MBA'14 - Assessment/Chances/Suggestions



Following is a brief snapshot of my profile/goals:

Indian Male
Work Ex: 3.5years in Accenture as of Dec'13; various achievements, leadership experience and overall strong profile
GMAT: 670 [Q-47/V-35]; IR-6
Education: Engg [IT] - 7.2 GPA, Class XII aggregate score of 90.4%

How fair are my chances of admission to the following schools? Also, are these good choices, given I intend to focus on general management with specialization track in management consulting? If not, what are the schools I should be looking at.

US: Wanted to apply to UNC Kenan Flagler all along, however, I think I fall behind on the GMAT average. Are there any chances of me making it happen, provided I can present my overall application well?

Other schools I am looking at are: Merage/Foster/Indiana Kelley/Boston University School of Management

UK: Manchester Business School, solely on the basis of internship options and mandatory consulting project. I beleive this would provide me with a lot of experience that I genuinely seek in the field.
* Not sure of any other schools in the country that would fit my requirements.

* I would really appreciate any suggestions on schools in europe or asia that would help me achieve my goals.


Following is a brief snapshot of my profile/goals:

Indian Male
Work Ex: 3.5years in Accenture as of Dec'13; various achievements, leadership experience and overall strong profile
GMAT: 670 [Q-47/V-35]; IR-6
Education: Engg [IT] - 7.2 GPA, Class XII aggregate score of 90.4%

How fair are my chances of admission to the following schools? Also, are these good choices, given I intend to focus on general management with specialization track in management consulting? If not, what are the schools I should be looking at.

US: Wanted to apply to UNC Kenan Flagler all along, however, I think I fall behind on the GMAT average. Are there any chances of me making it happen, provided I can present my overall application well?

Other schools I am looking at are: Merage/Foster/Indiana Kelley/Boston University School of Management

UK: Manchester Business School, solely on the basis of internship options and mandatory consulting project. I beleive this would provide me with a lot of experience that I genuinely seek in the field.
* Not sure of any other schools in the country that would fit my requirements.

* I would really appreciate any suggestions on schools in europe or asia that would help me achieve my goals.


Following is a brief snapshot of my profile/goals:

Indian Male
Work Ex: 3.5years in Accenture as of Dec'13; various achievements, leadership experience and overall strong profile
GMAT: 670 [Q-47/V-35]; IR-6
Education: Engg [IT] - 7.2 GPA, Class XII aggregate score of 90.4%

How fair are my chances of admission to the following schools? Also, are these good choices, given I intend to focus on general management with specialization track in management consulting? If not, what are the schools I should be looking at.

US: Wanted to apply to UNC Kenan Flagler all along, however, I think I fall behind on the GMAT average. Are there any chances of me making it happen, provided I can present my overall application well?

Other schools I am looking at are: Merage/Foster/Indiana Kelley/Boston University School of Management

UK: Manchester Business School, solely on the basis of internship options and mandatory consulting project. I beleive this would provide me with a lot of experience that I genuinely seek in the field.
* Not sure of any other schools in the country that would fit my requirements.

* I would really appreciate any suggestions on schools in europe or asia that would help me achieve my goals.

Think also about business schools based in London like LBS, Imperial, Cass etc. You can also consider Cranfield however it is more than 30 minutes drive from London.


Following is a brief snapshot of my profile/goals:

Indian Male
Work Ex: 3.5years in Accenture as of Dec'13; various achievements, leadership experience and overall strong profile
GMAT: 670 [Q-47/V-35]; IR-6
Education: Engg [IT] - 7.2 GPA, Class XII aggregate score of 90.4%

How fair are my chances of admission to the following schools? Also, are these good choices, given I intend to focus on general management with specialization track in management consulting? If not, what are the schools I should be looking at.

US: Wanted to apply to UNC Kenan Flagler all along, however, I think I fall behind on the GMAT average. Are there any chances of me making it happen, provided I can present my overall application well?

Other schools I am looking at are: Merage/Foster/Indiana Kelley/Boston University School of Management

UK: Manchester Business School, solely on the basis of internship options and mandatory consulting project. I beleive this would provide me with a lot of experience that I genuinely seek in the field.
* Not sure of any other schools in the country that would fit my requirements.

* I would really appreciate any suggestions on schools in europe or asia that would help me achieve my goals.

Think also about business schools based in London like LBS, Imperial, Cass etc. You can also consider Cranfield however it is more than 30 minutes drive from London.

I think you have a good chance at those schools. Also see:
GMAT Tiers - strong schools for your GMAT

How to use LinkedIn to find the best school

Shortcut to find the best US MBA

I think you have a good chance at those schools. Also see:
GMAT Tiers - strong schools for your GMAT

How to use LinkedIn to find the best school

Shortcut to find the best US MBA

thanks @davidsmart .. but I believe that London would be the preference for finance professionals.. an area I have no interest in. Also the fact that 1 year MBA is not something I am keen on. The full length course plus the internship/projects structure is what I am looking at.

@Duncan... thanks for the links.. I had checked out your post regarding GMAT Tiers and that is where I shortlisted the schools from. However, I haven't had enough success carrying out the LinkedIn method. Perhaps, the number of connections you have makes a lot of difference.

I am currently trying to put my best forward with the application for UNC and hoping for the best.

Which school would you suggest is the next best and are there any other good one's from the GMAT tier list I should be looking at.

Also any comments on the European/US/UK conundrum?

thanks @davidsmart .. but I believe that London would be the preference for finance professionals.. an area I have no interest in. Also the fact that 1 year MBA is not something I am keen on. The full length course plus the internship/projects structure is what I am looking at.

@Duncan... thanks for the links.. I had checked out your post regarding GMAT Tiers and that is where I shortlisted the schools from. However, I haven't had enough success carrying out the LinkedIn method. Perhaps, the number of connections you have makes a lot of difference.

I am currently trying to put my best forward with the application for UNC and hoping for the best.

Which school would you suggest is the next best and are there any other good one's from the GMAT tier list I should be looking at.

Also any comments on the European/US/UK conundrum?

The smart rank feature on find the best really is very useful. I don;'t have anything to add to what you can find for yourself. Consider buying a premium membership of LinkedIn to expand your search.

Other things being equal, the two year US MBA model is clearly a better route to your career goals. The Manchester programme is excellent, but placement is harder in the UK for non-EU candidates because we have such a huge influx of EU talent from mainland countries.

The smart rank feature on find the best really is very useful. I don;'t have anything to add to what you can find for yourself. Consider buying a premium membership of LinkedIn to expand your search.

Other things being equal, the two year US MBA model is clearly a better route to your career goals. The Manchester programme is excellent, but placement is harder in the UK for non-EU candidates because we have such a huge influx of EU talent from mainland countries.

thanks again Duncan..

thanks again Duncan..


Similar to the mentioned question I would be obliged if you can suggest me the way forward for Admission in MBA (full-time) for Fall 2014.

My profile:

I am working with IT major since 3.4 years with good academic background. I completed my in computers with 7.97/10 CGPA. Have fair extra-curricular activities during my graduation.
I have written GMAT twice but with the same score 510 (V21, M39). I am looking forward to pursue my MBA from some genuine B-school who would be accepting my application, provided I have a low GMAT. I got to see some of the reputed B-school admission directors during an MBA fair. I presume I shall be able to get admission in : University of Tampa, Florida, Hult Boston, IMT dubai and some University in Australia too.

Request you to please guide me on this and I shall be able to proceed for application process.

Thanks in advance. !!


Similar to the mentioned question I would be obliged if you can suggest me the way forward for Admission in MBA (full-time) for Fall 2014.

My profile:

I am working with IT major since 3.4 years with good academic background. I completed my in computers with 7.97/10 CGPA. Have fair extra-curricular activities during my graduation.
I have written GMAT twice but with the same score 510 (V21, M39). I am looking forward to pursue my MBA from some genuine B-school who would be accepting my application, provided I have a low GMAT. I got to see some of the reputed B-school admission directors during an MBA fair. I presume I shall be able to get admission in : University of Tampa, Florida, Hult Boston, IMT dubai and some University in Australia too.

Request you to please guide me on this and I shall be able to proceed for application process.

Thanks in advance. !!

Try: Shortcut to find the best US MBA

Try: Shortcut to find the best US MBA

Hi Duncan,

I am an Indian female, 27 years. I work as lead in an IT company since 7 years and my Toefl score is 102. However, my major backlog is gmat, which is 580. Now, I do know that my GMAT is pathetically bad. However, looking at mid 80% range of few of these colleges, I have applied:
!. UC Irvine - Still in Completed Status
2. Penn State University - Rejected
3. Michigan State University - Still in Completed Status
4. SMU Cox - Still in Completed Status
planning to apply Wake forest University
My expectation is, I should get decent placement in US after my MBA. I understand that expecting this itself is too much for my GMAT score. Still, What are my chances in getting through in any one of these colleges?
I am asking this as I have applied for all these colleges in 2nd round (early Jan) but I have not received any responses from the ones which is in Complete status and I am getting really tensed.

I request you to please help me with this

Thank you

Hi Duncan,

I am an Indian female, 27 years. I work as lead in an IT company since 7 years and my Toefl score is 102. However, my major backlog is gmat, which is 580. Now, I do know that my GMAT is pathetically bad. However, looking at mid 80% range of few of these colleges, I have applied:
!. UC Irvine - Still in Completed Status
2. Penn State University - Rejected
3. Michigan State University - Still in Completed Status
4. SMU Cox - Still in Completed Status
planning to apply Wake forest University
My expectation is, I should get decent placement in US after my MBA. I understand that expecting this itself is too much for my GMAT score. Still, What are my chances in getting through in any one of these colleges?
I am asking this as I have applied for all these colleges in 2nd round (early Jan) but I have not received any responses from the ones which is in Complete status and I am getting really tensed.

I request you to please help me with this

Thank you

Unless your work experience is very strong, I don't think you are a competitive candidate at those schools. Click the link in my previous post. I think Suffolk, Lowell, Clark Atlanta, Howard, Portland, Omaha... these are the sort of schools to consider unless you improve your GMAT. I suggest you take the time to improve your GMAT are reapply in round one for 2015 entry.

Unless your work experience is very strong, I don't think you are a competitive candidate at those schools. Click the link in my previous post. I think Suffolk, Lowell, Clark Atlanta, Howard, Portland, Omaha... these are the sort of schools to consider unless you improve your GMAT. I suggest you take the time to improve your GMAT are reapply in round one for 2015 entry.

Hi Duncan,

Thanks for the suggestion. Do you think IBEAR program of 1 year MBA is suitable for me. I am just looking for good placements in US.
I am unable to give my GMAT again. Hence I wanted to try with this GMAT score.
I am leading a team of 8 people in office and my managers have given a good recommendation to me. Do you think this is a good professional profile?
looking forward for your reply

Thank you

Hi Duncan,

Thanks for the suggestion. Do you think IBEAR program of 1 year MBA is suitable for me. I am just looking for good placements in US.
I am unable to give my GMAT again. Hence I wanted to try with this GMAT score.
I am leading a team of 8 people in office and my managers have given a good recommendation to me. Do you think this is a good professional profile?
looking forward for your reply

Thank you

I suggest you ask the IBEAR admissions team. Remember this is optimised for candidates sponsored by international firms. Your GMAT is well below their average. If you took an extra half year, why could you not retake the GMAT in September?

I suggest you ask the IBEAR admissions team. Remember this is optimised for candidates sponsored by international firms. Your GMAT is well below their average. If you took an extra half year, why could you not retake the GMAT in September?

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