
I have got an offer from NHH ( EMBA ) and soon will most likely get from BI ( Digital EMBA ).
For the same budget I can get CASS online MBA or Cambridge part-time MSc in Enterpreneurship. I have not applied for the last 2 yet.

My goal is to be Technology director \ VP \ Section manager in big IT conculting companies in Norway.

Many recommends local school because of networking. Any idea about value of part-time MSc at Cambridge as well as NHH vs BI for local market ?

On the first look, Digital MBA from BI is more specialized for IT ( I can guess, better nettworking for IT carrea ) and BI is much bigger then NHH ( probably, more known internationally ), but NHH is couple places higher ranked by FT.

Are there anyone here from Norway?

I have got an offer from NHH ( EMBA ) and soon will most likely get from BI ( Digital EMBA ).
For the same budget I can get CASS online MBA or Cambridge part-time MSc in Enterpreneurship. I have not applied for the last 2 yet.

My goal is to be Technology director \ VP \ Section manager in big IT conculting companies in Norway.

Many recommends local school because of networking. Any idea about value of part-time MSc at Cambridge as well as NHH vs BI for local market ?

On the first look, Digital MBA from BI is more specialized for IT ( I can guess, better nettworking for IT carrea ) and BI is much bigger then NHH ( probably, more known internationally ), but NHH is couple places higher ranked by FT.

Are there anyone here from Norway?
Inactive User

I guess the first question would be if you are Norwegian / speak the language there. If so, perhaps a program in Norwegian would be a good choice. If not, and if your goals are to work in Norway, you should probably work on your language skills first.

I guess the first question would be if you are Norwegian / speak the language there. If so, perhaps a program in Norwegian would be a good choice. If not, and if your goals are to work in Norway, you should probably work on your language skills first.

BI and NHH are the right choices. The Cambridge MSc doesn't give you a business network, and an entrepreneurship qualification will not equip you for a big corporate role as well as an MBA.

Try: How to use LinkedIn to find the best school www.find-mba.com/board/33571

BI and NHH are the right choices. The Cambridge MSc doesn't give you a business network, and an entrepreneurship qualification will not equip you for a big corporate role as well as an MBA.

Try: How to use LinkedIn to find the best school www.find-mba.com/board/33571

BI and NHH are the right choices. The Cambridge MSc doesn't give you a business network, and an entrepreneurship qualification will not equip you for a big corporate role as well as an MBA.

Try: How to use LinkedIn to find the best school www.find-mba.com/board/33571

Thanks for your answer, Dunkan. Thats what I was looking for.
Yes, I used linkedin and had been talking to about 20-30 current and former students as well as to about 50 recruitment managers in my target city.
I got following information:

1) is more economical oriented, less soft skills and people management, more finance
2) has a bit higher local reputation
3) only local people in class ( better for networking )
4) modules in HEC Paris and Nyang ( Singapore )

1) more soft skills oriented ( good for me )
2) IT specialization ( Digital MBA ) ( I expect more specialized networking in my domain )
3) module in Berkeley
4) only 50% people in class are local ( less networking locally ) but all 3 specializations have core modules together ( better networking )
5) BI has 5 times more students then NHH, I dont know if its advantage or disadvantage

[Edited by Andy_B on Dec 12, 2019]

[quote]BI and NHH are the right choices. The Cambridge MSc doesn't give you a business network, and an entrepreneurship qualification will not equip you for a big corporate role as well as an MBA.

Try: How to use LinkedIn to find the best school www.find-mba.com/board/33571 [/quote]
Thanks for your answer, Dunkan. Thats what I was looking for.
Yes, I used linkedin and had been talking to about 20-30 current and former students as well as to about 50 recruitment managers in my target city.
I got following information:

1) is more economical oriented, less soft skills and people management, more finance
2) has a bit higher local reputation
3) only local people in class ( better for networking )
4) modules in HEC Paris and Nyang ( Singapore )

1) more soft skills oriented ( good for me )
2) IT specialization ( Digital MBA ) ( I expect more specialized networking in my domain )
3) module in Berkeley
4) only 50% people in class are local ( less networking locally ) but all 3 specializations have core modules together ( better networking )
5) BI has 5 times more students then NHH, I dont know if its advantage or disadvantage

Which has the most classroom time and the most groupwork?

Which has the most classroom time and the most groupwork?

Which has the most classroom time and the most groupwork?

BI has 15% more classroom time and this classwork is more relevant to IT and soft skills.
Groupwork - hard to estimate.
Alumni said me BI is more practical, NHH is more theoretical.

I see that all alumni got carrer progress in both schools, hard to find one without.

[quote]Which has the most classroom time and the most groupwork?[/quote]
BI has 15% more classroom time and this classwork is more relevant to IT and soft skills.
Groupwork - hard to estimate.
Alumni said me BI is more practical, NHH is more theoretical.

I see that all alumni got carrer progress in both schools, hard to find one without.

It sounds like you have a viable option there. Any doubts?

It sounds like you have a viable option there. Any doubts?

It sounds like you have a viable option there. Any doubts?

Yes, many doubts. BI is 15% more expensive and has 15% more classwork.

For these 15% I can buy leadership program in LSE ( 5 days, 7.5k ), so I can end up with the same amount of classwork. Also, BI needs 42 days out of work during first year, NHH needs 26. Second year is the same for both schools. Now I have 2 options:

NHH MBA plus Executive Leadership program in LSE
BI Digital MBA

main difference between those programs are:
1) digital transformation courses in BI ( I can also buy them separately )
2) Ledership program ( the same which I can buy in LSE )

last one: BI has 50% international students - less local norwegian nettworking
NHH is in local languadge, I am foregner so its good to study in local languadge ( I speak fluently but I should get rid of accent)

[quote]It sounds like you have a viable option there. Any doubts? [/quote]
Yes, many doubts. BI is 15% more expensive and has 15% more classwork.

For these 15% I can buy leadership program in LSE ( 5 days, 7.5k ), so I can end up with the same amount of classwork. Also, BI needs 42 days out of work during first year, NHH needs 26. Second year is the same for both schools. Now I have 2 options:

NHH MBA plus Executive Leadership program in LSE
BI Digital MBA

main difference between those programs are:
1) digital transformation courses in BI ( I can also buy them separately )
2) Ledership program ( the same which I can buy in LSE )

last one: BI has 50% international students - less local norwegian nettworking
NHH is in local languadge, I am foregner so its good to study in local languadge ( I speak fluently but I should get rid of accent)

I guess the first question would be if you are Norwegian / speak the language there. If so, perhaps a program in Norwegian would be a good choice. If not, and if your goals are to work in Norway, you should probably work on your language skills first.

I am foreigner who got citizenship, learned language and use it at work ( I am the only foreigner at work ). Goal for now is to get rid of accent.
While my MBA goal is to accelerate my carrea in Norway.

pro: study in Norwegian, 100% partisipants are Norwegian
contra: partisipants are from all industries, not everyone is from IT

pro: all partisipants are from IT, because its IT MBA
contra: study in English, only 50% students are Norwegian

[Edited by Andy_B on Jan 02, 2020]

[quote]I guess the first question would be if you are Norwegian / speak the language there. If so, perhaps a program in Norwegian would be a good choice. If not, and if your goals are to work in Norway, you should probably work on your language skills first. [/quote]
I am foreigner who got citizenship, learned language and use it at work ( I am the only foreigner at work ). Goal for now is to get rid of accent.
While my MBA goal is to accelerate my carrea in Norway.

pro: study in Norwegian, 100% partisipants are Norwegian
contra: partisipants are from all industries, not everyone is from IT

pro: all partisipants are from IT, because its IT MBA
contra: study in English, only 50% students are Norwegian

I would totally pick the Norwegian option, other things being equal.

I would totally pick the Norwegian option, other things being equal.

I would totally pick the Norwegian option, other things being equal.

NHH is in Norwegian, and its good for me as a foreigner to get rid of accent :) I am going to be the only one non local in the class.

Also, for 15% difference in price between the program I can get ledership program either in NHH or BI, they are the same, 30 credits of Ex. Msc in Management

[quote]I would totally pick the Norwegian option, other things being equal. [/quote]
NHH is in Norwegian, and its good for me as a foreigner to get rid of accent :) I am going to be the only one non local in the class.

Also, for 15% difference in price between the program I can get ledership program either in NHH or BI, they are the same, 30 credits of Ex. Msc in Management

NHH is in Norwegian, and its good for me as a foreigner to get rid of accent :) I am going to be the only one non local in the class.

That's going to give you some excellent networking opportunities!

[quote]NHH is in Norwegian, and its good for me as a foreigner to get rid of accent :) I am going to be the only one non local in the class.[/quote]
That's going to give you some excellent networking opportunities!

NHH is in Norwegian, and its good for me as a foreigner to get rid of accent :) I am going to be the only one non local in the class.

That's going to give you some excellent networking opportunities!

But when I tell on interview about this - noone seems to care.
Also, many do not know difference between MBA and executive master.

maybe, its worth to take master at some top school instead? like HEC? executive master digital transformation.

zero nettworking but big school name in cv

[quote][quote]NHH is in Norwegian, and its good for me as a foreigner to get rid of accent :) I am going to be the only one non local in the class.[/quote]
That's going to give you some excellent networking opportunities![/quote]
But when I tell on interview about this - noone seems to care.
Also, many do not know difference between MBA and executive master.

maybe, its worth to take master at some top school instead? like HEC? executive master digital transformation.

zero nettworking but big school name in cv

It sounds like you have a viable option there. Any doubts?

I added it to CV and speak about it during interview. It seems noone care, more like negative "will you study and have less performance?".

also, strange but not many knows difference between mba and executive master.

I accepted NHH offer but still thinking about executive master in big school like HEC in digital transformation. what do you think on that?

[quote]It sounds like you have a viable option there. Any doubts? [/quote]
I added it to CV and speak about it during interview. It seems noone care, more like negative "will you study and have less performance?".

also, strange but not many knows difference between mba and executive master.

I accepted NHH offer but still thinking about executive master in big school like HEC in digital transformation. what do you think on that?

I don't think the HEC programme is that great.

I don't think the HEC programme is that great.

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