Which MBA from Aston business school or from University of sheffield


Hello everyone,

I'm a product sales looking towards a higher position up the cooperate ladder and found that MBA would increase the fundamental knowledge and skills for it, maybe job hunting in the UK or going back to Asia.

I have considered some Msc, but I think the jack of all trades MBA is preferable for me.

I would like some comments or recommendations on choosing between the 2 MBA courses.

1. Aston business school, the modules are kind of centered towards entrepreneurship and leadership approach, and graduates seem to go into the IT, networking industry.

The overall ranking isn't much, but the business school ranking is better than Sheffield. And it's at 85th from "Top 100 in the world: The Economist Which MBA 2021", which Sheffield isn't on the list.

2. University of Sheffield, the modules seems balanced, and graduates seems to go into the business consultant industry (I have contacted a current student).

The overall ranking : is in the top 100 and a part of the Russel group as well. But it's strength may not be the business school, as I know its' STEM courses are great! So the overall ranking of the university is much better than Aston.

As for me to choose I'm comfortable with both, as my choices are not top rank as it would have been if the choices were LBS and others.

And I chose my priority from modules > business school rank > overall rank > accommodation and location.

I'm aware that both these choices wouldn't give me higher chance of finding a job in UK, but as the time and opportunity matches, these 2 are the last 2 choices I've shortlisted for this September intake.

I write this as much info as I can gather from a non local, so some information maybe wrong, please advice for choosing between these two courses or pros and cons?

I'm not also sure if it's the right thing because I don't think I'm comparing apples to apples but rather apples to strawberries, so any comments are appreciated.

Thank you.

Hello everyone,

I'm a product sales looking towards a higher position up the cooperate ladder and found that MBA would increase the fundamental knowledge and skills for it, maybe job hunting in the UK or going back to Asia.

I have considered some Msc, but I think the jack of all trades MBA is preferable for me.

I would like some comments or recommendations on choosing between the 2 MBA courses.

1. Aston business school, the modules are kind of centered towards entrepreneurship and leadership approach, and graduates seem to go into the IT, networking industry.

The overall ranking isn't much, but the business school ranking is better than Sheffield. And it's at 85th from "Top 100 in the world: The Economist Which MBA 2021", which Sheffield isn't on the list.

2. University of Sheffield, the modules seems balanced, and graduates seems to go into the business consultant industry (I have contacted a current student).

The overall ranking : is in the top 100 and a part of the Russel group as well. But it's strength may not be the business school, as I know its' STEM courses are great! So the overall ranking of the university is much better than Aston.

As for me to choose I'm comfortable with both, as my choices are not top rank as it would have been if the choices were LBS and others.

And I chose my priority from modules > business school rank > overall rank > accommodation and location.

I'm aware that both these choices wouldn't give me higher chance of finding a job in UK, but as the time and opportunity matches, these 2 are the last 2 choices I've shortlisted for this September intake.

I write this as much info as I can gather from a non local, so some information maybe wrong, please advice for choosing between these two courses or pros and cons?

I'm not also sure if it's the right thing because I don't think I'm comparing apples to apples but rather apples to strawberries, so any comments are appreciated.

Thank you.

Aston is the better business school but, as you say, these are neither strong schools for finding work in the UK nor famous schools in Asia. Why not take an extra year and get into a much better school? 

Aston is the better business school but, as you say, these are neither strong schools for finding work in the UK nor famous schools in Asia. Why not take an extra year and get into a much better school? 

Aston is the better business school but, as you say, these are neither strong schools for finding work in the UK nor famous schools in Asia. Why not take an extra year and get into a much better school? 

Hello Mr.Stuart,

Thank you for the honest comments!.

Regarding taking an extra year, even with a good GMAT applying for better schools, my bachelor's grade is quite low, and I know my odds of getting better schools would be getting more experience for some more years to added up to my CV then apply again to compensate for the low grades.
(P.S. I was rejected from Exeter and Liverpool as well, but got Loughborough)

But I don't think I would have the motivation as I am now. So that's why I would take a gamble between these two choices, enjoy the 1 year studying in UK, be unemployed for  a few months in UK, then give up :( and go back to my country and job hunt.

So as you commented, Aston is the better choice in this case? Is there anymore advice? Thank you!

[Edited by bazil5555 on Jun 15, 2022]

[quote]Aston is the better business school but, as you say, these are neither strong schools for finding work in the UK nor famous schools in Asia. Why not take an extra year and get into a much better school?&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Hello Mr.Stuart,<br><br>Thank you for the honest comments!.<br><br>Regarding taking an extra year, even with a good GMAT applying for better schools, my bachelor's grade is quite low, and I know my odds of getting better schools would be getting more experience for some more years to added up to my CV then apply again to compensate for the low grades.<br>(P.S. I was rejected from Exeter and Liverpool as well, but got Loughborough)<br><br>But I don't think I would have the motivation as I am now. So that's why I would take a gamble between these two choices, enjoy the 1 year studying in UK, be unemployed for&nbsp; a few months in UK, then give up :( and go back to my country and job hunt.<br><br>So as you commented, Aston is the better choice in this case? Is there anymore advice? Thank you!

Aston is the better option. 

Aston is the better option.&nbsp;

Aston is the better option. 

Thank you for the comment sir.

[quote]Aston is the better option.&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Thank you for the comment sir.

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