Advice needed - low GPA extenuating factors


Hi All,

I graduated in 2007 from Singapore. I have certs from top Olympiads (gold medalists)..recipient of scholarships (two). strong Ecas and some volunteer work. I am bilingual and a learning a third language I have also worked/studied/ lived in at least 3 countries and also founded an unsuccessful startup at a young age. I will also definitely complete minimum level 2 (might complete level 3 as well) before i apply. However I have poor GPA (third class honors - i have alternate semesters of high grades and then a few with B and Cs) owing much to my poor health and lack of adjustment in college (first time i was outside from home)
How would you recommend that I approach this? Do i still hold a chance at a college like HBS or Tuck or any other top schools? I also have work exp of about 2 yrs and will apply in an years time with 3 yr exp.

Thank you so much for reading through and helping me.

Kind regards,

Hi All,

I graduated in 2007 from Singapore. I have certs from top Olympiads (gold medalists)..recipient of scholarships (two). strong Ecas and some volunteer work. I am bilingual and a learning a third language I have also worked/studied/ lived in at least 3 countries and also founded an unsuccessful startup at a young age. I will also definitely complete minimum level 2 (might complete level 3 as well) before i apply. However I have poor GPA (third class honors - i have alternate semesters of high grades and then a few with B and Cs) owing much to my poor health and lack of adjustment in college (first time i was outside from home)
How would you recommend that I approach this? Do i still hold a chance at a college like HBS or Tuck or any other top schools? I also have work exp of about 2 yrs and will apply in an years time with 3 yr exp.

Thank you so much for reading through and helping me.

Kind regards,
Masood Sah...


"I have certs from top Olympiads (gold medalists)..recipient of scholarships (two). strong Ecas and some volunteer work. "

this is something top schools looks for..

I have also worked/studied/ lived in at least 3 countries

one more plus

"However I have poor GPA"

dont worry about this..GPA is just one of the requirements....GMAT is a must.. score good, and you get good chances to be in top schools,

owing much to my poor health and lack of adjustment in college (first time i was outside from home)

dont mention all this in your application!...this is funny, dont mention this stuff..!Prepare good statement of purpose and CV + strong letter of recommendation!

I also have work exp of about 2 yrs
HBS even take freshers, if your an exceptional , and you can be one.. since you r gold medalist..etc etc

all the best

Cheers ^_^


"I have certs from top Olympiads (gold medalists)..recipient of scholarships (two). strong Ecas and some volunteer work. "

this is something top schools looks for..

I have also worked/studied/ lived in at least 3 countries

one more plus

"However I have poor GPA"

dont worry about this..GPA is just one of the requirements....GMAT is a must.. score good, and you get good chances to be in top schools,

owing much to my poor health and lack of adjustment in college (first time i was outside from home)

dont mention all this in your application!...this is funny, dont mention this stuff..!Prepare good statement of purpose and CV + strong letter of recommendation!

I also have work exp of about 2 yrs
HBS even take freshers, if your an exceptional , and you can be one.. since you r gold medalist..etc etc

all the best

Cheers ^_^


Thanks Massey, your comments are very encouraging and very helpful. However then how should someone like me go about explaining the low scores. I mean i would have to explain it somehow and instead of not addressing the topic or dodging it i would rather take it head on - but am not sure the best way to do it.
My reasons were mainly three:

1. I fell sick a lot and I can actually prove it

2. I hated my subject but due to a lot of reasons I couldn't change it

3. I was finding it very hard to adjust during that time.

Should i address my weakness in certain way or should i leave it..etc. Please advice.

Many thanks,

Thanks Massey, your comments are very encouraging and very helpful. However then how should someone like me go about explaining the low scores. I mean i would have to explain it somehow and instead of not addressing the topic or dodging it i would rather take it head on - but am not sure the best way to do it.
My reasons were mainly three:

1. I fell sick a lot and I can actually prove it

2. I hated my subject but due to a lot of reasons I couldn't change it

3. I was finding it very hard to adjust during that time.

Should i address my weakness in certain way or should i leave it..etc. Please advice.

Many thanks,
Masood Sah...

u dont need to explain it... they may just point at it -> sayin
" eehhhhh your gpa is low"
and not ask you justification usually ,, and if they do, mention first reason as representing country in nationals as your first reason

i have been to many top uni interviews,,,what matters most to them is your work experience,, which company you worked for,,what did you work as.. a management job is a plus... and since you have worked in couple of countries,that would be a plus.

you got more positives than negative in your profile.. But make sure your CV is well organized, good gmat score ,your statement of purpose is strong.

and confidence level high,think of it as just an interview, and think of other schools waiting for positive .. smile.. enjoy is like a happy talk...when you take interview,,be loud n clear.. and boost about your self... and try to give them all the point how mba can help you.

all de best :)

u dont need to explain it... they may just point at it -> sayin
" eehhhhh your gpa is low"
and not ask you justification usually ,, and if they do, mention first reason as representing country in nationals as your first reason

i have been to many top uni interviews,,,what matters most to them is your work experience,, which company you worked for,,what did you work as.. a management job is a plus... and since you have worked in couple of countries,that would be a plus.

you got more positives than negative in your profile.. But make sure your CV is well organized, good gmat score ,your statement of purpose is strong.

and confidence level high,think of it as just an interview, and think of other schools waiting for positive .. smile.. enjoy is like a happy talk...when you take interview,,be loud n clear.. and boost about your self... and try to give them all the point how mba can help you.

all de best :)

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