Part time MBA - Ohio state University Vs University of Cincinnati

Kay R


I am Kay, an Electrical Engineer with 3 years work experience. I have a Masters in Electrical engineer from University of Cincinnati.

I am looking to pursue part- time MBA (weekends). Applied to only two schools that I can travel to as I work in Cincinnati.

1. Fisher College of business (OSU)

2.Lindner School of business ( U. Of Cincinnati).

Have received admit from both and I am looking for some suggestions and opinion to guide me choose between the two.

I seek to specialise in Supply chain and logistics.

OSU has 48 credits to graduate / max of 6 credits a semester (part time )

UC has 36 credits to graduate / max of 9 credits a semester ( part time)

OSU cost per year is 32,250$ Approx. ( part time In state)

UC cost per year is 18,000$ Approx. ( part time)

Thank you

[Edited by Kay R on Nov 03, 2019]


I am Kay, an Electrical Engineer with 3 years work experience. I have a Masters in Electrical engineer from University of Cincinnati.

I am looking to pursue part- time MBA (weekends). Applied to only two schools that I can travel to as I work in Cincinnati.

1. Fisher College of business (OSU)

2.Lindner School of business ( U. Of Cincinnati).

Have received admit from both and I am looking for some suggestions and opinion to guide me choose between the two.

I seek to specialise in Supply chain and logistics.

OSU has 48 credits to graduate / max of 6 credits a semester (part time )

UC has 36 credits to graduate / max of 9 credits a semester ( part time)

OSU cost per year is 32,250$ Approx. ( part time In state)

UC cost per year is 18,000$ Approx. ( part time)

Thank you

Can you be a bit more specific about your goals? Why not take an MS in SCM?

Can you be a bit more specific about your goals? Why not take an MS in SCM?
Kay R

Hello Duncan,

Thank you so much for your response.
I am sorry for not being clear. I have a MS in Electrical Engineering from U of Cincinnati. As a part of my current job at Honeywell, I seek to gain a business degree to work a little bit more on the management to move to upcoming leadership opportunities at work. I am working full time and wish to do a part time MBA and I do have my company partially sponsoring it, as it’s my growth with the company.
I have an admit in both these schools starting spring 2020 for a general MBA with a final semester where I get to elect a particular major I can specialize in.

Hope this sheds a little more light. Though I would like to specialize on supply chain and logistics; as most my work is involves it. I also would like a overall business acumen to help me understand the company’s business and stratégies for better management.

Thank you

Hello Duncan,

Thank you so much for your response.
I am sorry for not being clear. I have a MS in Electrical Engineering from U of Cincinnati. As a part of my current job at Honeywell, I seek to gain a business degree to work a little bit more on the management to move to upcoming leadership opportunities at work. I am working full time and wish to do a part time MBA and I do have my company partially sponsoring it, as it’s my growth with the company.
I have an admit in both these schools starting spring 2020 for a general MBA with a final semester where I get to elect a particular major I can specialize in.

Hope this sheds a little more light. Though I would like to specialize on supply chain and logistics; as most my work is involves it. I also would like a overall business acumen to help me understand the company’s business and stratégies for better management.

Thank you
Inactive User

Is there any preference at your current company (ie do the majority of C-level staff have a degree from one or the other?)

In general I would say the Fisher degree has the higher stature.

Is there any preference at your current company (ie do the majority of C-level staff have a degree from one or the other?)

In general I would say the Fisher degree has the higher stature.

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