I am a little bit confused with regards to choosing the right Mba.
i am currently torn between the Esb reutlingen Mba,the IBSA mba in bremen(option of a double degree either from University of north carolina or novancia) and the TU berlin mba in energy management.
My plans?........i just want a job after the mba.
I do have the right to work in germany and maybe in 1 year get the german citizenship.after which i may actually relocate to the united kingdom depending on what happens after my MBA IN GERMANY.
I had plans of durham or strathclyde MBA but because of cost and work permit post mba.i had to call it off.(at least for now till i get german citizenship.
what do you advice?
1) Go the German mba route,if yes which would be better for employment after studies?
2) borrow to fund the UK mba route? what is the possibility of getting employment in Germany with a uk mba.
3) wait,get german citizenship then relocate to the uk and do the mba there.
any other option would be welcomed.
thanks for your time
[Edited by prinz on Mar 29, 2016]