Profile review - please help me decide which b-schools to apply


I am hoping that some members here can help me target some good MBA programs for my profile:

Work experience: 6 years PhD + 2 years postdoc + 1.5 years work in biotech sector
GMAT score: 700
GPA (undergrad): 3.7

Goal: to transition out of biotech. Not sure about the industry but maybe consulting (tech or medical) or investment banking.

I am open to schools in the US (I am American) but elsewhere as well.

Thank you for your time.

I am hoping that some members here can help me target some good MBA programs for my profile:

Work experience: 6 years PhD + 2 years postdoc + 1.5 years work in biotech sector
GMAT score: 700
GPA (undergrad): 3.7

Goal: to transition out of biotech. Not sure about the industry but maybe consulting (tech or medical) or investment banking.

I am open to schools in the US (I am American) but elsewhere as well.

Thank you for your time.
George Pat...

I think you are right to consider staying in the industry but changing role. It would make much better use of your skills. By changing in to something like investment banking, you would start from near zero. Management or consulting jobs in biotech industry sounds a better idea.

I think you are right to consider staying in the industry but changing role. It would make much better use of your skills. By changing in to something like investment banking, you would start from near zero. Management or consulting jobs in biotech industry sounds a better idea.

I wonder if Cornell would be a good fit? Not everyone likes their locations, but Vanderbilt and Rochester also come to mind.

I wonder if Cornell would be a good fit? Not everyone likes their locations, but Vanderbilt and Rochester also come to mind.

Management or consulting jobs in biotech industry sounds a better idea.

This is a great idea. I-banking is a popular destination among MBAs, but with a solid background in science / academia it is a rather large transition in almost every sense. At least consider doing an internship in a I-banking firm so you can get a sense of the culture.

[quote]Management or consulting jobs in biotech industry sounds a better idea. [/quote]
This is a great idea. I-banking is a popular destination among MBAs, but with a solid background in science / academia it is a rather large transition in almost every sense. At least consider doing an internship in a I-banking firm so you can get a sense of the culture.

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