
Hi everybody, I am Kien Vu. I am from Vietnam. I am finding a MBA course for me and my friend 've introduced me a course of EU at Malaysia.
I learned about EU. It is a good university. But the information on EU in Malaysia are not many.
- Is EU in Malaysia University Branch of EU (like EU Barcelona, EU Geneva, EU Montreux, EU Munich)?
- What degree have I got ? It writes at Montreux, Switzerland ,like degree example which my friend sent to me. Or it writes Malaysia.
If you know information about it, let me share to me as soon as possible.
Thank you very much,

Hi everybody, I am Kien Vu. I am from Vietnam. I am finding a MBA course for me and my friend 've introduced me a course of EU at Malaysia.
I learned about EU. It is a good university. But the information on EU in Malaysia are not many.
- Is EU in Malaysia University Branch of EU (like EU Barcelona, EU Geneva, EU Montreux, EU Munich)?
- What degree have I got ? It writes at Montreux, Switzerland ,like degree example which my friend sent to me. Or it writes Malaysia.
If you know information about it, let me share to me as soon as possible.
Thank you very much,

Hi Kien Vu,

I'm not sure if this is a good university. I know that it does not have the permission of the Swiss organisation which accredits universities. If you can find an MBA at a university recognised by central government, then that will be better.

Hi Kien Vu,

I'm not sure if this is a good university. I know that it does not have the permission of the Swiss organisation which accredits universities. If you can find an MBA at a university recognised by central government, then that will be better.

Thanks Duncan. Your advice is very important for me.
Follow their catalog, they have many certificate of ACBSP, IACBE, CHEA, CEEMAN, EFMD, AACSB, EABIS, Peter Drucker Society Europe, SAM, ECBE, ECIS, HACU, PRME, MAIS, FSEP, SSS, AVDEP, AVDEP,....But i don't know exactly what certificate is most important.
I feel this it is attractive course : (1) EU is one of top University in the Euro ( follow their introduction ) (2) EU can learn remote. It is suitable for me. Because i have to manage my company.
I need more advice from everybody.

Thanks Duncan. Your advice is very important for me.
Follow their catalog, they have many certificate of ACBSP, IACBE, CHEA, CEEMAN, EFMD, AACSB, EABIS, Peter Drucker Society Europe, SAM, ECBE, ECIS, HACU, PRME, MAIS, FSEP, SSS, AVDEP, AVDEP,....But i don't know exactly what certificate is most important.
I feel this it is attractive course : (1) EU is one of top University in the Euro ( follow their introduction ) (2) EU can learn remote. It is suitable for me. Because i have to manage my company.
I need more advice from everybody.
Nelson BK

You might want to consider a distance learning MBA program instead as you've indicated that you have full time work.

One suggestion is the University of Leicester's DL MBA:

You might want to consider a distance learning MBA program instead as you've indicated that you have full time work.

One suggestion is the University of Leicester's DL MBA:

That university is as good as the laughing stock called Southern Columbia University or something in Vietnam now.

If you want, I will send you a degree printed with high quality paper saying anything you want.

Dont waste your life on these so-called European University.

If I meet up with the guys running these things, I am happy to have a debate on their intellectual intelligence and expose them as stupid gits whose highest education says University of the Frauds

That university is as good as the laughing stock called Southern Columbia University or something in Vietnam now.

If you want, I will send you a degree printed with high quality paper saying anything you want.

Dont waste your life on these so-called European University.

If I meet up with the guys running these things, I am happy to have a debate on their intellectual intelligence and expose them as stupid gits whose highest education says University of the Frauds

Dear Kien Vu,

The accreditation bodies are of different qualities. The EU is certainly NOT accredited by AACSB. But the right to issue degrees in Europe is a right granted by governments. In Switzerland, that right is held by the OAQ

There's a lot of discussion about the EU on this website. Search through the discussion board.

Dear Kien Vu,

The accreditation bodies are of different qualities. The EU is certainly NOT accredited by AACSB. But the right to issue degrees in Europe is a right granted by governments. In Switzerland, that right is held by the OAQ

There's a lot of discussion about the EU on this website. Search through the discussion board.
Inactive User

It seems clear that the EU is not accredited by the AACSB but definitely by the ACBSP.

Also clear is that a Former Swiss President launched a book with Kofi Annan former head of the United Nations at this University. See the website

That is endorsement enough.

It seems clear that the EU is not accredited by the AACSB but definitely by the ACBSP.

Also clear is that a Former Swiss President launched a book with Kofi Annan former head of the United Nations at this University. See the website

That is endorsement enough.


You think that using a room in the building is an endorsement? You think Kofi Annan books his own rooms?

You think that using a room in the building is an endorsement? You think Kofi Annan books his own rooms?
Inactive User

Yes it's called tacit endorsement. Not explicit endorsement. Clearly Kofi Annan does not book his own rooms or publicity tours, but him and the former president of Switzerland Adolf Ogi are astute enough to know which institutions not to endorse. In simpler terms they know their presence acts as a symbolic show of support for the European University as with any other causes and or circumstances.

Yes it's called tacit endorsement. Not explicit endorsement. Clearly Kofi Annan does not book his own rooms or publicity tours, but him and the former president of Switzerland Adolf Ogi are astute enough to know which institutions not to endorse. In simpler terms they know their presence acts as a symbolic show of support for the European University as with any other causes and or circumstances.


What's your commercial basis for posting here? It seems like your organisation has a brand new website, and your first events in your online calendar are this week. Just yesterday someone (perhaps you under a different name) pops up asking if anyone's heard of you, and then today you're here defending the EU. I guess you are all commercially connected in some way.

What's your commercial basis for posting here? It seems like your organisation has a brand new website, and your first events in your online calendar are this week. Just yesterday someone (perhaps you under a different name) pops up asking if anyone's heard of you, and then today you're here defending the EU. I guess you are all commercially connected in some way.
Inactive User

Great.. now we have an ad hominem fallacy (your breakdown in reasoning).... attack the person and not the argument. My background does not make my points invalid...

Also regarding your Swiss Government claim..
I quote from a very good posting which sheds clarity and honesty .. regarding the dubious past and the current day status of the EU.

"It's pretty near impossible for a new school to satisfy Swiss Federation requirements - e.g. at least 100 full-time professors, etc."

"Let's be fair here. It seems fair to say that were some historical concerns about EU. But it also seems fair to say that most EU programs are currently accredited by one, and sometimes two, completely legitimate and fully recognized US programmatic accreditation agencies."

Great.. now we have an ad hominem fallacy (your breakdown in reasoning).... attack the person and not the argument. My background does not make my points invalid...

Also regarding your Swiss Government claim..
I quote from a very good posting which sheds clarity and honesty .. regarding the dubious past and the current day status of the EU.

"It's pretty near impossible for a new school to satisfy Swiss Federation requirements - e.g. at least 100 full-time professors, etc."

"Let's be fair here. It seems fair to say that were some historical concerns about EU. But it also seems fair to say that most EU programs are currently accredited by one, and sometimes two, completely legitimate and fully recognized US programmatic accreditation agencies."


I've engaged with your argument: Kofi Annan has spoken at thousands of places. The EU is not engaged in crime, and I'm not sure what other standard you think he follows. I think he really doesn't think a lot about where he speaks.

So, I'm not making an ad hominem attack: that would be to refuse to disagree with what you said, but instead to disagree with who you are.

I am, in addition to disagreeing, asking who you are and what commercial connection you have. I see that your website was registered on the 29th. Suddenly someone pops up asking if anyone's heard of you, in their first ever post. I think that's is a sockpuppet for you. Then you pop up defending the EU. I think there's a commercial relationship between you and the EU.

So, who are you, and who is paying you?

I've engaged with your argument: Kofi Annan has spoken at thousands of places. The EU is not engaged in crime, and I'm not sure what other standard you think he follows. I think he really doesn't think a lot about where he speaks.

So, I'm not making an ad hominem attack: that would be to refuse to disagree with what you said, but instead to disagree with who you are.

I am, in addition to disagreeing, asking who you are and what commercial connection you have. I see that your website was registered on the 29th. Suddenly someone pops up asking if anyone's heard of you, in their first ever post. I think that's is a sockpuppet for you. Then you pop up defending the EU. I think there's a commercial relationship between you and the EU.

So, who are you, and who is paying you?


Why you speak so bad to Tela. Even we know his is working.. he speak truth and is straight. You only attack. Why now? Please pay me..ok?

Why you speak so bad to Tela. Even we know his is working.. he speak truth and is straight. You only attack. Why now? Please pay me..ok?

I'm asking simple questions. If TEL-A wants to get get rich bringing for-profit universities without respected accreditation to market in the developing world, then it has to accept that it's unethical to conceal a commercial conflict of interest and to use sock puppets. Is this an organisation? A single woman? How do you know it's a guy? Who are you?

PS as for the idea that I only attack: read my 5,500 posts to this site. I am here to help students find a way forward, and I am not paid by any university.

I'm asking simple questions. If TEL-A wants to get get rich bringing for-profit universities without respected accreditation to market in the developing world, then it has to accept that it's unethical to conceal a commercial conflict of interest and to use sock puppets. Is this an organisation? A single woman? How do you know it's a guy? Who are you?

PS as for the idea that I only attack: read my 5,500 posts to this site. I am here to help students find a way forward, and I am not paid by any university.

TEL-A ? Who is this person anyway and to which website is he /she/they connected to?

TEL-A ? Who is this person anyway and to which website is he /she/they connected to?

Its website is linked from the profile page. There was a post the day before from someone asking if anyone has heard of it: it was a first question by a new user, and I guess it was the business owner themselves using a sock puppet.

Its website is linked from the profile page. There was a post the day before from someone asking if anyone has heard of it: it was a first question by a new user, and I guess it was the business owner themselves using a sock puppet.

Thanks. Then it has a high probability that there is a link - a common strategy used.

Thanks. Then it has a high probability that there is a link - a common strategy used.

also like kienvt I hear good things from Euroepan Univeristy. Maybe they have bad history but ..... this....The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), and also QS position good! I not care about Tela. I care find program so to study.

also like kienvt I hear good things from Euroepan Univeristy. Maybe they have bad history but ..... this....The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), and also QS position good! I not care about Tela. I care find program so to study.


Avid is mistaken. The EU is not ranked by the QS at . It does *advertise* on that QS website, but that's advertising.

Avid, do you have a relationship with the European University?

The user Ken, whom Avid, is also mistaken. The EU doesn't have many of the certificates he mentions.

As for ACBSP... well, just look at the non-US schools it accredits: It's a very uneven list of schools, and those outside the US are in no sense ones that most business people in that country would consider to be a top business school.

Avid is mistaken. The EU is not ranked by the QS at . It does *advertise* on that QS website, but that's advertising.

Avid, do you have a relationship with the European University?

The user Ken, whom Avid, is also mistaken. The EU doesn't have many of the certificates he mentions.

As for ACBSP... well, just look at the non-US schools it accredits: It's a very uneven list of schools, and those outside the US are in no sense ones that most business people in that country would consider to be a top business school.

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