MBA in Mexico


No, thanks god!! No ... I never applied to ipade..(if you are in you can check the admision records, via personal mail i can send you my full name and location, so you can check it).
I like business school that really challange their students...
I also had a PhD in business. i know what i'm talking about

No, thanks god!! No ... I never applied to ipade..(if you are in you can check the admision records, via personal mail i can send you my full name and location, so you can check it).
I like business school that really challange their students...
I also had a PhD in business. i know what i'm talking about


I have read your discussion and I must say: you are quite passionate about your studies! Anyways, interesting comments, and I also had fun reading them - I think its natural to be a bit subjective with your MBA..

Now, you obviously know more than me, can you help me with info? I want to improve my Spanish to a business level, possibly by doing an MBA in Mexico.
I am interested in both your comments!!

I have read your discussion and I must say: you are quite passionate about your studies! Anyways, interesting comments, and I also had fun reading them - I think its natural to be a bit subjective with your MBA..

Now, you obviously know more than me, can you help me with info? I want to improve my Spanish to a business level, possibly by doing an MBA in Mexico.
I am interested in both your comments!!

hello, you know my answer, Egade in any of its locations (monterey, mexco city, guadalajara)
itam also has a very good mba program.
and here the evidence (ranking 2008, Egade the best business school: UNIVERSAL Business Schools
with major international influence):


hello, you know my answer, Egade in any of its locations (monterey, mexco city, guadalajara)
itam also has a very good mba program.
and here the evidence (ranking 2008, Egade the best business school: UNIVERSAL Business Schools
with major international influence):



I guessed that you'd say so - but also before reading you Egade was in my list, it seems to be a good school!

But at this stage I am also curious about scholarships, please, both of you, could you guide me a bit with this?
I have a good profile for achieving such funding I presume, because my results have been really good throughout my studies, and besides I can not study without financial help.

Andrea, you posted these amazing figures about scholarhips in Ipade - what are their criteria? And how much do they usually cover?

I guessed that you'd say so - but also before reading you Egade was in my list, it seems to be a good school!

But at this stage I am also curious about scholarships, please, both of you, could you guide me a bit with this?
I have a good profile for achieving such funding I presume, because my results have been really good throughout my studies, and besides I can not study without financial help.

Andrea, you posted these amazing figures about scholarhips in Ipade - what are their criteria? And how much do they usually cover?

you can check up this webpge... also you can request via mail this infomation in english!!/delta/base64xml/L0lJSk03dWlDU1EhIS9JRGpBQU15QUJFUkVSRUlnLzRGR2dkWW5LSjBGUm9YZmcvN19CXzExVQ!!?WCM_PORTLET=PC_7_B_11U_WCM&WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/EGADE/Inicio/Becas+y+Financiamientos/Becas+EGADE/


I guessed that you'd say so - but also before reading you Egade was in my list, it seems to be a good school!

But at this stage I am also curious about scholarships, please, both of you, could you guide me a bit with this?
I have a good profile for achieving such funding I presume, because my results have been really good throughout my studies, and besides I can not study without financial help.

Andrea, you posted these amazing figures about scholarhips in Ipade - what are their criteria? And how much do they usually cover?

you can check up this webpge... also you can request via mail this infomation in english!!/delta/base64xml/L0lJSk03dWlDU1EhIS9JRGpBQU15QUJFUkVSRUlnLzRGR2dkWW5LSjBGUm9YZmcvN19CXzExVQ!!?WCM_PORTLET=PC_7_B_11U_WCM&WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/EGADE/Inicio/Becas+y+Financiamientos/Becas+EGADE/


<blockquote>I guessed that you'd say so - but also before reading you Egade was in my list, it seems to be a good school!

But at this stage I am also curious about scholarships, please, both of you, could you guide me a bit with this?
I have a good profile for achieving such funding I presume, because my results have been really good throughout my studies, and besides I can not study without financial help.

Andrea, you posted these amazing figures about scholarhips in Ipade - what are their criteria? And how much do they usually cover? </blockquote>

Hi dsm, thanks! Apparently this page is in Spanish only?
I didn't realize that you the MBA was not in English, just came across the info that it is held in both English and Spanish. NOw I am a bit worried - my Spanish is not yet good enough for doing challenging studies in that language, can I do that MBA also in English only?

Besides I had a look at IPADE, but they seem to offer an EMBA only, and also it is in Spanish only. Nothing for me then anyways. EVen if I can get the best scholarship

Hi dsm, thanks! Apparently this page is in Spanish only?
I didn't realize that you the MBA was not in English, just came across the info that it is held in both English and Spanish. NOw I am a bit worried - my Spanish is not yet good enough for doing challenging studies in that language, can I do that MBA also in English only?

Besides I had a look at IPADE, but they seem to offer an EMBA only, and also it is in Spanish only. Nothing for me then anyways. EVen if I can get the best scholarship

take a look again....

this mba is in english at egade, (only english)
and if you can afford to pay 50,000 USD on tuition you can do Egade premuim EMBA:

bouth programs are in english only!!
ipade do not has any program in english... they only in spanish

Hi dsm, thanks! Apparently this page is in Spanish only?
I didn't realize that you the MBA was not in English, just came across the info that it is held in both English and Spanish. NOw I am a bit worried - my Spanish is not yet good enough for doing challenging studies in that language, can I do that MBA also in English only?

Besides I had a look at IPADE, but they seem to offer an EMBA only, and also it is in Spanish only. Nothing for me then anyways. EVen if I can get the best scholarship

take a look again....

this mba is in english at egade, (only english)
and if you can afford to pay 50,000 USD on tuition you can do Egade premuim EMBA:

bouth programs are in english only!!
ipade do not has any program in english... they only in spanish

<blockquote>Hi dsm, thanks! Apparently this page is in Spanish only?
I didn't realize that you the MBA was not in English, just came across the info that it is held in both English and Spanish. NOw I am a bit worried - my Spanish is not yet good enough for doing challenging studies in that language, can I do that MBA also in English only?

Besides I had a look at IPADE, but they seem to offer an EMBA only, and also it is in Spanish only. Nothing for me then anyways. EVen if I can get the best scholarship </blockquote>

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