Low Quant, High verbal GMAT score


About me- active duty military officer applying to online MBA programs to complete while still in the service. I have about 20 hours total studying and my most recent mock exam i scored a 680 with above average (53%) Quant and high verbal. Unfortunately, on test day i dropped to 610 overall 36Q 38V 8IR. The program i am applying to advertises an average gmat score of 600. However, due to COVID-19 they are not requiring applicants to submit GMAT scores at the moment. My question is- would the “above average” score but low quant help or hurt my application? If it hurts the application i have the option to submit it without the score.

About me- active duty military officer applying to online MBA programs to complete while still in the service. I have about 20 hours total studying and my most recent mock exam i scored a 680 with above average (53%) Quant and high verbal. Unfortunately, on test day i dropped to 610 overall 36Q 38V 8IR. The program i am applying to advertises an average gmat score of 600. However, due to COVID-19 they are not requiring applicants to submit GMAT scores at the moment. My question is- would the “above average” score but low quant help or hurt my application? If it hurts the application i have the option to submit it without the score.

It helps because candidates with the gmat are more likely to accept offers. Mention that you would be happy to retake if they wanted. 

[Edited by Duncan on Dec 17, 2020]

It helps because candidates with the gmat are more likely to accept offers. Mention that you would be happy to retake if they wanted. 

It helps because candidates with the that are more likely to accept offers. Mention that with would be happy to retake if they wanted. 

Duncan, thanks for the prompt response. Seems like you had a typo there. “candidates with the that”? 

[quote]It helps because candidates with the that are more likely to accept offers. Mention that with would be happy to retake if they wanted.&nbsp; [/quote]<br>Duncan, thanks for the prompt response. Seems like you had a typo there. “candidates with the that”?&nbsp;

Fixed :)

Fixed :)
Inactive User

If there's still time to retake, suggest you retake.  If you are able to hit 680, your current 610 score could be a fluke.  A 680, particularly for a program with a 600 average gmat score, could mean substantial scholarship $$$.   Or you can aim for admission to better programs.   

But if you have no option to retake, I would submit that score.  A school with a 600 average means there are a lot of admits with similar quant scores.  


If there's still time to retake, suggest you retake.&nbsp; If you are able to hit 680, your current 610 score could be a fluke.&nbsp; A 680, particularly for a program with a 600 average gmat score, could mean substantial scholarship $$$.&nbsp; &nbsp;Or you can aim for admission to better programs.&nbsp; &nbsp;<br><br><br>But if you have no option to retake, I would submit that score.&nbsp; A school&nbsp;with a 600 average means there are a lot of admits with similar quant scores.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br><br><br>&nbsp; &nbsp;

If there's still time to retake, suggest you retake.  If you are able to hit 680, your current 610 score could be a fluke.  A 680, particularly for a program with a 600 average gmat score, could mean substantial scholarship $$$.   Or you can aim for admission to better programs.   

But if you have no option to retake, I would submit that score.  A school with a 600 average means there are a lot of admits with similar quant scores.  


 Thanks for the response. Luckily for me i am able to take advantage of my post 9/11 GI bill benefits.  If i were to retake then I would miss the application deadline for my desired start date. I submitted my scores this morning, so I’ll stick to my guns and see what happens! 

[Edited by SMarsh50 on Dec 17, 2020]

[quote]If there's still time to retake, suggest you retake.&nbsp; If you are able to hit 680, your current 610 score could be a fluke.&nbsp; A 680, particularly for a program with a 600 average gmat score, could mean substantial scholarship $$$.&nbsp; &nbsp;Or you can aim for admission to better programs.&nbsp; &nbsp;<br><br>But if you have no option to retake, I would submit that score.&nbsp; A school&nbsp;with a 600 average means there are a lot of admits with similar quant scores.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br><br><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>&nbsp;Thanks for the response. Luckily for me i am able to take advantage of my post 9/11 GI bill benefits. &nbsp;If i were to retake then I would miss the application deadline for my desired start date. I submitted my scores this morning, so I’ll stick to my guns and see what happens!&nbsp;

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