The situation in Australia



I have finished my Bachelors in Business Management and have applied for the MBA program at RMIT and Deakin University. The course starts off in Feb'10.

I guess you must have heard about the whole racism scene happenin in Australia. I would like to know how serious this whole issue is there. Is it a wise option to take up this course with safety in mind. I am very apprehensive about going to Aus due to this matter.

Awaiting a reply!



I have finished my Bachelors in Business Management and have applied for the MBA program at RMIT and Deakin University. The course starts off in Feb'10.

I guess you must have heard about the whole racism scene happenin in Australia. I would like to know how serious this whole issue is there. Is it a wise option to take up this course with safety in mind. I am very apprehensive about going to Aus due to this matter.

Awaiting a reply!


I assume you're referring to the attack in Melbourne a few months ago? I find that most disturbing, especially when seen in conjunction with the circumstances illuminated in Harvard and Cambridge due to a recent high-profile arrest.

Seems like educational institutions are becoming less and less havens for diversity. In my sadly narrow mind, I see this all through the lens of the global economic crisis - it seems like people are more willing to lash out violently against "the other" if they're not doing so well financially. Who knows if that's true or not.

So as to your question about Australia - who knows?

Newsweek's said that the recession is over so, you know, things might get better, I guess. Do you know anybody living there now you could speak with?

I assume you're referring to the attack in Melbourne a few months ago? I find that most disturbing, especially when seen in conjunction with the circumstances illuminated in Harvard and Cambridge due to a recent high-profile arrest.

Seems like educational institutions are becoming less and less havens for diversity. In my sadly narrow mind, I see this all through the lens of the global economic crisis - it seems like people are more willing to lash out violently against "the other" if they're not doing so well financially. Who knows if that's true or not.

So as to your question about Australia - who knows?

Newsweek's said that the recession is over so, you know, things might get better, I guess. Do you know anybody living there now you could speak with?
Masood Sah...


firstly both the uni , you have applied are not great, you go to any agents / edu-consultant, they will promise you to get admission in deakin for sure.Try to get your self admission in group eight universities.more details look at the link below

yes as a student,its gone be bold decision to go to ausi at present situation. but i have few of my friends there right now,he is working there n his fiance is studyin there, and he told me, its the trouble some people, who like bringing trouble, usually get into trouble.

hope this helps


firstly both the uni , you have applied are not great, you go to any agents / edu-consultant, they will promise you to get admission in deakin for sure.Try to get your self admission in group eight universities.more details look at the link below

yes as a student,its gone be bold decision to go to ausi at present situation. but i have few of my friends there right now,he is working there n his fiance is studyin there, and he told me, its the trouble some people, who like bringing trouble, usually get into trouble.

hope this helps

I wouldn't say Australia is a dangerous place for a foreigner - these kind of things are happening all around the globe, especially in times of economic crisis. i think you shouldn't let this kind of thing disturb you - it always seems worse on T.V then it really is!
of course, one should also take care of himself, and see that he doesn't get into dangerous situations(i wouldn't start arguing with a drunk person, even if he is offending me, for example). but as i said, i think most Australians where also shocked by this, and don't agree in any way with such things.

As for the quality of schools in Australia - well, that's already another subject......

I wouldn't say Australia is a dangerous place for a foreigner - these kind of things are happening all around the globe, especially in times of economic crisis. i think you shouldn't let this kind of thing disturb you - it always seems worse on T.V then it really is!
of course, one should also take care of himself, and see that he doesn't get into dangerous situations(i wouldn't start arguing with a drunk person, even if he is offending me, for example). but as i said, i think most Australians where also shocked by this, and don't agree in any way with such things.

As for the quality of schools in Australia - well, that's already another subject......

I know that Deakin is always a second option. But like i said.. its only an Option. How would you rate the course at RMIT for the masters in finance program??.. any clue???

@andy, massey and ralph... Thx a lot for the suggestions...

I have got a few friends in melbourne itself, and its a mixed respose... so m really really confused right now!!!... :(

I know that Deakin is always a second option. But like i said.. its only an Option. How would you rate the course at RMIT for the masters in finance program??.. any clue???

@andy, massey and ralph... Thx a lot for the suggestions...

I have got a few friends in melbourne itself, and its a mixed respose... so m really really confused right now!!!... :(
Masood Sah...

hi again
as i mentioned in my earlier post.. Australian best uni are group 8 universities, which have reputation globally.

RMIT, is better than deakin , but not the best, i rate it better option than deakin.

hi again
as i mentioned in my earlier post.. Australian best uni are group 8 universities, which have reputation globally.

RMIT, is better than deakin , but not the best, i rate it better option than deakin.

hi andy.... this is hiren. planning to come to oz. which uni are good for pursuing ms in international business & ms in finance.. planning to do one of the course from this two.. which one is in great demand out of two in oz. please help me out really very confused....

hi andy.... this is hiren. planning to come to oz. which uni are good for pursuing ms in international business & ms in finance.. planning to do one of the course from this two.. which one is in great demand out of two in oz. please help me out really very confused....

hi Sahib,

but according to GMAA (Graduate Management of Association Australia) Deakin Business School has very good reputation, they have five star rating, equals with the MBS and Macquarie GSM.

So are you saying that this rating is not true..?

Please advice

hi Sahib,

but according to GMAA (Graduate Management of Association Australia) Deakin Business School has very good reputation, they have five star rating, equals with the MBS and Macquarie GSM.

So are you saying that this rating is not true..?

Please advice
Masood Sah...

hi benaiah

thnx for the xmas surprise, i had no clue whats gmaa,
they hav rated griffith also as 5 star,and likes of qut ,curtin n monash as 4

i think you must hav found this gmaa page on deakin uni, as they may be marketing them selfes using this

anyway, if you followin gmaa star rating, than apply for monash,curtin, uts,qut, and other schools too

but for sure, you would find it hard to find deakin in any mba ranking globally or locally in australia

hi benaiah

thnx for the xmas surprise, i had no clue whats gmaa,
they hav rated griffith also as 5 star,and likes of qut ,curtin n monash as 4

i think you must hav found this gmaa page on deakin uni, as they may be marketing them selfes using this

anyway, if you followin gmaa star rating, than apply for monash,curtin, uts,qut, and other schools too

but for sure, you would find it hard to find deakin in any mba ranking globally or locally in australia

hi again sahib,

I hope the surprise is not much for the xmas.

Btw, I found the gmaa from the google, when try to search mba in australia.

Btw I'm still in process of choosing the right school. Deakin in still in my mind, cause they have very good program, such as business practicum and study tour, and more over they have the specialization that I looking for, the supply chain management.

Probably you could help me with more information about the best business school in Oz, that also provide the supply chain management specialization?

hi again sahib,

I hope the surprise is not much for the xmas.

Btw, I found the gmaa from the google, when try to search mba in australia.

Btw I'm still in process of choosing the right school. Deakin in still in my mind, cause they have very good program, such as business practicum and study tour, and more over they have the specialization that I looking for, the supply chain management.

Probably you could help me with more information about the best business school in Oz, that also provide the supply chain management specialization?


Another thing is that gmaa is rating the university based on the good university guide research ( is this well-known institution to rate education school..?

Please advice.


Another thing is that gmaa is rating the university based on the good university guide research ( is this well-known institution to rate education school..?

Please advice.
Masood Sah...

hi benaiah

honestly speaking

i dont again know about this (

as an individual i rate school good, if it is triple accredated, or has atleast one of the accredation from ( AACSB,AMBA,EQUIS) these r top 3 MBA accredations of the world.

i also look at how old/prestigious the university is, and how old is the business school and how old is there mba program.

further for ranking i follow, economist ranking or financial times ranking, as i feel these two rankings are quiet authentic

this is my prespective of looking at the school

hope this helps

hi benaiah

honestly speaking

i dont again know about this (

as an individual i rate school good, if it is triple accredated, or has atleast one of the accredation from ( AACSB,AMBA,EQUIS) these r top 3 MBA accredations of the world.

i also look at how old/prestigious the university is, and how old is the business school and how old is there mba program.

further for ranking i follow, economist ranking or financial times ranking, as i feel these two rankings are quiet authentic

this is my prespective of looking at the school

hope this helps
Masood Sah...

further you can also go through my blog on mba

further you can also go through my blog on mba

We read a lot about situations in Australia and moreoever, except AGSM and MBS most Australian B schools are behind most of UK B schools as per any rankings, FT, Forbes or EIU.
I wonder what is it that makes Asian students flock to Australia. I admit a huge number go to UK as well but am trying to understand if I'm to select between a good university in UK (likes of Aston, Strathclyde, Durham etc) against Macquaire, ANU or Queensland B schools what should be positives for Australia.
Your opinions are eagerly awaited...I'm pretty confused with my MBA destination. US is beyond my budget and the 2 years tenure is also a bit problematic. Can you please help?

We read a lot about situations in Australia and moreoever, except AGSM and MBS most Australian B schools are behind most of UK B schools as per any rankings, FT, Forbes or EIU.
I wonder what is it that makes Asian students flock to Australia. I admit a huge number go to UK as well but am trying to understand if I'm to select between a good university in UK (likes of Aston, Strathclyde, Durham etc) against Macquaire, ANU or Queensland B schools what should be positives for Australia.
Your opinions are eagerly awaited...I'm pretty confused with my MBA destination. US is beyond my budget and the 2 years tenure is also a bit problematic. Can you please help?

hiee per my research the situation is not that hard as shown in media. many people choose aus for studies keeping in mind abt the job prospects,pr etc..coming on uk as there are lot of students every year go to uk for there further studies bcoz in uk mba is done in 1 year but the problem is that uk is same like mumbai wherein job is very difficult to find.and if u want to go to uk for mba just select the best uni.

hiee per my research the situation is not that hard as shown in media. many people choose aus for studies keeping in mind abt the job prospects,pr etc..coming on uk as there are lot of students every year go to uk for there further studies bcoz in uk mba is done in 1 year but the problem is that uk is same like mumbai wherein job is very difficult to find.and if u want to go to uk for mba just select the best uni.

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