Help with suggestion for MBA universities in Southern Germany/Czech Republic/Croatia/Hungary



I am a 32-year-old Swede currently completing a bachelor in business management at a well known American university. I should be graduating by December 2020 and I am consequently looking for an MBA program to jump right in to for a seamless transfer at the beginning of 2021. I have 12 years of work experience back in Sweden in the field of construction, both as manual labor and at a managerial level.

I will probably be leaving the U.S for several reasons, one being the ridiculously high tuition fee they charge us international students (~43k USD for a one year MBA at my current university).

If anyone has experience with the University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic, please enlighten me as they are a prospect university that I am in contact with.

Furthermore, I am grateful for university suggestions within the following parameters;

Country - Southern Germany, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Austria, or any other Mid/East European country
Tuition - Under €30k in total
Language - The program must be in English, but I can have a basic conversation in German
Length - Max 24 months, preferably 12.
Program start - January 2021


[Edited by Thyrfing on Jan 02, 2020]


I am a 32-year-old Swede currently completing a bachelor in business management at a well known American university. I should be graduating by December 2020 and I am consequently looking for an MBA program to jump right in to for a seamless transfer at the beginning of 2021. I have 12 years of work experience back in Sweden in the field of construction, both as manual labor and at a managerial level.

I will probably be leaving the U.S for several reasons, one being the ridiculously high tuition fee they charge us international students (~43k USD for a one year MBA at my current university).

If anyone has experience with the University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic, please enlighten me as they are a prospect university that I am in contact with.

Furthermore, I am grateful for university suggestions within the following parameters;

Country - Southern Germany, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Austria, or any other Mid/East European country
Tuition - Under €30k in total
Language - The program must be in English, but I can have a basic conversation in German
Length - Max 24 months, preferably 12.
Program start - January 2021


Do you have any goals, or central European languages?

Do you have any goals, or central European languages?

Do you have any goals, or central European languages?

My goal is to work in the construction field somewhere in Europe, preferably not Sweden. And no, I do not know any central European languages.

[quote]Do you have any goals, or central European languages?[/quote]

My goal is to work in the construction field somewhere in Europe, preferably not Sweden. And no, I do not know any central European languages.

A few reactions:
- Since most Swedes speak really good Swedish, I'd suggest you look at the German- and Dutch-speaking regions.
- However, the January start date is a big limitation. As you know, the academic year tends to start in October.
- Would a specialised master give you better price performance? E.G.

Rotterdam, IMD and EDHEC are the best European MBAs that start in January. their full-time MBAs are over your one-year budget, but you could take a part-time/executive MBA and stretch the fees over two years.

A few reactions:
- Since most Swedes speak really good Swedish, I'd suggest you look at the German- and Dutch-speaking regions.
- However, the January start date is a big limitation. As you know, the academic year tends to start in October.
- Would a specialised master give you better price performance? E.G.

Rotterdam, IMD and EDHEC are the best European MBAs that start in January. their full-time MBAs are over your one-year budget, but you could take a part-time/executive MBA and stretch the fees over two years.

Just make sure - for any country you target - that these schools actually have the ability to place non-domestic language speakers into the construction industry. For instance in the German construction industry I doubt there is much room for management-level, non-German speakers, regardless of whether they have an MBA or not.

Just make sure - for any country you target - that these schools actually have the ability to place non-domestic language speakers into the construction industry. For instance in the German construction industry I doubt there is much room for management-level, non-German speakers, regardless of whether they have an MBA or not.

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