Indonesia and Malaysia


After doing some research into Singapore, I'm still quite interested in the INSEAD campus, but I'm also growing more curious about countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. Do they have strong business centers? I read that countries in southeast Asia have increased spending on infrastructure, so I'm wondering if their business schools are also expanding to train the next wave of professionals. Anybody know about b-school reputations in Indonesia or Malaysia?

After doing some research into Singapore, I'm still quite interested in the INSEAD campus, but I'm also growing more curious about countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. Do they have strong business centers? I read that countries in southeast Asia have increased spending on infrastructure, so I'm wondering if their business schools are also expanding to train the next wave of professionals. Anybody know about b-school reputations in Indonesia or Malaysia?

I am from Indonesia and I can answer your question.
There's no MBA program in Indonesia. They only have M.M. (majister manajement) which is a Master in management.
Why they do not have MBA in Indonesia? because they don't teach the curriculum in English and follow MBA structure.
My big brother has a M.M. degree from the best University in Indonesia. It is well respected ONLY in Indonesia.

Indonesia is the largest economy in South-east Asian region. It is the 18th largest economy in the world with total population of 240 million people. Their GDP growth has been promising at ~6.5% because they sell all of the coal to china, crude palm oil to Asia-Pacific region and have strong domestic consumption.

For MBA in Malaysia, I'm not sure. But I guess they have better education system there. Since Malaysia is a commonwealth country, they teach everything in English. Their economy is also very promising but racial issue is still at large there, Bumiputera versus minorities (chinese & Indians).

I am from Indonesia and I can answer your question.
There's no MBA program in Indonesia. They only have M.M. (majister manajement) which is a Master in management.
Why they do not have MBA in Indonesia? because they don't teach the curriculum in English and follow MBA structure.
My big brother has a M.M. degree from the best University in Indonesia. It is well respected ONLY in Indonesia.

Indonesia is the largest economy in South-east Asian region. It is the 18th largest economy in the world with total population of 240 million people. Their GDP growth has been promising at ~6.5% because they sell all of the coal to china, crude palm oil to Asia-Pacific region and have strong domestic consumption.

For MBA in Malaysia, I'm not sure. But I guess they have better education system there. Since Malaysia is a commonwealth country, they teach everything in English. Their economy is also very promising but racial issue is still at large there, Bumiputera versus minorities (chinese & Indians).

After doing some research into Singapore, I'm still quite interested in the INSEAD campus, but I'm also growing more curious about countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. Do they have strong business centers? I read that countries in southeast Asia have increased spending on infrastructure, so I'm wondering if their business schools are also expanding to train the next wave of professionals. Anybody know about b-school reputations in Indonesia or Malaysia?

The INSEAD MBA in the Singapore campus is a good program. Malaysia has quite a number of foreign universities offering their post graduate business courses through private providers. There are also foreign universities who have set up campuses there. For instance, the Australian Monash University. You can read about them on wikipedia :

However, I am not sure if they offer the MBA on their Malaysian campus but the Master in International Business is offered.

<blockquote>After doing some research into Singapore, I'm still quite interested in the INSEAD campus, but I'm also growing more curious about countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. Do they have strong business centers? I read that countries in southeast Asia have increased spending on infrastructure, so I'm wondering if their business schools are also expanding to train the next wave of professionals. Anybody know about b-school reputations in Indonesia or Malaysia?</blockquote>

The INSEAD MBA in the Singapore campus is a good program. Malaysia has quite a number of foreign universities offering their post graduate business courses through private providers. There are also foreign universities who have set up campuses there. For instance, the Australian Monash University. You can read about them on wikipedia :

However, I am not sure if they offer the MBA on their Malaysian campus but the Master in International Business is offered.

Great, thanks. I'm familiar with Monash Unversisty (I'm actually from Melbourne), but I wasn't aware they have a campus in Malaysia. A Master in International Business might be enough. I'm looking into the tourism sector, so this degree could be sufficient. Do you know the main difference between a Master in International Business and an MBA? Thanks.

Great, thanks. I'm familiar with Monash Unversisty (I'm actually from Melbourne), but I wasn't aware they have a campus in Malaysia. A Master in International Business might be enough. I'm looking into the tourism sector, so this degree could be sufficient. Do you know the main difference between a Master in International Business and an MBA? Thanks.

Hi, this wiki link may be helpful

A MBA is good to have for an all round level of expertise. It coaches you on every aspect of the business world such as Business Ethics, HRM, Finance, etc. It really develops your understanding of the various real-life situations in the workplace from a management perspective.

The MIB is a more concentrated program specializing in aspects of International. Business. A MIB, probably seems to be good for an international corporate field such as Business Law or International Management/Marketing.

In deciding which is better for you, it depends on your personal goals in terms of your future career.

Hi, this wiki link may be helpful

A MBA is good to have for an all round level of expertise. It coaches you on every aspect of the business world such as Business Ethics, HRM, Finance, etc. It really develops your understanding of the various real-life situations in the workplace from a management perspective.

The MIB is a more concentrated program specializing in aspects of International. Business. A MIB, probably seems to be good for an international corporate field such as Business Law or International Management/Marketing.

In deciding which is better for you, it depends on your personal goals in terms of your future career.

Thanks for the information. I think it makes more sense for me to pursue an MBA, because I want to start my own tour guide because. I'd like to launch this in southeast Asia, however, that's why I was curious about the MIB. But for my plan, I think it's more wise to look into an MBA in tourism or entrepreneurship. The law and marketing aspects of an MIB don't really concern my goals at this time.

My only question is - does it make more sense to get the MBA in Australia, then pursue by business career in southeast Asia? Or get the MBA in Asia? I hear Singapore is a hot spot right now for b-schools.

Thanks for the information. I think it makes more sense for me to pursue an MBA, because I want to start my own tour guide because. I'd like to launch this in southeast Asia, however, that's why I was curious about the MIB. But for my plan, I think it's more wise to look into an MBA in tourism or entrepreneurship. The law and marketing aspects of an MIB don't really concern my goals at this time.

My only question is - does it make more sense to get the MBA in Australia, then pursue by business career in southeast Asia? Or get the MBA in Asia? I hear Singapore is a hot spot right now for b-schools.

My only question is - does it make more sense to get the MBA in Australia, then pursue by business career in southeast Asia? Or get the MBA in Asia? I hear Singapore is a hot spot right now for b-schools.

Singapore is indeed a b-school hotspot. You have researched INSEAD - which is a great school - but you should also look into NUS and Nanyang Technological University to start with.

As somebody noted earlier in the thread, the scenes in Malaysia and Indonesia are not well developed. However, I anticipate that this will change in the next decade as their economies grow - and as locals demand better education.

<blockquote>My only question is - does it make more sense to get the MBA in Australia, then pursue by business career in southeast Asia? Or get the MBA in Asia? I hear Singapore is a hot spot right now for b-schools.</blockquote>

Singapore is indeed a b-school hotspot. You have researched INSEAD - which is a great school - but you should also look into NUS and Nanyang Technological University to start with.

As somebody noted earlier in the thread, the scenes in Malaysia and Indonesia are not well developed. However, I anticipate that this will change in the next decade as their economies grow - and as locals demand better education.

Hello cosmo,

I am interested to know if you found an MBA program to attend in either Indonesia or Malaysia. I am from Indonesia, and would like to do an MBA, but the costs in Singapore are too high.

Hello cosmo,

I am interested to know if you found an MBA program to attend in either Indonesia or Malaysia. I am from Indonesia, and would like to do an MBA, but the costs in Singapore are too high.

Hello all - can you tell me which one of these MBA programs is better?

Universiti Malaya - University of Malaya Graduate School of Business (UMGSB) - MBA

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) - MBA

I am interested in doing one of them, with a concentration in Finance.

Hello all - can you tell me which one of these MBA programs is better?

Universiti Malaya - University of Malaya Graduate School of Business (UMGSB) - MBA

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) - MBA

I am interested in doing one of them, with a concentration in Finance.
Razors Edg...

Hello all - can you tell me which one of these MBA programs is better?

Universiti Malaya - University of Malaya Graduate School of Business (UMGSB) - MBA

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) - MBA

I am interested in doing one of them, with a concentration in Finance.

Both of these are interesting, although regionally-oriented, MBA programs. I would take a look at the curriculum of both programs to see what might appeal to you (the Putra program, for instance, has a concentration in corporate governance and others, while the Malaya program offers one in Islamic Finance and others...)

I don't know much about what kind of career outcomes these two programs have - perhaps it would serve you well to connect with the schools themselves, and ask about where their graduates end up. Maybe one matches better with your expectations in this area.

<blockquote>Hello all - can you tell me which one of these MBA programs is better?

Universiti Malaya - University of Malaya Graduate School of Business (UMGSB) - MBA

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) - MBA

I am interested in doing one of them, with a concentration in Finance.</blockquote>
Both of these are interesting, although regionally-oriented, MBA programs. I would take a look at the curriculum of both programs to see what might appeal to you (the Putra program, for instance, has a concentration in corporate governance and others, while the Malaya program offers one in Islamic Finance and others...)

I don't know much about what kind of career outcomes these two programs have - perhaps it would serve you well to connect with the schools themselves, and ask about where their graduates end up. Maybe one matches better with your expectations in this area.

I am interested in finance, I wonder if one of these would be better than a program in Singapore... I will contact the schools.

I am interested in finance, I wonder if one of these would be better than a program in Singapore... I will contact the schools.

The Singapore programmes will be better for most people interested in finance: they will attract better students, faculty, resources and employers.

The Singapore programmes will be better for most people interested in finance: they will attract better students, faculty, resources and employers.

I am interested in finance, I wonder if one of these would be better than a program in Singapore... I will contact the schools.

I agree with Duncan on this.

Also, this might be valuable to people who are reading in this thread, an Indonesian business school, Universitas Gadjah Mada, has recently been accredited by AACSB:

As far as I know, this is the only AACSB accredited business school in Indonesia.

<blockquote>I am interested in finance, I wonder if one of these would be better than a program in Singapore... I will contact the schools. </blockquote>
I agree with Duncan on this.

Also, this might be valuable to people who are reading in this thread, an Indonesian business school, Universitas Gadjah Mada, has recently been accredited by AACSB:

As far as I know, this is the only AACSB accredited business school in Indonesia.

Hi Ralph, thanks for this information. I'm a British expat currently living and working in Indonesia - do you think this program would be good for me? Until I saw this, I was going to do an MBA online, but a classroom program would be even better.

Hi Ralph, thanks for this information. I'm a British expat currently living and working in Indonesia - do you think this program would be good for me? Until I saw this, I was going to do an MBA online, but a classroom program would be even better.

Hey blackmagic2014, did you end up deciding on the Gadjah Mada program? I'm in a similar situation as you, and I am considering that program as well as some in Malaysia. Would like to hear reviews or more info on these programs from other expat students.

Hey blackmagic2014, did you end up deciding on the Gadjah Mada program? I'm in a similar situation as you, and I am considering that program as well as some in Malaysia. Would like to hear reviews or more info on these programs from other expat students.

Hi there,

No, I did not decide on that... Instead, I opted to apply for NUS and Nanyang in Singapore. I do like living in Asia but want to transition to living in Singapore instead of where I was in Indonesia (not a major city). I think that Singapore would offer a bit more of what I'm looking for in life, plus maybe some good career options.

We'll see though, I just finished applying at the end of January...

Good luck!

Hi there,

No, I did not decide on that... Instead, I opted to apply for NUS and Nanyang in Singapore. I do like living in Asia but want to transition to living in Singapore instead of where I was in Indonesia (not a major city). I think that Singapore would offer a bit more of what I'm looking for in life, plus maybe some good career options.

We'll see though, I just finished applying at the end of January...

Good luck!

Alright thanks for that, and good luck to you as well.

Alright thanks for that, and good luck to you as well.

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