Work experience before mba, sweet spot?


Does this depend a lot on the type of job? Is there a recommended amount of years or at least the minimum that would make sense?


Does this depend a lot on the type of job? Is there a recommended amount of years or at least the minimum that would make sense?


Most schools require at least 3 years work experience. You also need to have some managerial experience. There is no "sweet spot". If you know you meet the requirements for your desired program, then you can apply. All schools indicate the number of years they accept.

Most schools require at least 3 years work experience. You also need to have some managerial experience. There is no "sweet spot". If you know you meet the requirements for your desired program, then you can apply. All schools indicate the number of years they accept.

This will vary between schools but I guess the average is five or six years for a full time MBA at a triple crown school. 

This will vary between schools but I guess the average is five or six years for a full time MBA at a triple crown school. 

Thank you both for the information. 

Thank you both for the information. 

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