Looking for MBA university


hi guys , i am Moroccan and i am looking for an MBA in USA with low TOEFL score and with no GMAT/waive it and please give me a list of universities

hi guys , i am Moroccan and i am looking for an MBA in USA with low TOEFL score and with no GMAT/waive it and please give me a list of universities

How low?

How low?

Under 60 in Toefl score

Under 60 in Toefl score

Try: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=site%3A.edu+minimum+toefl+55&oq=site%3A.edu+minimum+toefl+55&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i58.12638j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=91&ie=UTF-8

Try: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=site%3A.edu+minimum+toefl+55&oq=site%3A.edu+minimum+toefl+55&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i58.12638j0j4&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=91&ie=UTF-8
Razors Edg...

It would really behoove you to study and then re-take. Even the MBA programs ranked at the very bottom of the Businessweek rankings, like Denver - Daniels, Willamette - Atkinson, and Case - Weatherhead, require TOEFL scores in the high-80s to low-90s range.

It would really behoove you to study and then re-take. Even the MBA programs ranked at the very bottom of the Businessweek rankings, like Denver - Daniels, Willamette - Atkinson, and Case - Weatherhead, require TOEFL scores in the high-80s to low-90s range.

I totally agree with the above post; if you are looking for a decent MBA then I suggest that you retake your TOEFL and also attempt your GMAT even though you don't score high on it.

I totally agree with the above post; if you are looking for a decent MBA then I suggest that you retake your TOEFL and also attempt your GMAT even though you don't score high on it.

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