MBA at 31, and Transition to Development or Sustainable Finance roles


I would like to briefly introduce myself,

Under graduation in Architecture and MS in Urban Planning. Have been working in development aid consulting roles at GIZ GmbH in India. I am 31 years old and have 6 years of work experieice. I have a 740 in GMAT and am looking for a good MBA program in Germany. I am interested to migrate to Germany to study and further work. I have a strong analytical skill in policy analysis and understanding governance in urban and infrastructure sector.

I am learning Deutsch (keen in learning but long way to go). Interested to start my MBA from September 2021. I would like to transition to financial analyst/associate roles in investment management, portfolio management, private equity, venture capital..etc or in structured and project finance roles in banks such as DZ bank, Macquairie, MUFG, KFW DEG, or PE funds/ Investment banks focusing on sustainable infrastructure finance or social impact funds.

Please guide me as to whether this is an achievable goal ? I want to broaden my skills and learn more as far as financing sustainable infrastructure is concerned. I am planning to get a CFA level 1 before joining MBA (Fall 2021). Moreover, if needed and if I can get a scholarship, I am willing to pursue a PhD on similar lines. I am willing to put however much effort is required, if I the market would allow me charter my careerpath in infrastructure financing.

If this is an achievable target, given my age constraint, What schools should I target. Mannheim, Frankfurt School of Management, HHL, Pforzheim, University of Koln, or something else ?

What would be a better way.

Please give me a honest reply.

Moreover I don't know whether many roles for consulting with people of my background usually are offered in Germany. I would seek a second opinion on this front too.

Viele Danke


[Edited by Patro Adwitiya on Aug 21, 2020]

I would like to briefly introduce myself,<br><br><br>
Under graduation in Architecture and MS in Urban Planning. Have been working in development aid consulting roles at GIZ GmbH in India. I am 31 years old and have 6 years of work experieice. I have a 740 in GMAT and am looking for a good MBA program in Germany. I am interested to migrate to Germany to study and further work. I have a strong analytical skill in policy analysis and understanding governance in urban and infrastructure sector.<br><br><br>
I am learning Deutsch (keen in learning but long way to go). Interested to start my MBA from September 2021. I would like to transition to financial analyst/associate roles in investment management, portfolio management, private equity, venture capital..etc or in structured and project finance roles in banks such as DZ bank, Macquairie, MUFG, KFW DEG, or PE funds/ Investment banks focusing on sustainable infrastructure finance or social impact funds.<br><br><br>
Please guide me as to whether this is an achievable goal ? I want to broaden my skills and learn more as far as financing sustainable infrastructure is concerned. I am planning to get a CFA level 1 before joining MBA (Fall 2021). Moreover, if needed and if I can get a scholarship, I am willing to pursue a PhD on similar lines. I am willing to put however much effort is required, if I the market would allow me charter my careerpath in infrastructure financing.<br><br><br>
If this is an achievable target, given my age constraint, What schools should I target. Mannheim, Frankfurt School of Management, HHL, Pforzheim, University of Koln, or something else ?<br><br><br>
What would be a better way.<br><br><br>
Please give me a honest reply. <br><br><br>
Moreover I don't know whether many roles for consulting with people of my background usually are offered in Germany. I would seek a second opinion on this front too.<br><br><br>
Viele Danke<br><br><br>

You say you want an MBA in German, but perhaps you mean you want an MBA in Germany since many of the schools you mention do not teach MBAs in German. 

[Edited by Duncan on Aug 17, 2020]

You say you want an MBA in German, but perhaps you mean you want an MBA in Germany since many of the schools you mention do not teach MBAs in German.&nbsp;
Inactive User

You have very high probability to get into all three German MBA schools listed in FT100 - ESMT, WHU, Mannheim, with scholorship.
Mannheim gives some discount to everyone who has 650+ score in GMAT.

The post-MBA career, which you are looking for, depends more on your German speaking skill rather than your MBA degree.

You may try better schools, such as Insead, HEC, IESE, etc. If you want German speaking environment, IMD might be a good option.

You have very high probability to get into all three German MBA schools listed in FT100 - ESMT, WHU, Mannheim, with scholorship.<br>Mannheim gives some discount to everyone who has 650+ score in GMAT.<br><br>The post-MBA career, which you are looking for, depends more on your German speaking skill rather than your MBA degree.<br><br>You may try better schools, such as Insead, HEC, IESE, etc. If you want German speaking environment, IMD might be a good option.

IMD is in Romandy, the French-speaking part of the country. 

IMD is in Romandy, the French-speaking part of the country.&nbsp;

You say you want an MBA in German, but perhaps you mean you want an MBA in Germany since many of the schools you mention do not teach MBAs in German. 

Thanks Duncan.  And Yes! I meant to say "MBA in Germany". Moreover, may I know which MBA programs are well recognised in Germany. And I think, a 2 year or 16 months MBA will not only give good immersive learning but also ample time to hone my German skills.

But my decision hinges on two aspects. First whether 31 years in too late to make a transition as per German work environment. And second which schools in EU have a well recognised MBA Finance + Sustainability program, and those which will have recognition in Germany too.


[Edited by Patro Adwitiya on Aug 19, 2020]

[quote]You say you want an MBA in German, but perhaps you mean you want an MBA in Germany since many of the schools you mention do not teach MBAs in German.&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Thanks Duncan.&nbsp; And Yes! I meant to say "MBA in Germany". Moreover, may I know which MBA programs are well recognised in Germany. And I think, a 2 year or 16 months MBA will not only give good immersive learning but also ample time to hone my German skills.<br><br>But my decision hinges on two aspects. First whether 31 years in too late to make a transition as per German work environment. And second which schools in EU have a well recognised MBA Finance + Sustainability program, and those which will have recognition in Germany too.<br><br>Thanks

You have very high probability to get into all three German MBA schools listed in FT100 - ESMT, WHU, Mannheim, with scholorship.
Mannheim gives some discount to everyone who has 650+ score in GMAT.

The post-MBA career, which you are looking for, depends more on your German speaking skill rather than your MBA degree.

You may try better schools, such as Insead, HEC, IESE, etc. If you want German speaking environment, IMD might be a good option.

Hey R100,
Thanks for your quick response.
Ya I agree to your point that there are other European schools that are way better, especially in ranking, but i doubt those schools have good amount of scholarships and second how would MBA from those schools be perceived in Germany. I would like to work in Germany post my MBA. Moreover there are hardly any other European school that has a 21/16 months program (except for HEC). Is HEC good for MBA in Finance + Sustainability.


[Edited by Patro Adwitiya on Aug 19, 2020]

[quote]You have very high probability to get into all three German MBA schools listed in FT100 - ESMT, WHU, Mannheim, with scholorship.<br>Mannheim gives some discount to everyone who has 650+ score in GMAT.<br><br>The post-MBA career, which you are looking for, depends more on your German speaking skill rather than your MBA degree.<br><br>You may try better schools, such as Insead, HEC, IESE, etc. If you want German speaking environment, IMD might be a good option. [/quote]<br><br>Hey R100,<br>Thanks for your quick response.<br>Ya I agree to your point that there are other European schools that are way better, especially in ranking, but i doubt those schools have good amount of scholarships and second how would MBA from those schools be perceived in Germany. I would like to work in Germany post my MBA. Moreover there are hardly any other European school that has a 21/16 months program (except for HEC). Is HEC good for MBA in Finance + Sustainability.<br><br>Thanks
Inactive User

1. good amount of scholarships -

I opine that the amount of scholarship offered at any of the top 5 B-Schools in EU (FT Ranking) is more than the entire budget of B-Schools you have mentioned. More on scholarship is well discussed in this thread -

2.  how would MBA from those schools be perceived in Germany -
It totally depends upon the company you are targeting at post MBA. You may secure a job in the companies which you mentioned (DZ Bank, Macquairie, MUFG, KFW DEG, etc) with even a online degree from any University if you have a WP and fluency in German. However, if you target at McKinsey, these German B-Schools are might not be helpful. INSEAD, LBS, and HEC are highly reputed all over the world.

3. Is HEC good for MBA in Finance + Sustainability. -
Only experts like Duncan can answer in-depth about the program and the outcome.
I believe that you try to mix your immigration goal with the MBA program. In my opinion, IIMA, IIMB, and IIMC are better than any German B-School as per your study goal. Fluency in German is more to with your goal.

1.&nbsp;good amount of scholarships -<br><br><div></div><div>I opine that the amount of scholarship offered at any of the top 5 B-Schools in EU (FT Ranking) is more than the entire budget of B-Schools you have mentioned. More on scholarship is well discussed in this thread -<br><div><br><br><br></div><div>2.&nbsp; how would MBA from those schools be perceived in Germany -</div><br>It totally depends upon the company you are targeting at post MBA. You may secure a job in the companies which you mentioned (DZ Bank, Macquairie, MUFG, KFW DEG, etc) with even a online degree from any University if you have a WP and fluency in German. However, if you target at&nbsp;McKinsey, these German B-Schools are might not be helpful. INSEAD, LBS, and HEC are highly reputed all over the world.</div><div><br><br><div>3.&nbsp;Is HEC good for MBA in Finance + Sustainability. -</div><br><div>Only experts like Duncan can answer in-depth about the program and the outcome.</div><br><div>I believe that you try to mix your immigration goal with the MBA program. In my opinion, IIMA, IIMB, and IIMC are better than any German B-School as per your study goal. Fluency in German is more to with your goal.</div><div></div><div><br></div></div>

1. good amount of scholarships -

I opine that the amount of scholarship offered at any of the top 5 B-Schools in EU (FT Ranking) is more than the entire budget of B-Schools you have mentioned. More on scholarship is well discussed in this thread -

2.  how would MBA from those schools be perceived in Germany -
It totally depends upon the company you are targeting at post MBA. You may secure a job in the companies which you mentioned (DZ Bank, Macquairie, MUFG, KFW DEG, etc) with even a online degree from any University if you have a WP and fluency in German. However, if you target at McKinsey, these German B-Schools are might not be helpful. INSEAD, LBS, and HEC are highly reputed all over the world.

3. Is HEC good for MBA in Finance + Sustainability. -
Only experts like Duncan can answer in-depth about the program and the outcome.
I believe that you try to mix your immigration goal with the MBA program. In my opinion, IIMA, IIMB, and IIMC are better than any German B-School as per your study goal. Fluency in German is more to with your goal.

Thanks R100.
I know IIMs are better as per the study goal, but the problem is that I will only be eligible for Executive programs at IIMs and I think EPGPs in IIMs are not well recognised globally.

I am thinking of applying to 
1. HEC Paris
2. Alliance Manchester Business School 
3. IESE Barcelona (Spain has visa issues for international students)
4. Mannheim Business School
5. HHL Leipzig

@Duncan, please suggest me a few highly recognised B-school programs. 

[quote]1.&nbsp;good amount of scholarships -<br><br><div></div><div>I opine that the amount of scholarship offered at any of the top 5 B-Schools in EU (FT Ranking) is more than the entire budget of B-Schools you have mentioned. More on scholarship is well discussed in this thread -<br><div><br><br><br></div><div>2.&nbsp; how would MBA from those schools be perceived in Germany -</div><br>It totally depends upon the company you are targeting at post MBA. You may secure a job in the companies which you mentioned (DZ Bank, Macquairie, MUFG, KFW DEG, etc) with even a online degree from any University if you have a WP and fluency in German. However, if you target at&nbsp;McKinsey, these German B-Schools are might not be helpful. INSEAD, LBS, and HEC are highly reputed all over the world.</div><div><br><br><div>3.&nbsp;Is HEC good for MBA in Finance + Sustainability. -</div><br><div>Only experts like Duncan can answer in-depth about the program and the outcome.</div><br><div>I believe that you try to mix your immigration goal with the MBA program. In my opinion, IIMA, IIMB, and IIMC are better than any German B-School as per your study goal. Fluency in German is more to with your goal.</div><div></div><div><br></div></div> [/quote]<br><br>Thanks R100.<br>I know IIMs are better as per the study goal, but the problem is that I will only be eligible for Executive programs at IIMs and I think EPGPs in IIMs are not well recognised globally.<br><br>I am thinking of applying to&nbsp;<br>1. HEC Paris<br>2. Alliance Manchester Business School&nbsp;<br>3. IESE Barcelona (Spain has visa issues for international students)<br>4. Mannheim Business School<br>5. HHL Leipzig<br><br>@Duncan, please suggest me a few highly recognised B-school programs.&nbsp;

I think you already know which business schools are highly recognised in Germany. Honestly, I don't have a very clear idea of your goal and career strategy. I am not sure why you are aiming at an MBA rather than a master's in finance, and I don't quite get why Germany is a target of you don't speak German at a professional level. 

I think you already know which business schools are highly recognised in Germany. Honestly, I don't have a very clear idea of your goal and career strategy. I am not sure why you are aiming at an MBA rather than a master's in finance, and I don't quite get why Germany is a target of you don't speak German at a professional level.&nbsp;

I think you already know which business schools are highly recognised in Germany. Honestly, I don't have a very clear idea of your goal and career strategy. I am not sure why you are aiming at an MBA rather than a master's in finance, and I don't quite get why Germany is a target of you don't speak German at a professional level. 

Thanks Duncan for your response.
To your question why MBA: It is primarily because it will give me a good mix of learning on finance and also develop my leadership skills. Moreover if required, I can do part-time masters in Finance or a CFA alongside my prospective roles. Infact MBA can help me go up in the ladder in my current role, as a development aid professional. 

And to your question why Germany: Honestly, I am still contemplating. Considering my score of 740, I am discussing various options. After discussing to you and R100, i am looking into options such as LBS, Cambridge, HEC, and Alliance Manchester. Infact I got to know that LBS has a great alumni network in India. 

And why Germany, it is because of two reasons: First, i have an extensive network in development aid organisation, and second, I already know elementary level of German and if required I can develop my German skills to B1 level prior starting my MBA program. And can work on it during the program.

But Yes I completely agree to you that German is a must to navigate through German Market ! Even my colleague said the same thing. 

And I find European B-school particularly interesting because of its diversity in the class, and moreover it is close to my country.

What is your take on applying to LBS, Cambridge, and HEC. And can you help me more on understand HEC and IESE, a bit in depth.

My primary intention is to Do a MBA from a top school , work for some years internationally and then come back to India.

Thanking you

[Edited by Patro Adwitiya on Aug 21, 2020]

[quote]I think you already know which business schools are highly recognised in Germany. Honestly, I don't have a very clear idea of your goal and career strategy. I am not sure why you are aiming at an MBA rather than a master's in finance, and I don't quite get why Germany is a target of you don't speak German at a professional level.&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Thanks Duncan for your response.<br>To your question why MBA: It is primarily because it will give me a good mix of learning on finance and also develop my leadership skills. Moreover if required, I can do part-time masters in Finance or a CFA alongside my prospective roles. Infact MBA can help me go up in the ladder in my current role, as a development aid professional.&nbsp;<br><br>And to your question why Germany: Honestly, I am still contemplating. Considering my score of 740, I am discussing various options. After discussing to you and R100, i am looking into options such as LBS, Cambridge, HEC, and Alliance Manchester. Infact I got to know that LBS has a great alumni network in India.&nbsp;<br><br>And why Germany, it is because of two reasons: First, i have an extensive network in development aid organisation, and second, I already know elementary level of German and if required I can develop my German skills to B1 level prior starting my MBA program. And can work on it during the program.<br><br>But Yes I completely agree to you that German is a must to navigate through German Market ! Even my colleague said the same thing.&nbsp;<br><br>And I find European B-school particularly interesting because of its diversity in the class, and moreover it is close to my country.<br><br>What is your take on applying to LBS, Cambridge, and HEC. And can you help me more on understand HEC and IESE, a bit in depth.<br><br>My primary intention is to Do a MBA from a top school , work for some years internationally and then come back to India.<br><br>Thanking you<br>Regards,<br>Adi

Good luck!

Good luck!

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