MBA Europe for FALL 2018


I am American and want to start my MBA in Europe this year. I am scheduled to take the GMAT next week. I know I should have started planning earlier but here we are. I work in a (well known) consulting firm - with about four years total work experience. I intend to stay in consulting.

Some quick questions for the pros here:

1. UK seems to be a common choice for English speakers. How are the job opportunities for schools like Cass, Cranfield, and Imperial for non-EU residents? Of course LBS would be great but that might be too ambitious based on my practice GMAT scores.

2. France is also on my radar, especially HEC Paris. Je parle francais... studied in school... but would need to get my head back into it. Also interested in hearing about jobs in Paris / France for non-EU residents.

3. Further down the road I would come back to the US (after working in Europe for something like 3-5 years). Any schools that I should be eyeing if that's my long term goal?

I am American and want to start my MBA in Europe this year. I am scheduled to take the GMAT next week. I know I should have started planning earlier but here we are. I work in a (well known) consulting firm - with about four years total work experience. I intend to stay in consulting.

Some quick questions for the pros here:

1. UK seems to be a common choice for English speakers. How are the job opportunities for schools like Cass, Cranfield, and Imperial for non-EU residents? Of course LBS would be great but that might be too ambitious based on my practice GMAT scores.

2. France is also on my radar, especially HEC Paris. Je parle francais... studied in school... but would need to get my head back into it. Also interested in hearing about jobs in Paris / France for non-EU residents.

3. Further down the road I would come back to the US (after working in Europe for something like 3-5 years). Any schools that I should be eyeing if that's my long term goal?

Use the FT ranking, which I think comes out this month, and look at international mobility. You probably don't have fluent, business-level, written French so I suggest you focus on the UK. Given your wish to return to the US, LBS, Oxford and Cambridge are the only choices to really consider.

PS Oh, and the Yale and MIT partners.

[Edited by Duncan on Jan 16, 2018]

Use the FT ranking, which I think comes out this month, and look at international mobility. You probably don't have fluent, business-level, written French so I suggest you focus on the UK. Given your wish to return to the US, LBS, Oxford and Cambridge are the only choices to really consider.

PS Oh, and the Yale and MIT partners.
George Pat...

Schools like Cass, and Cranfield, although they are great, may not be as well known in the states. They may be good to find work in UK but you probably need a name more recognized in the U.S.

Alternatively check out the Kelley-Manchester MBA. Is University of Indiana and Manchester University joint MBA. Although it is not on the level of the schools Duncan suggests, and those are, of course, better options, I always thought having a joint MBA from both sides of the Atlantic, may be beneficial to those that plan to work on both sides, and the GMAT requirement will probably be lower

That is, if you consider blended programs - it is only a few workshops on each country, not full time attendance. Full time attendance offers more opportunities for networking in the country of course, but you won't be working. With this you can continue working while doing the MBA. This is becoming more popular way of studying it may worth considering.
Just an idea anyway

Schools like Cass, and Cranfield, although they are great, may not be as well known in the states. They may be good to find work in UK but you probably need a name more recognized in the U.S.

Alternatively check out the Kelley-Manchester MBA. Is University of Indiana and Manchester University joint MBA. Although it is not on the level of the schools Duncan suggests, and those are, of course, better options, I always thought having a joint MBA from both sides of the Atlantic, may be beneficial to those that plan to work on both sides, and the GMAT requirement will probably be lower

That is, if you consider blended programs - it is only a few workshops on each country, not full time attendance. Full time attendance offers more opportunities for networking in the country of course, but you won't be working. With this you can continue working while doing the MBA. This is becoming more popular way of studying it may worth considering.
Just an idea anyway
Razors Edg...

LBS, Oxford, and Cambridge are great suggestions - they have strong brand recognition in the US and elsewhere. There are very few business schools across Europe that have the same level of brand awareness in the US.

What is your projected GMAT score?

LBS, Oxford, and Cambridge are great suggestions - they have strong brand recognition in the US and elsewhere. There are very few business schools across Europe that have the same level of brand awareness in the US.

What is your projected GMAT score?

Thank you everybody!

To answer the questions / comments:

I take the GMAT tomorrow. I got 680 on the practice test but I have been doing quite a bit of studying since then. I hope to get at least 700.

- Focus on the UK, got it. From my unofficial research it does feel like UK schools are better known in the US. LBS would probably be a bit of a stretch for me but I could see Oxford and Cambridge as realistic possibilities.

- I am not really considering blended programs - just full time programs.

Thank you everybody!

To answer the questions / comments:

I take the GMAT tomorrow. I got 680 on the practice test but I have been doing quite a bit of studying since then. I hope to get at least 700.

- Focus on the UK, got it. From my unofficial research it does feel like UK schools are better known in the US. LBS would probably be a bit of a stretch for me but I could see Oxford and Cambridge as realistic possibilities.

- I am not really considering blended programs - just full time programs.

One afterthought: how about the schools that partner with MIT on the MSMS ( Lisbon) and with Yale's Global Network for Advanced Management on the MAM (maybe UCD or HEC That could give you a stellar US brand and a slightly less selective European school.

One afterthought: how about the schools that partner with MIT on the MSMS ( Lisbon) and with Yale's Global Network for Advanced Management on the MAM (maybe UCD or HEC That could give you a stellar US brand and a slightly less selective European school.

Good news everyone, got a 700 on the GMAT (unofficial report). Really happy with that. Thanks Duncan, I will look into those partner MBA programs. Thanks again!

Good news everyone, got a 700 on the GMAT (unofficial report). Really happy with that. Thanks Duncan, I will look into those partner MBA programs. Thanks again!

I think for the top UK schools - LBS, Oxford, Cambridge, it's not a given that you'll get in, considering the tend to recruit applicants with a bit more work experience than you have. Just keep that in mind as you are applying - maybe round out your school list with another school that isn't so competitive - Cranfield, maybe?

I think for the top UK schools - LBS, Oxford, Cambridge, it's not a given that you'll get in, considering the tend to recruit applicants with a bit more work experience than you have. Just keep that in mind as you are applying - maybe round out your school list with another school that isn't so competitive - Cranfield, maybe?

Point taken. I'll make sure that my letters and recommendations are top notch.

Point taken. I'll make sure that my letters and recommendations are top notch.

Hey bro, have you applied to these schools yet? I'm sort of in the same situation as you (American, want to go to Europe). Got a 720 on the GMAT. I have just submitted my application to LBS for Round 3. About to pull the trigger on my Insead app. Anyway, let me know if you've heard anything...

Hey bro, have you applied to these schools yet? I'm sort of in the same situation as you (American, want to go to Europe). Got a 720 on the GMAT. I have just submitted my application to LBS for Round 3. About to pull the trigger on my Insead app. Anyway, let me know if you've heard anything...

Not yet. I'm a bit 'between rounds' at the moment and aim aiming to get all my applications in by the end of February. Will apply for LBS, Cambridge, Oxford, Cranfield, and Strathclyde. Good luck to you and let's keep updated!

Not yet. I'm a bit 'between rounds' at the moment and aim aiming to get all my applications in by the end of February. Will apply for LBS, Cambridge, Oxford, Cranfield, and Strathclyde. Good luck to you and let's keep updated!

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