B-School Suggestion

Hi All, - Good that i identified a very good discussion board to present my query..

I am an Indian planning to pursue MBA in US or Europe. But not yet decided and will take GMAT next week.

My profile:

Expected GMAT : 640-650 ( Practice test 630)
GPA: 3.5
Exp: 3+ in Ford Motor Company ( IT division )

The main reason that i planned to do MBA abroad is International exposure and develop leadership skills.

I like to take specialization like entrepreneurship/ marketing/Product Management.

Please suggest me b-schools in US and Europe that best suites for my profile and career.

Thanks in advance for your comments and recommendations.

Hi All, - Good that i identified a very good discussion board to present my query..

I am an Indian planning to pursue MBA in US or Europe. But not yet decided and will take GMAT next week.

My profile:

Expected GMAT : 640-650 ( Practice test 630)
GPA: 3.5
Exp: 3+ in Ford Motor Company ( IT division )

The main reason that i planned to do MBA abroad is International exposure and develop leadership skills.

I like to take specialization like entrepreneurship/ marketing/Product Management.

Please suggest me b-schools in US and Europe that best suites for my profile and career.

Thanks in advance for your comments and recommendations.

Take a look at the tier 4 schools in http://www.find-mba.com/board/27082 For a specialisation, look for the two-year programmes, which will allow you to go into more depth.

I'd especially suggest:
SMU: Cox
University of Georgia: Terry
College of William and Mary: Mason
University of South Carolina: Moore

Take a look at the tier 4 schools in http://www.find-mba.com/board/27082 For a specialisation, look for the two-year programmes, which will allow you to go into more depth.

I'd especially suggest:
SMU: Cox
University of Georgia: Terry
College of William and Mary: Mason
University of South Carolina: Moore

Babson - Olin would be something to look at, since the program was recently designed with an overall emphasis on entrepreneurship. You're a little low compared to the average, in terms of work experience, so this may be a reach school.

Check out more entrepreneurship-related programs here:

For marketing, look at this list:

Although the best schools in this area will require a better GMAT score (Minnesota Carlson, Washington Foster, UCLA Anderson, etc.) For these schools you'd have to aim for about 690-700 on the GMAT.

Babson - Olin would be something to look at, since the program was recently designed with an overall emphasis on entrepreneurship. You're a little low compared to the average, in terms of work experience, so this may be a reach school.

Check out more entrepreneurship-related programs here:

For marketing, look at this list:

Although the best schools in this area will require a better GMAT score (Minnesota Carlson, Washington Foster, UCLA Anderson, etc.) For these schools you'd have to aim for about 690-700 on the GMAT.

Thanks Duncan and Ezra for your recommendation. But i have certain other queries after your comments.

As suggested by you about tier 4 schools - can you please let me know what needs to be improved in my profile ( GMAT score ? Experience ? ...) to get into tier 1 and 2 schools. It would be helpful so that i can concentrate more on this.

Thanks for the information and comments.About more information regarding entrepreneurship can you please let me know what is the best experience required to do MBA in entrepreneurship.

Thanks for your comments.

Thanks Duncan and Ezra for your recommendation. But i have certain other queries after your comments.

As suggested by you about tier 4 schools - can you please let me know what needs to be improved in my profile ( GMAT score ? Experience ? ...) to get into tier 1 and 2 schools. It would be helpful so that i can concentrate more on this.

Thanks for the information and comments.About more information regarding entrepreneurship can you please let me know what is the best experience required to do MBA in entrepreneurship.

Thanks for your comments.

Hi Karthik,

Yes, you'll have to work on most of the factors that schools look for. Were you in an IT or engineering role at Ford? You'll have to work on your GMAT and, looking at the way you right here, you might need to work especially on your verbal score in the GMAT.

How international is your work experience?


Hi Karthik,

Yes, you'll have to work on most of the factors that schools look for. Were you in an IT or engineering role at Ford? You'll have to work on your GMAT and, looking at the way you right here, you might need to work especially on your verbal score in the GMAT.

How international is your work experience?


About more information regarding entrepreneurship can you please let me know what is the best experience required to do MBA in entrepreneurship.

Do you mean in terms of your previous work experience? It doesn't really matter - entrepreneurship-oriented programs don't necessarily need you to be a serial entrepreneur upon entry; rather, they're just looking for you to have an interest in innovation and at most a business plan you're thinking about.

I would think that your challenge when you write your application essays is to show how your previous work experience has led you to have an interest in entrepreneurship.

<blockquote>About more information regarding entrepreneurship can you please let me know what is the best experience required to do MBA in entrepreneurship.</blockquote>
Do you mean in terms of your previous work experience? It doesn't really matter - entrepreneurship-oriented programs don't necessarily need you to be a serial entrepreneur upon entry; rather, they're just looking for you to have an interest in innovation and at most a business plan you're thinking about.

I would think that your challenge when you write your application essays is to show how your previous work experience has led you to have an interest in entrepreneurship.


I'm planning to join in full time MBA program in Fall 2013.

Below is brief on my background :

GMAT : 640 (Retaking)
Under Graduate & Graduate: Engineering in Computer Science and MBA. Done a dual degree 3 years of Engineering and 2 years MBA from a premier institute in India.

Work Experience:
2 years with Deloitte Consulting, India in Risk Analytics Team (Including 2 months in London)
6 months of Internship with a start up in Risk Management Profile

Academic Percentages: I've at least 90% through out my academic career and batch topper in Graduate and Under Graduate programs. AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination), rank in less than 1% and received many merit scholarships from State and National governments.

Extra Curricular Activities:
Won many National Level competitions in Classical Dancing
Won many case study competitions in Tech Fest

Recommendations: Very strong recommendation letters from a Partner in Deloitte, USA and Director of my University.

Can someone suggest my chances of admission and scholarship at University of Texas, Dallas ? I talked to UTD and explained my reasons for going for a 2nd MBA and they are fine with my decision.


I'm planning to join in full time MBA program in Fall 2013.

Below is brief on my background :

GMAT : 640 (Retaking)
Under Graduate & Graduate: Engineering in Computer Science and MBA. Done a dual degree 3 years of Engineering and 2 years MBA from a premier institute in India.

Work Experience:
2 years with Deloitte Consulting, India in Risk Analytics Team (Including 2 months in London)
6 months of Internship with a start up in Risk Management Profile

Academic Percentages: I've at least 90% through out my academic career and batch topper in Graduate and Under Graduate programs. AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination), rank in less than 1% and received many merit scholarships from State and National governments.

Extra Curricular Activities:
Won many National Level competitions in Classical Dancing
Won many case study competitions in Tech Fest

Recommendations: Very strong recommendation letters from a Partner in Deloitte, USA and Director of my University.

Can someone suggest my chances of admission and scholarship at University of Texas, Dallas ? I talked to UTD and explained my reasons for going for a 2nd MBA and they are fine with my decision.

Read http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/rankings/full_time_mba_profiles/texasdallas.html

UTD has an average GMAT of 665 and admits one in four applicants. Just under 3% get full scholarships. I would say you have two chances in three of admission, and then one in 100 of getting a scholarship.

Read http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/rankings/full_time_mba_profiles/texasdallas.html

UTD has an average GMAT of 665 and admits one in four applicants. Just under 3% get full scholarships. I would say you have two chances in three of admission, and then one in 100 of getting a scholarship.

Can someone suggest my chances of admission and scholarship at University of Texas, Dallas ? I talked to UTD and explained my reasons for going for a 2nd MBA and they are fine with my decision.

Are you considering other schools as well? If you can boost it to 670+ you'd be more competitive at ranked schools, like ASU Carey, Boston College - or maybe even Rice Jones if you're set on Texas.

Others you can look at include George Washington, Purdue Krannert, and Northeastern.

Keep in mind that scholarships at most US schools are hard to get, especially for somebody with a competitive profile like yours. More work experience - both in terms of time and diversity - would help.

<blockquote>Can someone suggest my chances of admission and scholarship at University of Texas, Dallas ? I talked to UTD and explained my reasons for going for a 2nd MBA and they are fine with my decision. </blockquote>
Are you considering other schools as well? If you can boost it to 670+ you'd be more competitive at ranked schools, like ASU Carey, Boston College - or maybe even Rice Jones if you're set on Texas.

Others you can look at include George Washington, Purdue Krannert, and Northeastern.

Keep in mind that scholarships at most US schools are hard to get, especially for somebody with a competitive profile like yours. More work experience - both in terms of time and diversity - would help.

Dear Ralph and other distinguished experts on MBA admissions,

The GMAT didn't the way I had expected. In my previous attempt I got a 510 and in this attempt I got a dismissal 600. I will be re-attempting for GMAT after 3 months but I was curious to know (and would also apply on this score to a few colleges to see if I can get an admit and if yes then I would join the college).

Can you suggest where shall I apply ? I am open for United states / Canada and Asia as well (Singapore & Hongkong). My priority is getting a good job placement after studies.

I have 8.5 years of work experience which is spread across
geographies. A couple of years in US and in Europe as well.

Academic Scores
10th - 72%
12th - 59%
Grad - 70%
Post Grad - 72%

Extra Curricular Activities
1. Have been actively involved in various community services.
2. Writing a book (Non-Fiction)
3. Have started a new breakfast group in Bangalore which caters to discussion on entrepreneurial ideas as well as personality development and discussion on various social issues

What do you suggest ? Waiting to hear from you.

Dear Ralph and other distinguished experts on MBA admissions,

The GMAT didn't the way I had expected. In my previous attempt I got a 510 and in this attempt I got a dismissal 600. I will be re-attempting for GMAT after 3 months but I was curious to know (and would also apply on this score to a few colleges to see if I can get an admit and if yes then I would join the college).

Can you suggest where shall I apply ? I am open for United states / Canada and Asia as well (Singapore & Hongkong). My priority is getting a good job placement after studies.

I have 8.5 years of work experience which is spread across
geographies. A couple of years in US and in Europe as well.

Academic Scores
10th - 72%
12th - 59%
Grad - 70%
Post Grad - 72%

Extra Curricular Activities
1. Have been actively involved in various community services.
2. Writing a book (Non-Fiction)
3. Have started a new breakfast group in Bangalore which caters to discussion on entrepreneurial ideas as well as personality development and discussion on various social issues

What do you suggest ? Waiting to hear from you.

I love to repeat myself: Take a look at the tier 4 schools in www.find-mba.com/board/27082

I love to repeat myself: Take a look at the tier 4 schools in www.find-mba.com/board/27082

Dear Ralph and other distinguished experts on MBA admissions,

The GMAT didn't the way I had expected. In my previous attempt I got a 510 and in this attempt I got a dismissal 600. I will be re-attempting for GMAT after 3 months but I was curious to know (and would also apply on this score to a few colleges to see if I can get an admit and if yes then I would join the college).

For better options, do some dedicated test preparation and re-take the GMAT. As it is, you'd only really be competitive at nonranked, regional colleges - Howard University, maybe - or Tennessee - Knoxville are ones that I can think of, off the top of my head.

You might consider Hult as well; their admissions don't tend to be that competitive.

<blockquote>Dear Ralph and other distinguished experts on MBA admissions,

The GMAT didn't the way I had expected. In my previous attempt I got a 510 and in this attempt I got a dismissal 600. I will be re-attempting for GMAT after 3 months but I was curious to know (and would also apply on this score to a few colleges to see if I can get an admit and if yes then I would join the college).</blockquote>
For better options, do some dedicated test preparation and re-take the GMAT. As it is, you'd only really be competitive at nonranked, regional colleges - Howard University, maybe - or Tennessee - Knoxville are ones that I can think of, off the top of my head.

You might consider Hult as well; their admissions don't tend to be that competitive.

Read http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/rankings/full_time_mba_profiles/texasdallas.html

UTD has an average GMAT of 665 and admits one in four applicants. Just under 3% get full scholarships. I would say you have two chances in three of admission, and then one in 100 of getting a scholarship.

I was going to suggest you take a look at Business Week's rankings, here: http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/rankings/. It might give you a better idea of which schools are within your reach.

<blockquote>Read http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/rankings/full_time_mba_profiles/texasdallas.html

UTD has an average GMAT of 665 and admits one in four applicants. Just under 3% get full scholarships. I would say you have two chances in three of admission, and then one in 100 of getting a scholarship.</blockquote>

I was going to suggest you take a look at Business Week's rankings, here: <a href="http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/rankings/">http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/rankings/</a>. It might give you a better idea of which schools are within your reach.

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