My journey to MBA and Beyond

Inactive User

I am in the process of writing a 10 part blog capturing my journey to MBA and beyond. First three blogs are now up on Tumblr ( and also in the Student Blog section at Find-MBA

First three blogs capture my path to MBA
Blogs 4-7 will throw light on MBA life
Concluding 3 blogs will be about my journey post MBA

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I am in the process of writing a 10 part blog capturing my journey to MBA and beyond. First three blogs are now up on Tumblr ( and also in the Student Blog section at Find-MBA

First three blogs capture my path to MBA
Blogs 4-7 will throw light on MBA life
Concluding 3 blogs will be about my journey post MBA

Ask me a question or leave a comment


George Pat...

Thanks for sharing. Real life experiences are always appreciated.
The thought process is correct and people would benefit from following the same steps.

[Edited by George Patsoulis on Nov 06, 2019]

Thanks for sharing. Real life experiences are always appreciated.
The thought process is correct and people would benefit from following the same steps.

Very interesting. It's great how you show the methodology behind shortlisting and applying. I think many applicants try to aim for the stars without being realistic about their chances, and then they are surprised when they don't get admits. This will probably be helpful to many who are applying.

Very interesting. It's great how you show the methodology behind shortlisting and applying. I think many applicants try to aim for the stars without being realistic about their chances, and then they are surprised when they don't get admits. This will probably be helpful to many who are applying.

I just finished the series. It's great. Really, really useful as a worked example about how to proceed.

I just finished the series. It's great. Really, really useful as a worked example about how to proceed.
Inactive User

I have posted all 10 blogs capturing my journey to from India to US for my MBA and then beyond into Canada.

Blog are up on Tumblr ( and also in the Student Blog section at Find-MBA

I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed recollecting and writing it down. Feel free to ask me questions!

I have posted all 10 blogs capturing my journey to from India to US for my MBA and then beyond into Canada.

Blog are up on Tumblr ( and also in the Student Blog section at Find-MBA

I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed recollecting and writing it down. Feel free to ask me questions!
Inactive User

Nice job Ayon. I just read your final blog about your move to Canada. It is almost identical to my situation in the past and what made me move to Toronto. Mainly family (wife wanted to work) and my yearning for stability.

In my case though, I had to take a pay cut to move to Canada! It was frustrating and psychologically demoralizing to take a pay cut. It took a few years to get back to where I was (salary-wise), but overall I am really happy about the move. Several of my current colleagues in Toronto did the same thing (moved from US and took a pay cut). However, a lot of them were casualties of the consulting/MBB "up or out" culture and I think some of them are happy just to have a job with better work-life balance.

Nice job Ayon. I just read your final blog about your move to Canada. It is almost identical to my situation in the past and what made me move to Toronto. Mainly family (wife wanted to work) and my yearning for stability.

In my case though, I had to take a pay cut to move to Canada! It was frustrating and psychologically demoralizing to take a pay cut. It took a few years to get back to where I was (salary-wise), but overall I am really happy about the move. Several of my current colleagues in Toronto did the same thing (moved from US and took a pay cut). However, a lot of them were casualties of the consulting/MBB "up or out" culture and I think some of them are happy just to have a job with better work-life balance.
Inactive User

Thanks. I wanted to move out of consulting. I was bored working from home for last 4 years. I applied to one of the top Telecom companies in Toronto for a Manager position but the pay was very less. I was ready to take a 20% pay cut but it didn't work out.
I am lucky to earn in US dollars, and got 20% hike when I converted to IC from FTE. This year I bargained another 5% raise. With CAD devaluing against USD my salary before tax has become Sr. Director equivalent level. I don't think I'll be able to find work in Canada unless I take more than 50% pay cut. For now I am staying put and thankful that I can WFH with an infant and covid-19 in GTA.

Thanks. I wanted to move out of consulting. I was bored working from home for last 4 years. I applied to one of the top Telecom companies in Toronto for a Manager position but the pay was very less. I was ready to take a 20% pay cut but it didn't work out.
I am lucky to earn in US dollars, and got 20% hike when I converted to IC from FTE. This year I bargained another 5% raise. With CAD devaluing against USD my salary before tax has become Sr. Director equivalent level. I don't think I'll be able to find work in Canada unless I take more than 50% pay cut. For now I am staying put and thankful that I can WFH with an infant and covid-19 in GTA.
Inactive User

Very interesting, thanks for sharing!

Very interesting, thanks for sharing!

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