UAE EMBA Queries


Hello All,

I have been going through this forum for quite sometime and have been able to find answers to a lot of questions. Thanks to everyone for putting together comprehensive information.

Firstly, some back ground info about me:
Education: Bachelors in Petroleum Engineering (University of Pune), PGD in Digital Business (MIT Sloan & Columbia Business School - offered by Emeritus Online education)

Experience: 14 years of progressive experience in Oil & Gas industry in integrated drilling projects. Started in field engineering program and progressed to well engineering advisor, took up project pursuit manager position. Diversified from corporate and started my own engineering & project management consultancy in 2018 based in UAE. Over last 3 years, have delivered projects in 4 countries in asia pacific & middle east. I have worked with both small oil & gas companies to large scale national oil companies. My skillset is very specific within well construction and hence, I am considering broadening my horizons by taking up EMBA.

Goals: to continue working in UAE & wider GCC network, career prospects in middle east's energy transition - working with government or consultancy firm in energy transition strategy or within alternative energy segment (business development).

Budget: USD 80-100K.

Scores: Still to appear for EA.

Schools: Considering EMBA as I am currently on a contract and have family commitments which prevent me to go full time MBA. I have been looking at EMBA schools in UAE and within region (Qatar) for options. I am in touch with them for initial review of my profile and so far the feedback is positive. On looking through the alumni network on LinkedIn, INSEAD & LBS stand out with INSEAD leading in job prospects similar to what I am looking for. They have a wide network in energy & utilities sector. LBS does too but looks like the focus is more towards financial roles than strategy. Cass is a good prospect with a good mix at mid level management within energy in UAE. I have looked at Hult & Bradford also as they are more affordable (so is Cass), but I believe they lack brand value (with all due respect) in comparison to INSEAD (~USD 130K), LBS (~USD 130K) & Cass (~USD 70K). Cass seems to be good all round choice here in UAE (budget, alumni mix). I even looked at HEC Doha, but overall I think there is a strak difference between HEC Paris & HEC Doha in terms of alumni profiles which bothers me. I am not sure if thats just a perception I have from LinkedIn or if its actually the case. If anyone here has any feedback, I would like to know. Now, to throw a wild one to the mix, I really liked ESCP's EMBA profile and I have attended some webinars that they organzied. Overall, its very impressive. However, all campuses are in Europe (Lebanon close to UAE but havent come across anyone or more info about it), so its not possible for me to take it up, but I am intrigued by their online EMBA option. I wasnt looking at online options till ESCP came into the mix because networking, studying, career counselling (I am aware that its different for on campus EMBA compared to full time MBA) will possibly be affected if I go for an online EMBA. I have requested ESCP for the information, but if I can get some insight from people here about this option, that would be great.

Should I even consider online EMBA from ESCP or stick to my UAE options for EMBA?
Do I need to have more refined goals than stated above?
Based on my options/goals, is there anything else that I need to consider?

Thoughts and feedback will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Hello All,

I have been going through this forum for quite sometime and have been able to find answers to a lot of questions. Thanks to everyone for putting together comprehensive information.

Firstly, some back ground info about me:
Education: Bachelors in Petroleum Engineering (University of Pune), PGD in Digital Business (MIT Sloan & Columbia Business School - offered by Emeritus Online education)

Experience: 14 years of progressive experience in Oil & Gas industry in integrated drilling projects. Started in field engineering program and progressed to well engineering advisor, took up project pursuit manager position. Diversified from corporate and started my own engineering & project management consultancy in 2018 based in UAE. Over last 3 years, have delivered projects in 4 countries in asia pacific & middle east. I have worked with both small oil & gas companies to large scale national oil companies. My skillset is very specific within well construction and hence, I am considering broadening my horizons by taking up EMBA.

Goals: to continue working in UAE & wider GCC network, career prospects in middle east's energy transition - working with government or consultancy firm in energy transition strategy or within alternative energy segment (business development).

Budget: USD 80-100K.

Scores: Still to appear for EA.

Schools: Considering EMBA as I am currently on a contract and have family commitments which prevent me to go full time MBA. I have been looking at EMBA schools in UAE and within region (Qatar) for options. I am in touch with them for initial review of my profile and so far the feedback is positive. On looking through the alumni network on LinkedIn, INSEAD & LBS stand out with INSEAD leading in job prospects similar to what I am looking for. They have a wide network in energy & utilities sector. LBS does too but looks like the focus is more towards financial roles than strategy. Cass is a good prospect with a good mix at mid level management within energy in UAE. I have looked at Hult & Bradford also as they are more affordable (so is Cass), but I believe they lack brand value (with all due respect) in comparison to INSEAD (~USD 130K), LBS (~USD 130K) & Cass (~USD 70K). Cass seems to be good all round choice here in UAE (budget, alumni mix). I even looked at HEC Doha, but overall I think there is a strak difference between HEC Paris & HEC Doha in terms of alumni profiles which bothers me. I am not sure if thats just a perception I have from LinkedIn or if its actually the case. If anyone here has any feedback, I would like to know. Now, to throw a wild one to the mix, I really liked ESCP's EMBA profile and I have attended some webinars that they organzied. Overall, its very impressive. However, all campuses are in Europe (Lebanon close to UAE but havent come across anyone or more info about it), so its not possible for me to take it up, but I am intrigued by their online EMBA option. I wasnt looking at online options till ESCP came into the mix because networking, studying, career counselling (I am aware that its different for on campus EMBA compared to full time MBA) will possibly be affected if I go for an online EMBA. I have requested ESCP for the information, but if I can get some insight from people here about this option, that would be great.

Should I even consider online EMBA from ESCP or stick to my UAE options for EMBA?
Do I need to have more refined goals than stated above?
Based on my options/goals, is there anything else that I need to consider?

Thoughts and feedback will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Escp does not make sense. Your pool of options is limited enough to not need further filters.

Escp does not make sense. Your pool of options is limited enough to not need further filters.

Escp does not make sense. Your pool of options is limited enough to not need further filters.

Thanks Duncan. Will focus on UAE based schools. 

[quote]Escp does not make sense. Your pool of options is limited enough to not need further filters. [/quote]<br><br>Thanks Duncan. Will focus on UAE based schools.&nbsp;

Got through Cass/Bayes with scholarship.
ESCP has given a positive indication but even if I accepted, scholarship wont be decided until mid October. ESCP has given me until Monday (13th Sept) for my commitment & they will let me know if the international commitee has accepted my application by 16th Sept. I need to inform Cass about my decision by 16th Sept also.

ESCP has a good program for sustainibility & hence I applied for it. Overall, the program gives a good vibe towards responsible leadership, tackling climate change, etc. I know as per the previous post, Duncan mentioned that ESCP doesnt make sense for me. I just wanted to see if anyone has anything to add about Cass for my profile. Also, this may be a petty question, but does the whole name changing saga at Cass/Bayes has any bearing towards its reputation with employers?

Thanks in advance. 

[Edited by mujeers on Sep 09, 2021]

Got through Cass/Bayes with scholarship.<br>ESCP has given a positive indication but even if I accepted, scholarship wont be decided until mid October. ESCP has given me until Monday (13th Sept) for my commitment &amp; they will let me know if the international commitee has accepted my application by 16th Sept. I need to inform Cass about my decision by 16th Sept also.<br><br><br><br>ESCP has a good program for sustainibility &amp; hence I applied for it. Overall, the program gives a good vibe towards responsible leadership, tackling climate change, etc. I know as per the previous post, Duncan mentioned that ESCP doesnt make sense for me. I just wanted to see if anyone has anything to add about Cass for my profile. Also, this may be a petty question, but does the whole name changing saga at Cass/Bayes has any bearing towards its reputation with employers?<br><br>Thanks in advance.&nbsp;

The Bayes name change has no impact. 

The Bayes name change has no impact.&nbsp;

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