University of Canberra MBA vs UQ Msc tourism, travel and event management


I got accepted to two Unis.: University of Canberra MBA with Msc marketing management and University of Queensland in Master of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (MTHEM) .

I know the Canberra option is more general and will be better to work across all industries but is the school any good as their rankings are poor? Will I be as employable going to that university?

Tourism and travel are my passion and I worked in my countries Tourism Marketing for 4 years. Should I stick to my passion ? Will University of Queensland help me be more employable and maybe grant me with the requisite skills to start my own business as the tourism industry in the caribbean (where im from)is going through rough times now?

Seeing the ranking for Canberra is low, should I stick to being more general as to have a wider employable option and apply maybe to Australia national University? I do not have GMAT hence why I didn't mention Melbourne of Sydney.

Your advice will be greatly appreciated

I got accepted to two Unis.: University of Canberra MBA with Msc marketing management and University of Queensland in Master of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (MTHEM) .

I know the Canberra option is more general and will be better to work across all industries but is the school any good as their rankings are poor? Will I be as employable going to that university?

Tourism and travel are my passion and I worked in my countries Tourism Marketing for 4 years. Should I stick to my passion ? Will University of Queensland help me be more employable and maybe grant me with the requisite skills to start my own business as the tourism industry in the caribbean (where im from)is going through rough times now?

Seeing the ranking for Canberra is low, should I stick to being more general as to have a wider employable option and apply maybe to Australia national University? I do not have GMAT hence why I didn't mention Melbourne of Sydney.

Your advice will be greatly appreciated

You need to focus on your goals. Are you in the position to set up a tourism business at the end of your degree? If not, which degree will put you in the best position to get the resources you will need: the connections, skills and network. The UQ programme looks rather light and academic (

I recommend you take the GMAT to have better choices.

Are there strong links between the tourism industries in the Caribbean and eastern Australia? Why not study in or around the Caribbean region?

You need to focus on your goals. Are you in the position to set up a tourism business at the end of your degree? If not, which degree will put you in the best position to get the resources you will need: the connections, skills and network. The UQ programme looks rather light and academic (

I recommend you take the GMAT to have better choices.

Are there strong links between the tourism industries in the Caribbean and eastern Australia? Why not study in or around the Caribbean region?

Thanks a lot Duncan!

Are you in the position to set up a tourism business at the end of your degree?
No but eventually I will like to hence my intention to venture within a geographic location who is verse in the sector. The caribbean is sort of backward in their approach, still 3rd world.

I do not think I have enough time for GMAT as I plan to enrol in Jan/Feb semester. Also there are no resources/tutors here which will be a challenge for me at this last minute.

Based on aforementioned point, I will also like to gain some international experience after my studies, hence my Australia choice. There was up to last year scholarships offered for our nationals but since I applied those were pulled, stating the countries status changed. I get your point though, but places like Australia are looked upon in very high regard and I am familiar with a great amount of persons/entities in the industry.

I have worked in numerous Caribbean countries even the ones who have campuses offering tourism related studies. The level of discussions (both from lecturers and students) are very small-minded and limited in vision, the systems are basic, the platform are copied from the US and British but never truly functional or in sync with the culture or system of the institution which is very political and outdated.

Sound like a bunch of excuses but I've worked within these systems and it erks me everyday to see a region with so much natural wealth and beauty be cheated by poorly trained tourism professionals. It will feel like a day at the office, where they discuss recycled plans day in day out with no action plan or actual implementation. No Vision.

Will still look into GMAT though, maybe I can pull it off. Thanks again

Thanks a lot Duncan!

Are you in the position to set up a tourism business at the end of your degree?
No but eventually I will like to hence my intention to venture within a geographic location who is verse in the sector. The caribbean is sort of backward in their approach, still 3rd world.

I do not think I have enough time for GMAT as I plan to enrol in Jan/Feb semester. Also there are no resources/tutors here which will be a challenge for me at this last minute.

Based on aforementioned point, I will also like to gain some international experience after my studies, hence my Australia choice. There was up to last year scholarships offered for our nationals but since I applied those were pulled, stating the countries status changed. I get your point though, but places like Australia are looked upon in very high regard and I am familiar with a great amount of persons/entities in the industry.

I have worked in numerous Caribbean countries even the ones who have campuses offering tourism related studies. The level of discussions (both from lecturers and students) are very small-minded and limited in vision, the systems are basic, the platform are copied from the US and British but never truly functional or in sync with the culture or system of the institution which is very political and outdated.

Sound like a bunch of excuses but I've worked within these systems and it erks me everyday to see a region with so much natural wealth and beauty be cheated by poorly trained tourism professionals. It will feel like a day at the office, where they discuss recycled plans day in day out with no action plan or actual implementation. No Vision.

Will still look into GMAT though, maybe I can pull it off. Thanks again


There are better options in Australia:

There are better options in Australia:

Thanks this is extremely helpful. Applied to some of the others when i read your advice.e.g. Monash. But glad to see more options and their rankings.

Again now I have to question my goals and stay focused as the other programmer seem really rich and all round. Decisions decisions decisions. You have been great with your assistance. Thanks again.

Thanks this is extremely helpful. Applied to some of the others when i read your advice.e.g. Monash. But glad to see more options and their rankings.

Again now I have to question my goals and stay focused as the other programmer seem really rich and all round. Decisions decisions decisions. You have been great with your assistance. Thanks again.

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