FT rankings - Durham


I noticed that Durham had a big jump in the 2019 global FT rankings (from 61 to 43). Looking back on this forum, there seems to be a lot of talk about how durham is not in the same league as other programs like Warwick, imperial, and Manchester. Just wondering if anyone has changed their views based on the rankings?

I noticed that Durham had a big jump in the 2019 global FT rankings (from 61 to 43). Looking back on this forum, there seems to be a lot of talk about how durham is not in the same league as other programs like Warwick, imperial, and Manchester. Just wondering if anyone has changed their views based on the rankings?

You can see the four factors where Durham has changed the most this year:
+ 41% international course content
- 23% female students
+ 22% international board members
+ 18% women board members.

I don't think these are really significant drivers of outcomes. While I appreciate that sexism is generalised, and that males students are demanded more by employers, I think the huge fall in female students is deplorable.


You can see the four factors where Durham has changed the most this year:
+ 41% international course content
- 23% female students
+ 22% international board members
+ 18% women board members.

I don't think these are really significant drivers of outcomes. While I appreciate that sexism is generalised, and that males students are demanded more by employers, I think the huge fall in female students is deplorable.


Indeed, there was a huge fall in female students, but it seems to be more of an equalization after a year when a particularly large number of female students were required. In the 2017 ranking, the class was 40% female.

Indeed, there was a huge fall in female students, but it seems to be more of an equalization after a year when a particularly large number of female students were required. In the 2017 ranking, the class was 40% female.

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