How good is the iMSM from the University of Illinois Goes Business school

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I have read that their imba has about 3000 students and takes in a lot of students who are not that good academically, hence the courses are watered down. Is it true? Do you think that the iMSM will be the same? Will employers view it favourably? Will it be good for a transition to analyst level roles at the big 4, etc?

I have read that their imba has about 3000 students and takes in a lot of students who are not that good academically, hence the courses are watered down. Is it true? Do you think that the iMSM will be the same? Will employers view it favourably? Will it be good for a transition to analyst level roles at the big 4, etc?
George Pat...

I don't think a master in management is the best way to get an analyst role 

I'd say for analyst role, an MSc in Analytics like the one from Georgiatech and edX sounds like a good fit. 

<div>I don't think a master in management is the best way to get an analyst role&nbsp;<br></div><div><br></div><div>I'd say for analyst role, an MSc in Analytics like the one from Georgiatech and edX sounds like a good fit.&nbsp;<br><br></div>

The Imba is not watered down. Just compare it to to Maryland core, for example.

The Imba is not watered down. Just compare it to to Maryland core, for example.

I don't think a master in management is the best way to get an analyst role 

I'd say for analyst role, an MSc in Analytics like the one from Georgiatech and edX sounds like a good fit. 

Sorry I didn't mean a role in analytics but rather an entry level business analyst role at a finance department of a fortune 500, big 4 etc

[quote]<div>I don't think a master in management is the best way to get an analyst role&nbsp;<br></div><div><br></div><div>I'd say for analyst role, an MSc in Analytics like the one from Georgiatech and edX sounds like a good fit.&nbsp;<br><br></div> [/quote]<br>Sorry I didn't mean a role in analytics but rather an entry level business analyst role at a finance department of a fortune 500, big 4 etc<br><br>

The Imba is not watered down. Just compare it to to Maryland core, for example.

Thank you for your reply. I had offers from other schools like warwick, UCD etc but have chosen the iMSM as I can afford it. I a currently working in business development at a startup and wanted to switch to a better role at a bigger firm. I wad wondering if the imsm is suited for my goals

[quote]The Imba is not watered down. Just compare it to to Maryland core, for example. [/quote]<br><br>Thank you for your reply. I had offers from other schools like warwick, UCD etc but have chosen the iMSM as I can afford it. I a currently working in business development at a startup and wanted to switch to a better role at a bigger firm. I wad wondering if the imsm is suited for my goals<br>

Do you have a specific goal? I guess most firms are bigger. 

Do you have a specific goal? I guess most firms are bigger.&nbsp;

Do you have a specific goal? I guess most firms are bigger. 

I don't have specific goals. I want to get into any analyst level jobs at the big 4 or assistant product manager jobs at p&g, nestle etc 

[quote]Do you have a specific goal? I guess most firms are bigger.&nbsp; [/quote]<br>I don't have specific goals. I want to get into any analyst level jobs at the big 4 or assistant product manager jobs at p&amp;g, nestle etc&nbsp;

You don't have a country in mind? 

You don't have a country in mind?&nbsp;

You don't have a country in mind? 

Maybe Canada. I am planning to continue with the iMSM and undertake some data science bootcamps in Canada. That way I can get a decent brand on my cv (UIUC) and also enhance my data analytics skills. Honestly I don't have goals. I'll be happy to get a decent job at this point of time in my life and have something positive. I can't afford my other offers like warwick, Cass, Durham and didnt really like living in Dublin so UCD wasn't a great fit. 

[quote]You don't have a country in mind?&nbsp; [/quote]<br>Maybe Canada. I am planning to continue with the iMSM and undertake some data science bootcamps in Canada. That way I can get a decent brand on my cv (UIUC) and also enhance my data analytics skills. Honestly I don't have goals. I'll be happy to get a decent job at this point of time in my life and have something positive. I can't afford my other offers like warwick, Cass, Durham and didnt really like living in Dublin so UCD wasn't a great fit.&nbsp;

Then go study in Canada, surely? 

Then go study in Canada, surely?&nbsp;

Then go study in Canada, surely? 

I am planning to get a diploma from a canadian college on the side too as they are cheap and I can't really afford programs like the Ivey masters in management. My parents have also refused to pay for these degrees tbh. They spent all their savings on my undergrad from UCL but I graduated with below average grades and couldn't secure a job in the UK.

[Edited by Rett on Aug 23, 2020]

[quote]Then go study in Canada, surely?&nbsp; [/quote]<br>I am planning to get a diploma from a canadian college on the side too as they are cheap and I can't really afford programs like the Ivey masters in management. My parents have also refused to pay for these degrees tbh. They spent all their savings on my undergrad from UCL but I graduated with below average grades and couldn't secure a job in the UK.<br>

An on-campus program at a Canadian college in any topic will be more helpful for your migration there and any online degree. 

An on-campus program at a Canadian college in any topic will be more helpful for your migration there and any online degree.&nbsp;
Inactive User

If Canada is your goal and you can afford both the iMSM + a college certificate, why not just go do the full-time MBA at Memorial University Newfoundland.  It's AACSB accredited and tuition is just C$12,905 or US$9,776 (total program cost) for international students?   The parent university (Memorial) may not be as prestigious as UIUC, but it is a legit and respected university in Canada.  They have many alumni (albeit undergraduate alumni) in big cities like Toronto.  I feel like you have significantly better odds of a long-term career in Canada doing the Memorial U route instead of an online iMSM, which will benefit you if you already have a career in Canada and just looking to upgrade.  

If Canada is your goal and you can afford both the iMSM + a college certificate, why not just go do the full-time MBA at Memorial University Newfoundland.&nbsp; It's AACSB accredited and tuition is just C$12,905 or US$9,776 (total program cost) for international students?&nbsp; &nbsp;The parent university (Memorial) may not be as prestigious as UIUC, but it is a legit and respected university in Canada.&nbsp; They have many alumni (albeit undergraduate alumni) in big cities like Toronto.&nbsp; I feel like you have significantly better odds of a long-term career in Canada doing the Memorial U route instead of an online iMSM, which will benefit you if you already have a career in Canada and just looking to upgrade.&nbsp;&nbsp;

I think that is very good advice. That tuition is amazingly low. 

I think that is very good advice. That tuition is amazingly low.&nbsp;

If Canada is your goal and you can afford both the iMSM + a college certificate, why not just go do the full-time MBA at Memorial University Newfoundland.  It's AACSB accredited and tuition is just C$12,905 or US$9,776 (total program cost) for international students?   The parent university (Memorial) may not be as prestigious as UIUC, but it is a legit and respected university in Canada.  They have many alumni (albeit undergraduate alumni) in big cities like Toronto.  I feel like you have significantly better odds of a long-term career in Canada doing the Memorial U route instead of an online iMSM, which will benefit you if you already have a career in Canada and just looking to upgrade.  

Are diplomas a bad route towards employment or immigration in Canada?  I was thinking about choosing UIUC over a canadian degree because, if I fail to get a job in Canada or don't like my life there for some reason, a UIUC msm would still be considered to be better than a memorial University mba in my country because noone would have heard of Memorial. I met a person recently who graduated with an mba from Durham but couldn't find any employment in the UK. He went to a college in Canada and was able to secure a good job as he had the post study work visa. Also, will employers really ask me if the msm was online or not? It isn't mentioned in the final certificate if I am not mistaken and that was also one of the major reasons I decided to go for the program.

[quote]If Canada is your goal and you can afford both the iMSM + a college certificate, why not just go do the full-time MBA at Memorial University Newfoundland.&nbsp; It's AACSB accredited and tuition is just C$12,905 or US$9,776 (total program cost) for international students?&nbsp; &nbsp;The parent university (Memorial) may not be as prestigious as UIUC, but it is a legit and respected university in Canada.&nbsp; They have many alumni (albeit undergraduate alumni) in big cities like Toronto.&nbsp; I feel like you have significantly better odds of a long-term career in Canada doing the Memorial U route instead of an online iMSM, which will benefit you if you already have a career in Canada and just looking to upgrade.&nbsp;&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Are diplomas a bad route towards employment or immigration in Canada?&nbsp; I was thinking about choosing UIUC over a canadian degree because, if I fail to get a job in Canada or don't like my life there for some reason, a UIUC msm would still be considered to be better than a memorial University mba in my country because noone would have heard of Memorial. I met a person recently who graduated with an mba from Durham but couldn't find any employment in the UK. He went to a college in Canada and was able to secure a good job as he had the post study work visa. Also, will employers really ask me if the msm was online or not? It isn't mentioned in the final certificate if I am not mistaken and that was also one of the major reasons I decided to go for the program.
Inactive User

There are many routes in life that lead to the same goals.  What I feel is you are trying to spread your risk or cover too many bases all at once (college vs MBA, UK vs Canada vs US vs etc.).  Perhaps it is a result of your bad experience in the UK in terms of career prospects?  I don't know.  

Let me make an analogy.  Canada is as different from the UK and US as India is from Iran and Pakistan.  If your goal is to find a job in India, the focused route is to study in India, and not in Iran or Pakistan.  However, there is nothing stopping you from studying in Iran then moving to India - but your odds are probably better if you had studied in India.   Why? Well because people in India are familiar with Indian institutions and not as familiar with Pakistan institutions.   Also, the HR people in India are primarily Indian graduates who are familiar with their caliber - taking on a Iran/Pakistan graduate constitutes a risk on their part.  

I am not a career counselor, but I do know having a focused approach works more often than not.  That is why you see many top MBA applicants going "MBB consulting or bust" or "M7 or bust".  It's because of their focus.  They want one thing and will stop at nothing to achieve it.   

It is rare to have the same person considering multiple locations/careers all at once.  It's not bad, but perhaps there is a more optimal approach.  I think most consultants on this forum like Duncan are better suited to help with career focus and goals, but I agree with them that focus is essential to any career.  

Best of luck.  I hope you achieve your goals.  

P.S. Within Canada, more people will have heard of/know a graduate/and respect Memorial U vs UIUC.  And it will be way more respected than a college diploma (which is considered below bachelor level and results in close-to-minimum wage employment).  You are right that in your home country, that might not be the case, but is that your goal - to work in your home country?   

There are many routes in life that lead to the same goals.&nbsp; What I feel is you are trying to spread your risk or cover too many bases all at once (college vs MBA, UK vs Canada vs US vs etc.).&nbsp; Perhaps it is a result of your bad experience in the UK in terms of career prospects?&nbsp; I don't know.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br><br>Let me make an analogy.&nbsp; Canada is as different from the UK and US as India is from Iran and Pakistan.&nbsp; If your goal is to find a job in India, the focused route is to study in India, and not in Iran or Pakistan.&nbsp; However, there is nothing stopping you from studying in Iran then moving to India - but your odds are probably better if you had studied in India.&nbsp; &nbsp;Why? Well because people in India are familiar with Indian institutions and not as familiar with Pakistan institutions.&nbsp; &nbsp;Also, the HR people in India are primarily Indian graduates who are familiar with their caliber - taking on a Iran/Pakistan graduate constitutes a risk on their part.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>I am not a career counselor, but I do know having a focused approach works more often than not.&nbsp; That is why you see many top MBA applicants going "MBB consulting or bust" or "M7 or bust".&nbsp; It's because of their focus.&nbsp; They want one thing and will stop at nothing to achieve it.&nbsp; &nbsp;<br><br><br><br>It is rare to have the same person considering multiple locations/careers all at once.&nbsp; It's not bad, but perhaps there is a more optimal approach.&nbsp; I think most consultants on this forum like Duncan are better suited to help with career focus and goals, but I agree with them that focus is essential to any career.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>Best of luck.&nbsp; I hope you achieve your goals.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br><br>P.S. Within Canada, more people will have heard of/know a graduate/and respect Memorial U vs UIUC.&nbsp; And it will be way more respected than a college diploma (which is considered below bachelor level and results in close-to-minimum wage employment).&nbsp; You are right that in your home country, that might not be the case, but is that your goal - to work in your home country?&nbsp; &nbsp;

The other thing to mention is visa status. It's much easier to find work in Canada when you have a degree taught in Canada because it's much easier to get a visa. 

The other thing to mention is visa status. It's much easier to find work in Canada when you have a degree taught in Canada because it's much easier to get a visa.&nbsp;

The other thing to mention is visa status. It's much easier to find work in Canada when you have a degree taught in Canada because it's much easier to get a visa. 

Thank you for your reply. 

[quote]The other thing to mention is visa status. It's much easier to find work in Canada when you have a degree taught in Canada because it's much easier to get a visa.&nbsp; [/quote]<br>Thank you for your reply.&nbsp;

If Canada is your goal and you can afford both the iMSM + a college certificate, why not just go do the full-time MBA at Memorial University Newfoundland.  It's AACSB accredited and tuition is just C$12,905 or US$9,776 (total program cost) for international students?   The parent university (Memorial) may not be as prestigious as UIUC, but it is a legit and respected university in Canada.  They have many alumni (albeit undergraduate alumni) in big cities like Toronto.  I feel like you have significantly better odds of a long-term career in Canada doing the Memorial U route instead of an online iMSM, which will benefit you if you already have a career in Canada and just looking to upgrade.  

Thank you for your reply. You are right. Do I have other options in Canada which are as cheap as this? I see that their MBA class is made up for similar students like me (people from India, Pak, African countries etc who want to migrate to Canada and are using a degree as a route). How well known is the university in Canada? What kind of jobs can I find in the region where the university is or elsewhere in Canada? Will the university be recognised by employers in cities like Vancouver, Toronto, etc? Also, do you think st John's will be a good place to live in because even while looking at diploma granting colleges, I was searching for the ones in Ontario or British Columbia. Thank you for your time 

[Edited by Rett on Aug 26, 2020]

[quote]If Canada is your goal and you can afford both the iMSM + a college certificate, why not just go do the full-time MBA at Memorial University Newfoundland.&nbsp; It's AACSB accredited and tuition is just C$12,905 or US$9,776 (total program cost) for international students?&nbsp; &nbsp;The parent university (Memorial) may not be as prestigious as UIUC, but it is a legit and respected university in Canada.&nbsp; They have many alumni (albeit undergraduate alumni) in big cities like Toronto.&nbsp; I feel like you have significantly better odds of a long-term career in Canada doing the Memorial U route instead of an online iMSM, which will benefit you if you already have a career in Canada and just looking to upgrade.&nbsp;&nbsp; [/quote]<br>Thank you for your reply. You are right. Do I have other options in Canada which are as cheap as this? I see that their MBA class is made up for similar students like me (people from India, Pak, African countries etc who want to migrate to Canada and are using a degree as a route). How well known is the university in Canada? What kind of jobs can I find in the region where the university is or elsewhere in Canada? Will the university be recognised by employers in cities like Vancouver, Toronto, etc? Also, do you think st John's will be a good place to live in because even while looking at diploma granting colleges, I was searching for the ones in Ontario or British Columbia. Thank you for your time&nbsp;
Inactive User

Memorial has the lowest tuition among AACSB-accredited schools in Canada.  I don't know much about their MBA program, but do know that their undergraduate programs and parent university are known across Canada and they have a lot of alumni here in Toronto.  Regarding your other questions about Memorial's MBA, my suggestion is to talk to current students or graduates of the program - ask their MBA office for contact names, etc.  Then compare their answers with those from diploma program graduates.  Lastly, the diploma programs in Ontario have higher international tuition than Memorial's MBA, so you would technically be saving money by going the Memorial route.  That and the advantage of the 3 year work permit given to masters grads, as Duncan has pointed out.    

This will give you an idea where Memorial U. stacks up in terms of parent university reputation in the minds of Canadian faculty and business people.

Memorial has the lowest tuition among AACSB-accredited schools in Canada.&nbsp; I don't know much about their MBA program, but do know that their undergraduate programs and parent university are known across Canada and they have a lot of alumni here in Toronto.&nbsp; Regarding your other questions about Memorial's MBA, my suggestion is to talk to current students or graduates of the program - ask their MBA office for contact names, etc.&nbsp; Then compare their answers with those from diploma program graduates.&nbsp; Lastly, the diploma programs in Ontario have higher international tuition than Memorial's MBA, so you would technically be saving money by going the Memorial route.&nbsp; That and the advantage of the 3 year work permit given to masters grads, as Duncan has pointed out.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br><br>This will give you an idea where Memorial U. stacks up in terms of parent university reputation in the minds of Canadian faculty and business people.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br><br><br>

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