Best MBA with international Scholarships


I'm tight for money and don't want to get bogged down by huge debt after my graduation. Can anyone recommend me the best MBA program in Asia that has a lot of (and a high likely hood) for international students to receive a scholarship? I understand most (if not all) schools offer some kind of scholarship, but I'm looking for schools that have very generous offers (both in terms of amount and number given out).

Much thanks

I'm tight for money and don't want to get bogged down by huge debt after my graduation. Can anyone recommend me the best MBA program in Asia that has a lot of (and a high likely hood) for international students to receive a scholarship? I understand most (if not all) schools offer some kind of scholarship, but I'm looking for schools that have very generous offers (both in terms of amount and number given out).

Much thanks

Hi Nicky, you ask for a generous scholarship but my question is this, what makes you so special to get such an award. You need to provide a dynamic CV, a good strong application package, good GMAT score and Interview to get considered for any scholarship. All schools I believe have there prices and scholarships it is just that candidates have no idea on how to negotiate and get the best deal for them selves.

Hi Nicky, you ask for a generous scholarship but my question is this, what makes you so special to get such an award. You need to provide a dynamic CV, a good strong application package, good GMAT score and Interview to get considered for any scholarship. All schools I believe have there prices and scholarships it is just that candidates have no idea on how to negotiate and get the best deal for them selves.

I agree with saint. I don't think your priority should be finding the one golden school that indiscriminately tosses out millions in scholarship (I honestly don't think a school like that exists;) but to prepare an informative and moving application that explains why YOU are the best candidate to receive scholarships.

And remember, other people need that money, too, so spend all the time you can to make yourself look good.

I agree with saint. I don't think your priority should be finding the one golden school that indiscriminately tosses out millions in scholarship (I honestly don't think a school like that exists;) but to prepare an informative and moving application that explains why YOU are the best candidate to receive scholarships.

And remember, other people need that money, too, so spend all the time you can to make yourself look good.

Hi Ralph

I agree with you agreeing about me, did you know schools are worried sick about not getting numbers in class this year due to the economy, they have panicked and in order to stay in rankings they need to meet many criterias like class numbers and for that they will do anything even if it means giving large scholarships out, it is not really because the candidate is great it is more a case of the school needing you and numbers even if they can get a little amount of you. I know this may sound harsh but it is reality. I do not want to say all scholarships are like this, but if you get a scholarship from one of the top 10 schools, then you truly deserve it because the top 10 schools do not have a problem getting candidates in unlike the mid and bottom range schools that dont get me wrong, offer some great MBAs, it is knowing what you want and what will deliver for your personal needs.

Hi Ralph

I agree with you agreeing about me, did you know schools are worried sick about not getting numbers in class this year due to the economy, they have panicked and in order to stay in rankings they need to meet many criterias like class numbers and for that they will do anything even if it means giving large scholarships out, it is not really because the candidate is great it is more a case of the school needing you and numbers even if they can get a little amount of you. I know this may sound harsh but it is reality. I do not want to say all scholarships are like this, but if you get a scholarship from one of the top 10 schools, then you truly deserve it because the top 10 schools do not have a problem getting candidates in unlike the mid and bottom range schools that dont get me wrong, offer some great MBAs, it is knowing what you want and what will deliver for your personal needs.

Thanks for all of your advice, I'll keep it all in mind.

Thanks for all of your advice, I'll keep it all in mind.

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