Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA vs. Chicago Booth EMBA

Hi friends,

I am accepted by Chicago Booth EMBA and Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA programs. Chicago Booth EMBA (Asia) has 15 classes in Singapore, 3 classes in Chicago/London. Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA has 6 classes in Beijing, 3 classes in Singapore, and 2 in Dubai/France. Can you please give me some advice which MBA probably is the best choice if you were in my shoes? Your inputs are very important to me.

Some background about me: I am from China and have studied (B.Eng and M.Eng) and worked in Singapore for about 15 years in high tech R&D sector till now.

Here are my goals after graduation:

1. I plan to start up a high tech company based in China and Asia in 5 years.

2. If my start-up failed, I want to join a high tech company as director in China/Asia. If not possible, I may want to join a consultant company to work on management consultation in China/Singapore/Asia.

3. One thing I am clear. EMBA is not for switching field drastically. So I am unlikely to go into Finace sector.

Some of my thoughts:

1. For China network: it seems Tsinghua-INSEAD is better.

2. For branding, Chicago Booth has a better teaching faculty and 50 years history (while Tsinghua-INSEAD joined program is just 4 year old). Tsinghua EMBA is top in China but it is not known internationally. So the Tsinghua-INSEAD program is a bit riskier.

3, INSEAD and Chicago have the similar ranking (about top 5 in the world) in the MBA and EMBA categories.

4. I heard that the following comments on INSEAD vs Booth. Do you agree with them?

Entrepreneurship: INSEAD better;
Consulting/general management: INSEAD better;
International brand: Booth better; (but in China/Singapore Tsinghua-INSEAD?s brand is better)
Teaching: Booth better;
Finance: Booth better.
International network: INSEAD better

4. One thing in common, I will be bankrupt after either school (Tsinghua-INSEAD S$120,000, Chicago S$170,000). : P

Please shed some lights on it. I am looking forward to your advices. Thanks a lot.

Hi friends,

I am accepted by Chicago Booth EMBA and Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA programs. Chicago Booth EMBA (Asia) has 15 classes in Singapore, 3 classes in Chicago/London. Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA has 6 classes in Beijing, 3 classes in Singapore, and 2 in Dubai/France. Can you please give me some advice which MBA probably is the best choice if you were in my shoes? Your inputs are very important to me.

Some background about me: I am from China and have studied (B.Eng and M.Eng) and worked in Singapore for about 15 years in high tech R&D sector till now.

Here are my goals after graduation:

1. I plan to start up a high tech company based in China and Asia in 5 years.

2. If my start-up failed, I want to join a high tech company as director in China/Asia. If not possible, I may want to join a consultant company to work on management consultation in China/Singapore/Asia.

3. One thing I am clear. EMBA is not for switching field drastically. So I am unlikely to go into Finace sector.

Some of my thoughts:

1. For China network: it seems Tsinghua-INSEAD is better.

2. For branding, Chicago Booth has a better teaching faculty and 50 years history (while Tsinghua-INSEAD joined program is just 4 year old). Tsinghua EMBA is top in China but it is not known internationally. So the Tsinghua-INSEAD program is a bit riskier.

3, INSEAD and Chicago have the similar ranking (about top 5 in the world) in the MBA and EMBA categories.

4. I heard that the following comments on INSEAD vs Booth. Do you agree with them?

Entrepreneurship: INSEAD better;
Consulting/general management: INSEAD better;
International brand: Booth better; (but in China/Singapore Tsinghua-INSEAD?s brand is better)
Teaching: Booth better;
Finance: Booth better.
International network: INSEAD better

4. One thing in common, I will be bankrupt after either school (Tsinghua-INSEAD S$120,000, Chicago S$170,000). : P

Please shed some lights on it. I am looking forward to your advices. Thanks a lot.


Go to Booth, if you are american-centric person.
Otherwise, go to tsinghua-INSEAD.

EMBA is more about networking, not much on academic.

But if I were you, I'll go for Booth because the brand name can be used in N. America, Europe and Asia.
If you go to Tsinghua-INSEAD and you do business in U.S., you might need to remind them how good Tsinghua & INSEAD are.
because INSEAD/Tsinghua are not well-known in U.S.

The price different of S$50,000 won't matter much since you're loaded with cash *just kidding*
I always feel that people who go for EMBA must have at least a million dollar in their bank account since EMBA is so expensive.

Go to Booth, if you are american-centric person.
Otherwise, go to tsinghua-INSEAD.

EMBA is more about networking, not much on academic.

But if I were you, I'll go for Booth because the brand name can be used in N. America, Europe and Asia.
If you go to Tsinghua-INSEAD and you do business in U.S., you might need to remind them how good Tsinghua & INSEAD are.
because INSEAD/Tsinghua are not well-known in U.S.

The price different of S$50,000 won't matter much since you're loaded with cash *just kidding*
I always feel that people who go for EMBA must have at least a million dollar in their bank account since EMBA is so expensive.

Hi Rhino,Thanks.
The reason why I go for EMBA is that I am 33, too old for MBA. Hope the brand, network and teaching can help me in my start-up or management role.

Hi Rhino,Thanks.
The reason why I go for EMBA is that I am 33, too old for MBA. Hope the brand, network and teaching can help me in my start-up or management role.

I don't think you're old for an MBA.
Look at the profiles at IMD, Warwick, IESE.

33 years old is just fine.

However, I think you're too young for EMBA.
Btw, have you considered CEIBS EMBA, I heard 80% of the participants are directors and CEOs.

I don't think you're old for an MBA.
Look at the profiles at IMD, Warwick, IESE.

33 years old is just fine.

However, I think you're too young for EMBA.
Btw, have you considered CEIBS EMBA, I heard 80% of the participants are directors and CEOs.

Thanks for the valuable inputs. I maybe should just apply a INSEAD MBA in France.

Thanks for the valuable inputs. I maybe should just apply a INSEAD MBA in France.

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