The business school accreditation agency EFMD has announced that it has awarded EQUIS accreditation to four business schools. The newly-accredited schools include:
The Australia-based Bond University, which offers a range of MBA programs, including a Professional MBA and one that completed can be completed in four semesters. Bond University is also accredited by AACSB International.
The Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, which is based in Beijing. CKBSB offers a joint Executive MBA program with Switzerland's IMD Business School and a 14-month English-language MBA program, among others.
Germany's ESMT European School of Management and Technology. With EQUIS accreditation, ESMT becomes the third business school in Germany to be "triple-accredited" (accredited by AMBA, EQUIS, and AACSB). The other triple-accredited schools in Germany are ESCP Europe and Mannheim Business School.
Italy's LUISS Business School, which offers a full-time MBA program as well as one of Europe's few aviation-specialized MBAs. Including SDA Bocconi and MIP School of Management, Italy now has three EQUIS-accredited business schools.
EQUIS is an institutional accreditation, meaning that it applies to an institution rather than specific degree programs. To gain EQUIS accreditation, a business school must go through a rigorous process, which includes a self-assessment and a peer review. The process can take time, and in the best cases can be completed within 15 months.
See a complete list of EQUIS-accredited business schools offering MBA programs.
Read about why MBA accreditation is important.
Image: Berlin's ESMT Business School