Deakin vs UNSW for IT


I've got 5 years of experience working in IT and want to get an MBA now to specialize even further. My background is in engineering. I'm looking at Australia as an ideal destination for me so I've been looking at programs. These two, Deakin and UNSW, seem to be ranked quite similarly when it comes to IT. Any other strong contenders? Thanks.

I've got 5 years of experience working in IT and want to get an MBA now to specialize even further. My background is in engineering. I'm looking at Australia as an ideal destination for me so I've been looking at programs. These two, Deakin and UNSW, seem to be ranked quite similarly when it comes to IT. Any other strong contenders? Thanks.

Mba to specialize IT what a strange proposition

Mba to specialize IT what a strange proposition

If you take a look at employment rates from all the major universities, virtually all of them include IS/IT as a category. 

If you take a look at employment rates from all the major universities, virtually all of them include IS/IT as a category. 

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