Lower GMAT after second time


My first GMAT was 650 and I took it again. I got a 600! I was really trying for 700 and did a lot of studying before I took it. I'm just not sure what to do anymore. Should I just stick with the 650 and hope for the best, or should I try again? I am so frustrated!

My first GMAT was 650 and I took it again. I got a 600! I was really trying for 700 and did a lot of studying before I took it. I'm just not sure what to do anymore. Should I just stick with the 650 and hope for the best, or should I try again? I am so frustrated!
Inactive User

That depends. Have you taken actual practice tests? If so, had you been scoring higher on the practices?

Was there a particular section you have been struggling with, or was your poor performance just across the board?

That depends. Have you taken actual practice tests? If so, had you been scoring higher on the practices?

Was there a particular section you have been struggling with, or was your poor performance just across the board?

It's always the quantitative. I took a practice test before the real one and was at 700.

It's always the quantitative. I took a practice test before the real one and was at 700.
Inactive User

The generic advice is always: if you think you can do better, then re-take. If not, then don't. Maybe run through another practice exam to see where you're landing the quant now?

The generic advice is always: if you think you can do better, then re-take. If not, then don't. Maybe run through another practice exam to see where you're landing the quant now?

Took a practice test yesterday and I was at 700 again.

Took a practice test yesterday and I was at 700 again.

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