MBA at a state school

Hi, where I am there are a few state schools where I can do an MBA for not too much money.

But after I started reading about top schools and rankings, I'm a bit hesitant to do an MBA at an unranked school.

The problem is that the tuition difference is very, very large between the state schools in my state and a private ranked MBA like Harvard or Stanford.

I just need some reassurance that a state school can be just as good for an MBA education.

Hi, where I am there are a few state schools where I can do an MBA for not too much money.

But after I started reading about top schools and rankings, I'm a bit hesitant to do an MBA at an unranked school.

The problem is that the tuition difference is very, very large between the state schools in my state and a private ranked MBA like Harvard or Stanford.

I just need some reassurance that a state school can be just as good for an MBA education.
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Some state schools can be very good - Arizona State, Penn State, Michigan State, Ohio State come to my mind.

I guess it really depends on what you are doing currently, How much $$$ are you making, how much $$$ you wanna invest in your education and what you want to do afterwards?

Some state schools can be very good - Arizona State, Penn State, Michigan State, Ohio State come to my mind.

I guess it really depends on what you are doing currently, How much $$$ are you making, how much $$$ you wanna invest in your education and what you want to do afterwards?
Razors Edg...

Yeah, it depends. There are very few (if any) schools that are on the Harvard or Stanford level - private or public.

Keep in mind that in some cases like at UCLA, the university is a public school but the business school is actually private.

Which school specifically are you looking at?

Yeah, it depends. There are very few (if any) schools that are on the Harvard or Stanford level - private or public.

Keep in mind that in some cases like at UCLA, the university is a public school but the business school is actually private.

Which school specifically are you looking at?

Thanks for all the input. The school I would be attending is Central Michigan University.

Thanks for all the input. The school I would be attending is Central Michigan University.

Depending on how many of the prerequisites, you have, that would be 31 to 61 credits: a cost of at least $19,180 for an AACSB MBA. The requirement for a 450 GMAT suggests that the level of the courses won't be too challenging. The college of business's facilities are stretched by its 4,000 business majors, few of the business faculty seem to be active researchers (there is no PhD program) and it relies on central careers staff rather than having MBA specialists. I think you'll get a basic business education there. The modesty of the alumni network is reflected in its current appeal for just $5 million to refurbish the 50-year old building.

For the same investment, you could have the iMBA from UIUC, or an excellent European MBA taight in English from UC3M in Madrid, or the US-accredited CEU in Budapest.

Depending on how many of the prerequisites, you have, that would be 31 to 61 credits: a cost of at least $19,180 for an AACSB MBA. The requirement for a 450 GMAT suggests that the level of the courses won't be too challenging. The college of business's facilities are stretched by its 4,000 business majors, few of the business faculty seem to be active researchers (there is no PhD program) and it relies on central careers staff rather than having MBA specialists. I think you'll get a basic business education there. The modesty of the alumni network is reflected in its current appeal for just $5 million to refurbish the 50-year old building.

For the same investment, you could have the iMBA from UIUC, or an excellent European MBA taight in English from UC3M in Madrid, or the US-accredited CEU in Budapest.

Arizona State University - W. P. Carey School of Business is offering full scholarship for the entire cohort in a push to attract better students and improve in rankings, which it has. I'm not sure how long this will last but if tuition costs are your concern this is a great option.

Arizona State University - W. P. Carey School of Business is offering full scholarship for the entire cohort in a push to attract better students and improve in rankings, which it has. I'm not sure how long this will last but if tuition costs are your concern this is a great option.

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