US Executive MBA w/ antenna in Europe


Hello All - I am looking for starting an emba here in Europe but ideally I would like to benefit from the reputation of a top tier US School. I know some good US Business schools now have branches in Europe whereby students can follow a program without having to fly out to the US. Do you have some suggestions for me please? Thanks.

Hello All - I am looking for starting an emba here in Europe but ideally I would like to benefit from the reputation of a top tier US School. I know some good US Business schools now have branches in Europe whereby students can follow a program without having to fly out to the US. Do you have some suggestions for me please? Thanks.

I think only one top US business school has a branch in Europe (Chicago) and there are EMBA partnerships that lead to well-respected US MBAs through London Business School, IE, ESADE, ENPC and WHU. All of them will requite some study in the US.

I think only one top US business school has a branch in Europe (Chicago) and there are EMBA partnerships that lead to well-respected US MBAs through London Business School, IE, ESADE, ENPC and WHU. All of them will requite some study in the US.

So Booth would be the only top tier US school with a branch in Europe whereby you would be granted a US diploma. What do you think about OneMba for instance? I like the excellent academics of Kenan Flager although:
1 - I don't think that it would benefit from the same prestige vs. a booth. How about Wharton, Harvard etc? none of those schools have a branch in Europe?
2 - The OneMBA concept may fade the reputation of each of the schools taken isolately. What I mean is what credit would be given to OneMBA and recruiters not identifying that there are solid institutions in the background?

So Booth would be the only top tier US school with a branch in Europe whereby you would be granted a US diploma. What do you think about OneMba for instance? I like the excellent academics of Kenan Flager although:
1 - I don't think that it would benefit from the same prestige vs. a booth. How about Wharton, Harvard etc? none of those schools have a branch in Europe?
2 - The OneMBA concept may fade the reputation of each of the schools taken isolately. What I mean is what credit would be given to OneMBA and recruiters not identifying that there are solid institutions in the background?

The joint programmes I mentioned all lead to double degrees, US and European. But Chicago is the only one to run in Europe without a local partner.

OneMBA does not lead to an MBA from UNC.

The joint programmes I mentioned all lead to double degrees, US and European. But Chicago is the only one to run in Europe without a local partner.

OneMBA does not lead to an MBA from UNC.

The joint programmes I mentioned all lead to double degrees, US and European. But Chicago is the only one to run in Europe without a local partner.

OneMBA does not lead to an MBA from UNC.

Ok to summarize:
- Booth by itself with a local branch in London. £84,000. Interesting option.
- LSE with Columbia - Very prestigious but the tuition is really outrageous ... $140k+. Same comment for Trium.
- WHU with Northwestern and that's an interesting option being fluent in German. ?70,000
- For the others, the US Partnering schools are not top tier in my opinion ie. ENPC/Fox, IE/Brown, ESADE/Georgetown ...

I also found: Purdue / TiasNimbas / CEU / GISMA - Interesting as well. I believe Purdue has excellent academics as well. But not really top tier neither.

Are you positive that all of those partnerships deliver EMBA diplomas both in the local school (ie. Europe) as well as the US partnering ones?

<blockquote>The joint programmes I mentioned all lead to double degrees, US and European. But Chicago is the only one to run in Europe without a local partner.

OneMBA does not lead to an MBA from UNC. </blockquote>

Ok to summarize:
- Booth by itself with a local branch in London. £84,000. Interesting option.
- LSE with Columbia - Very prestigious but the tuition is really outrageous ... $140k+. Same comment for Trium.
- WHU with Northwestern and that's an interesting option being fluent in German. ?70,000
- For the others, the US Partnering schools are not top tier in my opinion ie. ENPC/Fox, IE/Brown, ESADE/Georgetown ...

I also found: Purdue / TiasNimbas / CEU / GISMA - Interesting as well. I believe Purdue has excellent academics as well. But not really top tier neither.

Are you positive that all of those partnerships deliver EMBA diplomas both in the local school (ie. Europe) as well as the US partnering ones?

You can check on their websites. The Columbia EMBA-Global is run with London Business School (not the LSE) and certainly leads to a double diploma. So do Trium and the Purdue programme. I am pretty sure the others do. Certainly they deliver the US MBA, but you'd need to visit their websites to be sure.

The Chicago programme is $132K and EMBA-Global is $147K. So for $15K extra you get accomodation, two top-tier alumni networks rather than one, and a immense range of electives. I think EMBA-Global is much better value than Chicago.

You can check on their websites. The Columbia EMBA-Global is run with London Business School (not the LSE) and certainly leads to a double diploma. So do Trium and the Purdue programme. I am pretty sure the others do. Certainly they deliver the US MBA, but you'd need to visit their websites to be sure.

The Chicago programme is $132K and EMBA-Global is $147K. So for $15K extra you get accomodation, two top-tier alumni networks rather than one, and a immense range of electives. I think EMBA-Global is much better value than Chicago.

The Chicago programme is $132K and EMBA-Global is $147K. So for $15K extra you get accomodation, two top-tier alumni networks rather than one, and a immense range of electives. I think EMBA-Global is much better value than Chicago.

I'd agree - and the accommodation is actually pretty nice: I've known people that got put up at the Marriott Marquis in NYC.

Keep in mind, OP, that the EMBA-Global program now offers two options: the traditional Europe/Americas focus and a new one that's Asia-based, through a partnership with HKU and some time for participants in Hong Kong.

<blockquote>The Chicago programme is $132K and EMBA-Global is $147K. So for $15K extra you get accomodation, two top-tier alumni networks rather than one, and a immense range of electives. I think EMBA-Global is much better value than Chicago.</blockquote>
I'd agree - and the accommodation is actually pretty nice: I've known people that got put up at the Marriott Marquis in NYC.

Keep in mind, OP, that the EMBA-Global program now offers two options: the traditional Europe/Americas focus and a new one that's Asia-based, through a partnership with HKU and some time for participants in Hong Kong.

Greetings. Thanks for your question. I am an American citizen but I chose to do my the OneMBA from Rotterdam School of Managment because of its connections to five universities around the world.

Here are the key benefits:
1. experience of education and business in 5 countries on 4 continents
2.Global network with 100 students from around the world, plus the MBA experience
3. Global team experience with fellow students simulating real world business situations.

With the OneMBA, I have been able to leverage employment and connections in various countries. Since graduating I have been an expat in 4 countries. In each location, I leverage the connection to the particular school: UNC for USA; RSM for Europe; FGV for Brazil and so.

For the USA, Chapel Hill UNC is well-respected. It has campuses in North Carolina as well as the DC area, so the network for OneMBA grads is strong and growing.

There may be specific reasons why you want an MBA and why certain programs may fit to you. I don't think there is a single program that fits all.

The OneMBA is for people who want to be global leaders, who realize that the world is more than either Europe or the USA. Let me know whether you need more information.

Good luck.

Greetings. Thanks for your question. I am an American citizen but I chose to do my the OneMBA from Rotterdam School of Managment because of its connections to five universities around the world.

Here are the key benefits:
1. experience of education and business in 5 countries on 4 continents
2.Global network with 100 students from around the world, plus the MBA experience
3. Global team experience with fellow students simulating real world business situations.

With the OneMBA, I have been able to leverage employment and connections in various countries. Since graduating I have been an expat in 4 countries. In each location, I leverage the connection to the particular school: UNC for USA; RSM for Europe; FGV for Brazil and so.

For the USA, Chapel Hill UNC is well-respected. It has campuses in North Carolina as well as the DC area, so the network for OneMBA grads is strong and growing.

There may be specific reasons why you want an MBA and why certain programs may fit to you. I don't think there is a single program that fits all.

The OneMBA is for people who want to be global leaders, who realize that the world is more than either Europe or the USA. Let me know whether you need more information.

Good luck.

This person is looking for an US MBA. The RSM OneMBA leads to a degree from Rotterdam.

This person is looking for an US MBA. The RSM OneMBA leads to a degree from Rotterdam.

Just to clarify with a OneMBA degree, the graduate receives 2 diplomas.

1. OneMBA diploma that lists all the five partner schools.
2. Diploma from one of the five schools where the student entered.

These degrees are fully accredited. The OneMBA is accredited under the AACSB and other global accredidation programs.

Just to clarify with a OneMBA degree, the graduate receives 2 diplomas.

1. OneMBA diploma that lists all the five partner schools.
2. Diploma from one of the five schools where the student entered.

These degrees are fully accredited. The OneMBA is accredited under the AACSB and other global accredidation programs.

The OneMBA isn't actually a degree is it? Its a certificate jointly issues by the schools.

The OneMBA isn't actually a degree is it? Its a certificate jointly issues by the schools.

If I understand your original question here below, you are not looking to travel to the US in order to achieve an US MBA degree. While I am a graduate of the OneMBA program and very happy with the extra leverage the program and degree brought to my career and life experience, the program requires you to be present for residencies on 4 continents including the US. The North American residency is the kickoff to the program, usually taking place in the Washington, DC area for one week in September. It is a highly intensive week of networking and academia with colleagues from North America, South America, Europe, and Asia followed by ongoing projects with far flung teams the entire course of the program. I found this residency and the residencies I spent in Mexico, Brazil, the Netherlands, Turkey, Hong Kong, and India to be enriching in learning how to do business with leaders in these countries and many other intangible learning I gained from the program. If you have further interest in the OneMBA program I would encourage you to get the facts from the source, not a blog, by going to the website ( and contacting the UNC school directly (1.877.UNC.EMBA). If you are looking into a program and do not want to travel, the new Online MBA@UNC program has just been launched and provides global connections you may be interested in without the travel. I do not have all the details of that program, so again I encourage you to always talk to the source of each program for the most accurate details. If you have further questions about the OneMBA experience from the US perspective I am happy to help and provide other referrals for you. Best of luck to you in your search for the program that best fits your development goals.

Hello All - I am looking for starting an emba here in Europe but ideally I would like to benefit from the reputation of a top tier US School. I know some good US Business schools now have branches in Europe whereby students can follow a program without having to fly out to the US. Do you have some suggestions for me please? Thanks.

If I understand your original question here below, you are not looking to travel to the US in order to achieve an US MBA degree. While I am a graduate of the OneMBA program and very happy with the extra leverage the program and degree brought to my career and life experience, the program requires you to be present for residencies on 4 continents including the US. The North American residency is the kickoff to the program, usually taking place in the Washington, DC area for one week in September. It is a highly intensive week of networking and academia with colleagues from North America, South America, Europe, and Asia followed by ongoing projects with far flung teams the entire course of the program. I found this residency and the residencies I spent in Mexico, Brazil, the Netherlands, Turkey, Hong Kong, and India to be enriching in learning how to do business with leaders in these countries and many other intangible learning I gained from the program. If you have further interest in the OneMBA program I would encourage you to get the facts from the source, not a blog, by going to the website ( and contacting the UNC school directly (1.877.UNC.EMBA). If you are looking into a program and do not want to travel, the new Online MBA@UNC program has just been launched and provides global connections you may be interested in without the travel. I do not have all the details of that program, so again I encourage you to always talk to the source of each program for the most accurate details. If you have further questions about the OneMBA experience from the US perspective I am happy to help and provide other referrals for you. Best of luck to you in your search for the program that best fits your development goals.

<blockquote>Hello All - I am looking for starting an emba here in Europe but ideally I would like to benefit from the reputation of a top tier US School. I know some good US Business schools now have branches in Europe whereby students can follow a program without having to fly out to the US. Do you have some suggestions for me please? Thanks.</blockquote>

Hi All - I'm actually very happy that my initial post is getting so much traction.
So to summarize clearly on what I'm looking for:
- An Emba: I'm 11 years experience in Finance with mostly international experiences and Fortune 500 companies. So I would rather have this Emba to take place with experienced executives/managers.
- A diploma from a top tier US School. ie. Not only some travelling to US universities. I am really looking for being graduated from a US School.
- Courses being given predominantly in Europe. Working in Paris so looking for a part time program that could accomodate family/work life balance.
- No Gmat requirements. Experience based admission.
- Tuition not being outrageous: less than $100,000.
For now the best I've really seen is Kellog WHU - nothing comparable so far. Thanks again for your suggestions.

Hi All - I'm actually very happy that my initial post is getting so much traction.
So to summarize clearly on what I'm looking for:
- An Emba: I'm 11 years experience in Finance with mostly international experiences and Fortune 500 companies. So I would rather have this Emba to take place with experienced executives/managers.
- A diploma from a top tier US School. ie. Not only some travelling to US universities. I am really looking for being graduated from a US School.
- Courses being given predominantly in Europe. Working in Paris so looking for a part time program that could accomodate family/work life balance.
- No Gmat requirements. Experience based admission.
- Tuition not being outrageous: less than $100,000.
For now the best I've really seen is Kellog WHU - nothing comparable so far. Thanks again for your suggestions.

I have a colleague in Paris who graduated from the OneMBA program. If you are interested, I can reach out to him and he may be able to make recommendations based on schools he evaluated for different needs. Let me know, happy to help.

I have a colleague in Paris who graduated from the OneMBA program. If you are interested, I can reach out to him and he may be able to make recommendations based on schools he evaluated for different needs. Let me know, happy to help.

I have a colleague in Paris who graduated from the OneMBA program. If you are interested, I can reach out to him and he may be able to make recommendations based on schools he evaluated for different needs. Let me know, happy to help.

Thanks for the suggestion.
- Is OneMBA requiring Gmat?
- Also does it give you an MBA graduation from Kenan Flager?

<blockquote>I have a colleague in Paris who graduated from the OneMBA program. If you are interested, I can reach out to him and he may be able to make recommendations based on schools he evaluated for different needs. Let me know, happy to help.</blockquote>

Thanks for the suggestion.
- Is OneMBA requiring Gmat?
- Also does it give you an MBA graduation from Kenan Flager?

OneMBA actually did not require the GMAT when I attended the program. I had already taken it and I recommend everyone do that anyway. It gets you in the school mindset again after years in the field. I would ask the school directly if it is now required or not. If you are already practicing in finance for several years then the GMAT should be a formality for you and you will probably benefit a lot from the experiential parts of the program. I graduated at UNC Kenan-Flagler in Chapel Hill from this program. The ceremony is usually held in June.

OneMBA actually did not require the GMAT when I attended the program. I had already taken it and I recommend everyone do that anyway. It gets you in the school mindset again after years in the field. I would ask the school directly if it is now required or not. If you are already practicing in finance for several years then the GMAT should be a formality for you and you will probably benefit a lot from the experiential parts of the program. I graduated at UNC Kenan-Flagler in Chapel Hill from this program. The ceremony is usually held in June.

Only the students who are in the UNC track of OneMBA get the UNC degree. Those recruited through RSM get the RSM MBA rather than the UNC MBA.

Only the students who are in the UNC track of OneMBA get the UNC degree. Those recruited through RSM get the RSM MBA rather than the UNC MBA.

I have confirmed with a fellow OneMBA alumni that was recruited through RSM that her OneMBA diploma does say UNC on it. But again, this specific program requires travel to the US as well as parts of Latin America, Europe, and Asia in order to achieve the degree. For the most accurate information on the OneMBA program and experience, please reach out to UNC and RSM directly or speak with alumni of programs of which you have questions to get a better idea as to their experiences.

I have confirmed with a fellow OneMBA alumni that was recruited through RSM that her OneMBA diploma does say UNC on it. But again, this specific program requires travel to the US as well as parts of Latin America, Europe, and Asia in order to achieve the degree. For the most accurate information on the OneMBA program and experience, please reach out to UNC and RSM directly or speak with alumni of programs of which you have questions to get a better idea as to their experiences.

You do not need the GMAT to enter OneMBA.

When you graduate from the OneMBA you get two diplomas.

1. MBA degree
2. OneMBA certificate conferred by each of the five schools (UNC, RSM, CUHK, EGADE and FGV).

You decide which of the five schools where you want to enter. That becomes your "home" university. Then you travel to the other schools. You can live in Europe and select UNC, but you will need to fly to the USA frequently for classes.

I have found that my OneMBA certificate has allowed me to find employment in various countries. In the USA and Europe, both UNC and RSM are highly respected.

I would be careful not to put snob appeal on a degree from an American university. The paradigm is shifting!

There are many factors that make a good MBA, and additionally, you will have a personal set of factors that will make a school a better choice for you.

I can put you in touch with the right people or arrange for you to speak with an alum if you like.

Good luck.

You do not need the GMAT to enter OneMBA.

When you graduate from the OneMBA you get two diplomas.

1. MBA degree
2. OneMBA certificate conferred by each of the five schools (UNC, RSM, CUHK, EGADE and FGV).

You decide which of the five schools where you want to enter. That becomes your "home" university. Then you travel to the other schools. You can live in Europe and select UNC, but you will need to fly to the USA frequently for classes.

I have found that my OneMBA certificate has allowed me to find employment in various countries. In the USA and Europe, both UNC and RSM are highly respected.

I would be careful not to put snob appeal on a degree from an American university. The paradigm is shifting!

There are many factors that make a good MBA, and additionally, you will have a personal set of factors that will make a school a better choice for you.

I can put you in touch with the right people or arrange for you to speak with an alum if you like.

Good luck.

Wow. You OneMBA people are really so tenaciously misleading. I take my hat off to you, but I just can't resist bringing the truth back in.

The OneMBA brochure is online at It's really clear: "Participants in the OneMBA program receive an MBA degree from their home university and the OneMBA certificate issued by the five partner schools".

The OneMBA certificate is a certificate, not a second MBA degree. OneMBA graduates join two alumni networks: one for OneMBA alumni, and their home university's. They don't join five.

So, to come back to the case of this person who started this thread, someone who wants a US degree taught principally in Europe will not get that from OneMBA. They won't become a UNC alumnus, or have an MBA degree from UNC.

Wow. You OneMBA people are really so tenaciously misleading. I take my hat off to you, but I just can't resist bringing the truth back in.

The OneMBA brochure is online at It's really clear: "Participants in the OneMBA program receive an MBA degree from their home university and the OneMBA certificate issued by the five partner schools".

The OneMBA certificate is a certificate, not a second MBA degree. OneMBA graduates join two alumni networks: one for OneMBA alumni, and their home university's. They don't join five.

So, to come back to the case of this person who started this thread, someone who wants a US degree taught principally in Europe will not get that from OneMBA. They won't become a UNC alumnus, or have an MBA degree from UNC.

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