MBA in Croatia

Hi everyone!

I'm currently considering enrolling for executive MBA, but as I'm limited by the budget (up to 20.000 euros) and because I'm coming from Croatia I'm considering Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) as also Cotrugli business School. I'm still making my mind which of these two schools to apply.

ZSEM is AACSB accredited school and they are offering executive MBA program ( but from this year they are also offering global executive MBA which seems very interesting (

On the other hand Cotrugli is AMBA accredited and they are offering executive MBA as well (

Obviously both schools are not triple-accredited and also they have different accreditations. If you have experience and can give an advice about these two schools (which one is better choice) and how rated my MBA would be outside Croatia (I suppose not so high) I would be very grateful!

Hi everyone!

I'm currently considering enrolling for executive MBA, but as I'm limited by the budget (up to 20.000 euros) and because I'm coming from Croatia I'm considering Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) as also Cotrugli business School. I'm still making my mind which of these two schools to apply.

ZSEM is AACSB accredited school and they are offering executive MBA program ( but from this year they are also offering global executive MBA which seems very interesting (

On the other hand Cotrugli is AMBA accredited and they are offering executive MBA as well (

Obviously both schools are not triple-accredited and also they have different accreditations. If you have experience and can give an advice about these two schools (which one is better choice) and how rated my MBA would be outside Croatia (I suppose not so high) I would be very grateful!

What are your goals? 

What are your goals? 

Thanks for your reply. I have broad experience in telecom industry (technical) and also I have experience as the group leader of the various teams consisting of telecom engineers. Now I would like to enroll for an executive MBA in order to learn and to gain experience from the people with similar experiences but also from different business areas. I lack knowledge from finance, operations and basic HR management so I hope that maybe with EMBA I would be able to gain it as also I hope I would build myself a network during the study that would be relevant for Croatia.

I hope that with the EMBA I would have better chance to get promoted to the more senior managerial role. I would like to remain within the telecom industry and I would be satisfied to continue my career in Croatia. Ideally I would be delighted with the possibility of the international career but at this time this doesn't seem realistic to me, so staying home is also a good solution for me. I'm considering global EMBA at ZSEM because it seems to me that it gives a little bit of international element to the education. But generally I'm trying to compare ZSEM with Cotrugli... I hope my answer will be useful. Thanks!

Thanks for your reply. I have broad experience in telecom industry (technical) and also I have experience as the group leader of the various teams consisting of telecom engineers. Now I would like to enroll for an executive MBA in order to learn and to gain experience from the people with similar experiences but also from different business areas. I lack knowledge from finance, operations and basic HR management so I hope that maybe with EMBA I would be able to gain it as also I hope I would build myself a network during the study that would be relevant for Croatia.<br><br>I hope that with the EMBA I would have better chance to get promoted to the more senior managerial role. I would like to remain within the telecom industry and I would be satisfied to continue my career in Croatia. Ideally I would be delighted with the possibility of the international career but at this time this doesn't seem realistic to me, so staying home is also a good solution for me. I'm considering global EMBA at ZSEM because it seems to me that it gives a little bit of international element to the education. But generally I'm trying to compare ZSEM with Cotrugli... I hope my answer will be useful. Thanks!<br><br><br><br>

Personally, I would go with ZSEM. I think the AACSB accreditation is much more impressive. However, I'd also look at the alumni networks. The price performance of the degree is excellent. 

Personally, I would go with ZSEM. I think the AACSB accreditation is much more impressive. However, I'd also look at the alumni networks. The price performance of the degree is excellent.&nbsp;

Personally, I would go with ZSEM. I think the AACSB accreditation is much more impressive. However, I'd also look at the alumni networks. The price performance of the degree is excellent. 

Thanks for your advice!

[quote]Personally, I would go with ZSEM. I think the AACSB accreditation is much more impressive. However, I'd also look at the alumni networks. The price performance of the degree is excellent.&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Thanks for your advice!

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