580 gmat score, which US university I have a chance to apply ?

Please help me, I know that my GMAT score is too low but I don't think I can raise it anymore. I am Thai so English is not my native language. I took the test 3 times and my scores are like this

1st - 540
2nd - 520
3rd - 580 (Math 43, Verbal 27)

My best when I did pre test in my computer was 610 but roughly they were around 560-590. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't improve it so I think I would give up. (I don't know if I take the test again, the score will go up or down and even if it goes up, I don't think it can go beyond 600)

Therefore could u guys recommend me which university in US I should apply to ? 2nd - 3rd tier are fine as long as I still have a chance.

PS. I have 4 years work experience in audit and account firm ( 2 years with PWC)
PS2. My college GPA is 2.88 (I know it does not look good, I should have paid more attention to my study T-T )
PS. my toefl = 98

Thank you in advance.

Please help me, I know that my GMAT score is too low but I don't think I can raise it anymore. I am Thai so English is not my native language. I took the test 3 times and my scores are like this

1st - 540
2nd - 520
3rd - 580 (Math 43, Verbal 27)

My best when I did pre test in my computer was 610 but roughly they were around 560-590. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't improve it so I think I would give up. (I don't know if I take the test again, the score will go up or down and even if it goes up, I don't think it can go beyond 600)

Therefore could u guys recommend me which university in US I should apply to ? 2nd - 3rd tier are fine as long as I still have a chance.

PS. I have 4 years work experience in audit and account firm ( 2 years with PWC)
PS2. My college GPA is 2.88 (I know it does not look good, I should have paid more attention to my study T-T )
PS. my toefl = 98

Thank you in advance.

Read http://www.find-mba.com/board/36065

Read http://www.find-mba.com/board/36065

Business schools usually look at a couple of factors when they're analyzing potential candidates:

GMAT score
Undergraduate GPA
Work experience

Considering your GPA and GMAT scores are quite low, this is going to signal to adcomms that your quantitative and academic skills are below par. If you're currently in a role that is strongly analytical, you could explain that in your essays in the hope that it will offset the poor GMAT, but my guess is that it won't help much.

At this point, you could target unranked schools like Delaware-Lerner or Florida Atlantic, but these still might be a stretch based on your profile, and in any case, those cohorts and career services capacity will probably leave you with much to be desired - especially if your goal is to stay in the US after graduation. If it's not, the calculus is probably different.

At this point, the single best thing you could do is to take another year and get some targeted GMAT tutoring. By bumping your score by 100 points and having an additional year of work experience under your belt, you'd be competitive at some ranked schools.

Business schools usually look at a couple of factors when they're analyzing potential candidates:

GMAT score
Undergraduate GPA
Work experience

Considering your GPA and GMAT scores are quite low, this is going to signal to adcomms that your quantitative and academic skills are below par. If you're currently in a role that is strongly analytical, you could explain that in your essays in the hope that it will offset the poor GMAT, but my guess is that it won't help much.

At this point, you could target unranked schools like Delaware-Lerner or Florida Atlantic, but these still might be a stretch based on your profile, and in any case, those cohorts and career services capacity will probably leave you with much to be desired - especially if your goal is to stay in the US after graduation. If it's not, the calculus is probably different.

At this point, the single best thing you could do is to take another year and get some targeted GMAT tutoring. By bumping your score by 100 points and having an additional year of work experience under your belt, you'd be competitive at some ranked schools.

If you can improve your GMAT, I would also suggest Manchester Business School. I have been mentoring a very impressive Thai student there, and I know that MBS is open to Thai talent. Because it has a part-time campaign in Singapore, it also has a good network in the ASEAN region.

If you can improve your GMAT, I would also suggest Manchester Business School. I have been mentoring a very impressive Thai student there, and I know that MBS is open to Thai talent. Because it has a part-time campaign in Singapore, it also has a good network in the ASEAN region.

You two thank you so much, it really helps me a lot.

You two thank you so much, it really helps me a lot.

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