its because I am not a Business graduate and I wonder if I actually need a regular Full MBA. On that note, FGV also offers a Marketing MBA (in Executive form). It's pretty common here.

You do make some valid points and I appreciate your input. Just trying to clarify my situation a little better.

<blockquote>You get out what you put in. A selective, and costly school will tend to have better outcomes than a less selective, cheaper school. Actually, an MBA with low tuition can be very expensive when you add to that the wage premium lost through an inferior MBA.

I suspect that you might need to slow down and think carefully about your goals and paths to your goals. Even the idea of an MBA "in marketing" suggests to me that you have not researched the options too widely.

Is the MIT programme in Lisbon, the FGV or the FIA really inferior to the worst British MBA? I don't think so.

Focus on your goals. Identify the best programme to support them (why, for example, is it not an MSc in advanced marketing?) and take your time. Do not be rushed by a fake discount (offered to many students). </blockquote>

FGV is not even listed on the Financial Times ranking at the moment. Not only that but what they offer is an Executive MBA, which is not as in deep as a Full time MBA. Coppead is the only one listed and it's actually higher in the ranking than Hult but they require you to remain an entire working day taking classes, which is something most Brazilian companies do not tolerate, even if it is for the greater good of their employee. People here tend to say that Coppead is for rich kids only.

The financial aspect is a huge deal to me. Yes, Imperial College is a better option but it costs more, even with a scholarship. What if I absolutely cannot afford a 50.000 dollar program? Is it better to stay here and not do it at all then? And, outside of the British market, I'm not sure most companies can tell the difference between Imperial and Hult in terms of quality unless I'm being interviewed by someone who actually went to one of them.

I'm also considering the overall experience of doing an MBA abroad. If I do it in Portugal or Brazil I will not have an international experience because there will only be Brazilian and Portuguese students. In terms of forming a global networking of people and understanding how other markets work, I think an MBA on countries like the US or the UK is invaluable.

I'm also considering the future. Hult is improving in the global ranks. Maybe 5 years from now it will be more prestigious. Might not ever get to the level of an IE or LBS but might be in the Top 20, who knows?.

And the fact that I'm choosing an "Marketing MBA", as you said, its because I am not a Business graduate and I wonder if I actually need a regular Full MBA. On that note, FGV also offers a Marketing MBA (in Executive form). It's pretty common here.

You do make some valid points and I appreciate your input. Just trying to clarify my situation a little better.
Inactive User

I'm also considering the future. Hult is improving in the global ranks. Maybe 5 years from now it will be more prestigious. Might not ever get to the level of an IE or LBS but might be in the Top 20, who knows?.

Yeah, compared to some of the UK schools on the FT ranking, Hult has at least held its own over the past few years - although it is dropping in the Economist's rankings.

At least along those lines, the school's probably a good call.

And the fact that I'm choosing an "Marketing MBA", as you said, its because I am not a Business graduate and I wonder if I actually need a regular Full MBA.

I think you'll get an understanding of marketing in any good general MBA program. The question is, do you need to focus on it? You might find that a focus makes you too specialized in the future.

<blockquote>I'm also considering the future. Hult is improving in the global ranks. Maybe 5 years from now it will be more prestigious. Might not ever get to the level of an IE or LBS but might be in the Top 20, who knows?.</blockquote>
Yeah, compared to some of the UK schools on the FT ranking, Hult has at least held its own over the past few years - although it is dropping in the Economist's rankings.

At least along those lines, the school's probably a good call.

<blockquote>And the fact that I'm choosing an "Marketing MBA", as you said, its because I am not a Business graduate and I wonder if I actually need a regular Full MBA.</blockquote>
I think you'll get an understanding of marketing in any good general MBA program. The question is, do you need to focus on it? You might find that a focus makes you too specialized in the future.

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